Editors Canada is a long-standing member of the Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC). Our membership includes free affiliate membership status for all Editors Canada members (on demand) or individual membership status at a reduced price.
As a member of Editors Canada, you have the opportunity to become a CHRC member for free (as an affiliate member) and to get the following benefits:
- 25% discount on CHRC products, new releases and job postings on Cultureworks.ca
- Subscription to CHRC’s newsletter.
Those who want to join as an affiliate member can register directly online at http://www.culturalhrc.ca/membership or by contacting CHRC’s membership coordinator at membership@culturalhrc.ca.
CHRC Benefits to Affiliate Members
- 25% discount on new releases
- 25% discount on printed material
- e-Newsletter
- Voting privilege
CHRC Electronic Documents for Affiliate Members
- Careers in Culture (6 booklets, including Careers in Writing and Publishing)
- Competency Charts and Profiles
- Training Gaps Analyses
- The Art of Managing Your Career (chapters include The A to Z of Project Management, The Art of Self-Promotion, Money—Keeping Track)
Sign up for free and explore these career-changing tools.