Local branches and twigs

Every member of Editors Canada is also a member of one of our local groups. These are regional branches and twigs across the country, each offering a variety of local programs to members, student affiliates and non-members.

Editors Atlantic

Email: atlantic@editors.ca

Editors Barrie

Email: barrie@editors.ca

Editors Calgary

Email: calgary@editors.ca

Editors British Columbia

PO Box 45655
Surrey, BC V4A 9N3

Email: bc@editors.ca

Editors Edmonton

Email: edmonton@editors.ca

Editors Hamilton-Halton

Email: hamilton-halton@editors.ca

Editors Kingston

Email: kingston@editors.ca

Editors Kitchener-Waterloo-Guelph

Email: kwg@editors.ca

Editors Manitoba

Email: manitoba.twig@editors.ca

Editors Ottawa–Gatineau

Email: ottawa-gatineau@editors.ca

Editors Québec

Editors: quebec@reviseurs.ca

Editors Toronto

Email: toronto@editors.ca

Requirements of a twig

  • Twigs must have at least five members.
  • Each twig must elect two coordinators.
  • Twigs must call a minimum of four membership meetings a year, one of which must be an annual general meeting.

Benefits of becoming a twig

  • You can create local networking opportunities and have a chance to collaborate with editors in your community.
  • The national association will provide funding for local initiatives and events.
  • The national association will provide administrative support, such as communications, banking and bookkeeping, a webpage and event calendar on the national website, and more.

Becoming a twig: Planting the seed

If becoming a twig sounds like a good idea to you and other Editors Canada members in your community, here are some general questions to consider:

  • Do you live outside of an Editors Canada branch city?
  • Have you spoken with your branch executive about networking with other branch members who live in your area?
  • Have you already been meeting with Editors Canada members and other editors who live in your area?
  • How would becoming a twig benefit you and other Editors Canada members living nearby?

Editors Canada support: Who to contact and when

If you are interested in starting a twig in your area, the following people could provide advice or support:

Your local branch executive:

  • Your branch executive can help you get in touch with other members in your area, which is a great way to begin.
  • As experienced members and volunteers within Editors Canada, your branch executive can be a source of information and support as your group develops.

Director of branches and twigs:

  • Your director can provide guidance relating to
    • the process of becoming a twig,
    • the benefits of operating a twig,
    • communication and cooperation between twigs and branches, and
    • access to forms and information.
  • Like the members of your branch executive, your director is also an experienced member and volunteer.
  • When you are ready to become an official twig, the director can help you assemble the information required and shepherd you through the process.

Regional administrator:

  • The regional administrator works at Editors Canada’s national office and can help you with the administrative side of twig operation:
    • creating and updating your webpage and events calendar
    • creating and managing your twig email list
    • bookkeeping
    • completing expense reimbursement requests, etc.

Operating a twig: Becoming official

No two twigs are alike. Some groups emerge and become quite well established before they ever seek to become “official” twigs; others are started by a handful of members with the clear objective of forming a twig.

Regardless of how a twig gets started, the national executive must assess the viability of a twig before they can formally be approved. To ensure a thorough review of potential membership, sustainability, impact on adjacent branches, and other related issues, Editors Canada requires twigs to complete a Twig Application Form. The branch chair, director, and branch services coordinator can help you gather the information you need to complete the application form. The director will coordinate with the branch services coordinator and the chairs of the adjacent branches to finalize the application and submit it to the national executive council for approval.

An important first step in becoming a twig is choosing your coordinators. Twigs are required to have two coordinators to manage their activities. These coordinators serve overlapping two-year terms, allowing for continuity and sustainability within the twig. Traditionally, branch and twig activities involve networking, communication, professional development, outreach and public relations, however, groups are free to organize themselves and their activities in whatever way suits their members, so long as those activities are consistent with the aims and objectives of the association.

Operating a twig: Budget management

Upon official recognition, twigs are allocated $500 in start-up funds. These funds are put into the twig’s “virtual bank account” and are managed by the national office. Because of this national financial management, twigs are not required to have treasurers. When twig members pay their annual membership fee, a portion of those fees will be transferred to the twig’s virtual bank account. These transfers occur on the month the fees are received by the national office.

For small expenses, such as refreshments for meetings, photocopies, etc., a twig member might be asked to pay out of pocket and then submit an expense claim. When a twig member sends an Expense Reimbursement Request Form to the national office, along with the original receipt, they will be reimbursed from the twig’s virtual bank account. Larger expenses, such as meeting venues, are usually handled directly by the branch services coordinator.

Twigs will have access to the national office’s online registration system for events. Should a twig wish to accept cash or cheques on site, they must coordinate with the branch services coordinator to ensure they are in compliance with Editors Canada policy and tax requirements.

Communications and cooperation: Keep in touch!

Even after your twig has become independent, you are encouraged to maintain connections with your affiliated branch and to work together at the regional level. In fact, members who switch their affiliation from a branch to a twig will still have the option of receiving broadcasts and emails from the branch. Keeping the lines of communication open ensures all members and members-to-be are kept informed of news and opportunities.

Twig coordinators will have the option of using @editors.ca as a forwarding address for conducting Editors Canada-related business. Twigs can also set up web pages and email lists.

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