Christina Vasilevski

Headshot of Christina Vasilevski

Christina Vasilevski joined Editors Canada in 2009, while a student of Ryerson University’s publishing program. In the years following she worked on a freelance basis before joining the digital team at Rogers Communications as an in-house editor. There, she works closely with project managers, web designers, translators, copy writers, and (of course) other editors to develop the company’s website and related apps.

Christina joined the student relations committee in 2015 and has since helped lead the student affiliate sessions at the last two conferences. Recalling the lively, in-depth discussions, Christina is ecstatic to have found such a meaningful way to give back. “I’m really happy to have the chance to contribute to the organization’s well-being on a fundamental level,” she says, adding Editors Canada has been instrumental in “developing [her] craft and building connections,” especially as a student.

With her fellow committee members, Christina works to help students interested in editing as a profession get involved with Editors Canada. She admits this hasn’t been easy, as most editing programs are offered after students have already left university, so traditional advertising falls short. They are now experimenting with social media for attracting more student members.

Christina also finds time to indulge her love of speculative fiction as a slush reader for Lightspeed magazine. This she combines with her deep love of tea at Books & Tea, where she invites you to join her.

The featured volunteer recognizes the contributions of our dedicated people who keep Editors Canada going. Volunteers are the backbone of the association, and we are grateful for the many members and affiliates who answer the call when help is needed.

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