Members of the executive council serve as trustees for the general membership. Collectively, they direct Editors Canada activities and decide how to spend its money. They are all members of the association.
Executive council 2024–25
Kaitlin Littlechild
Editors Atlantic
I am both a freelance editor and writer and work as a communications and marketing specialist for an environmental consulting firm. I frequently edit works written by Indigenous authors and works written about Indigenous Peoples. I commonly edit (and occasionally write) in the areas of business communication, health, public health, biology, environmental issues and marketing pieces of all types.
When (if) I have spare time, I can be found outside enjoying all that New Brunswick has to offer—beautiful beaches, waterfall hikes, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, camping. There is always something to explore with my kids and dogs
Alex Benarzi (he/him)
Editors Calgary
I began my official editing career in 2020, connecting with clients as I obtained my certification in editing through SFU. Most of my freelance work has been in fiction and academic writing. Beyond this, I am passionate about accessibility in language and in practice. As a fiction writer as well as an editor, I believe in bridging atypical and accessible writing. I believe that, in tandem, writers and editors have the power to see the world differently and communicate it clearly. I am also passionate about community: connecting with writers and editors in an increasingly isolated industry.
Past president
Maria Frank
Editors Edmonton

I have worked as an editor since 2008. I have been both a freelance editor and an in-house editor, editing government documents, K–12 study materials, fiction and non-fiction manuscripts, and corporate communications. I currently work for Athabasca University and edit primarily content for undergraduate- and graduate-level business courses.
I am an editor because I am passionate about language and the power of the word. I am particularly interested in the application of language to reflect cultural values and effect positive social change.
Outside of editing, I am passionate about powerlifting, photography and learning new languages.
Tara Avery (she/her)
Editors British Columbia
Technically, my editorial career began in grade five, when I decided my school needed a magazine and that I was just the gal to start it. I’ve worked in a professional capacity since 2003. I’m a Professional Member of the CIEP, CAA and AIPP. Though my experience is wide-ranging, I work predominantly with fiction, creative non-fiction and dramatic texts as a coach and developmental/line/copy editor. I’m interested in serving on the NEC to give back to Editors Canada and its members, who have welcomed me so warmly.
Heather Buzila
Editors Edmonton

I began my editing career in 2007 and am a certified copy editor and stylistic editor with Editors Canada. I currently work at Athabasca University in Edmonton, where I edit materials for online courses in humanities and social sciences. I’ve also edited fiction and nonfiction book manuscripts, professional development modules for the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta, and website materials for diverse organizations.
Director of branches and twigs
Ellen Keeble
Editors Toronto
I have been working as an editor/writer for more than 14 years. I hold a bachelor of journalism from Carleton University, a publishing certificate from Ryerson University and Editors Canada Structural Editing certification. I love this industry because I’m constantly learning. I provide editorial services for a variety of corporate clients, both in-house and on a freelance basis. In 2021, I received the President’s Award for Volunteer Service for my contributions as a designer.
Director of marketing and communications
Mina Holië
Editors Calgary
I am a versatile professional with backgrounds in business, accounting, auditing, and forensic accounting. As a recent graduate with a master’s in information security management, I furthered my expertise by obtaining a Technical Writer Graduate Certificate from Algonquin College. Currently, as an information security analyst at an organization specializing in cybersecurity education and advisory services, I provide guidance and education on cyber risk management where I also serve as a technical writer crafting newsletters about latest threats. I previously served as secretary of Editors Canada’s national executive council and am eager to contribute more to the community of professional editors.
Director of member recruitment and retention
Suzanne Aubin
Editors Quebec
I have been editing and translating for 20 years. I was an active member of the association until family life took priority and am now happy to have time again to dedicate to our profession, to our association. I plan on helping to find ways to improve membership retention and recruitment, in both official languages.
Director of professional standards
Arija Berzitis (she/her)
Editors Toronto

I am a former associate editor and typesetter and currently proofreader in financial documents. I have a degree in English Language and Literature and am a native speaker of English (my parents emigrated from Latvia to England and then Canada following the Second World War). My schooling from kindergarten took place in Canada and although I finished my Hon. B.A. many years ago, I am currently working on the Publishing Certificate at Ryerson. I have had freelance copy editing experience in journals for about 10–15 years now. I was recently a technical editor for the Canadian journal TESL Canada from the University of Western Ontario. This involved editing references and their citations. However, I have also copy edited scientific and highly technical journals from the United States as well, including in such fields as humanities, social sciences, philosophy, futures, management, ultrasound, and medical and education. A current project includes copy editing a memoire written by a first-time writer, something I’m not used to but enjoying very much for the complete about-face from my usual activities.
Director of publications
Elizabeth Horner
Editors Québec
Profile to come
Director of training and development
Błażej Szpakowicz
Editors British Columbia
A former academic with a PhD in history, I’ve worked as an editor for four years, specializing in academic and fiction editing. As a member of the Editors British Columbia, I’ve participated in Vancouver-based branch meetings and seminars. I’ve also served on the Editors Canada training and development committee since 2017, helping run the successful ongoing webinar program. If elected, I shall help guide the further development of this program and ensure it offers a wide range of ongoing professional development, in both French and English, to all Editors Canada members across Canada, regardless of location, background or expertise.
Director of volunteer relations
Position vacant