One-year option
Student transitional fees (going from a student affiliate to a member)
- $100 for the first year after leaving their educational program (must have been a student affiliate in immediately preceding year–no gaps)
- $200 for the second year after leaving their educational program (only available to first-year student transitional members, as above)
- Full fee for membership in third year after leaving their educational program
Emeritus membership
Student affiliation
Purchase a profile in the Online Directory of Editors (ODE) for one year (optional)
Two-year option (5% membership discount)
Purchase a profile in the Online Directory of Editors (ODE) for two years (optional)
Fee relief and reduction
Editors Canada may provide relief to members who encounter extraordinary hardship, or to potential new members based on financial hardship resulting from disability, chronic illness or marginalization. Student affiliates are not eligible.
You can find detailed information about eligibility and conditions by downloading the Membership Fee Relief and Reduction Policy and Guidelines from our Bylaw, policies and procedures page.
To request fee relief or reduction, please email the executive director. Requests will be reviewed by the national executive council on a case-by-case basis. Editors Canada is not obligated to extend fee relief or reduction.
Payments may be made by VISA, MasterCard or cheque and must be made in Canadian funds. All payments must be made out to Editors’ Association of Canada.
Certain restrictions apply. Please read our membership information about these restrictions.
All fees are subject to the federal and provincial/territorial sales tax of your province or territory.
*This schedule went into effect on August 22, 2014, the date of continuance assigned by Corporations Canada to Editors Canada under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act of 2014.
Fees are non-refundable. Editors Canada services are not transferable.
Membership comparison
An Editors Canada membership offers benefits that parallel or surpass those offered by comparable organizations. Use the table below to see how the services, discounts and opportunities that accompany an Editors Canada membership compare to what is offered by other organizations.