National Job Board

The Editors Canada national job board carries notices of full-time, part-time and freelance opportunities to members across the country.

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EDITORS CANADA MEMBERS PLEASE NOTE: Job notices are sent to Editors Canada by external clients and employers. Editors Canada does not vet the organizations or individuals who submit notices for the job board, nor does the association endorse this information.

It is the interested member’s responsibility to investigate this information further.

  • Editors Canada members considering these jobs should evaluate each posting thoroughly and obtain a written contract before commencing any work.
  • The Editors Canada Agreement Template for Editing Services is available for download.

If you experience any of the following suspicious practices, email the secretary so that the national executive council can advise on whether the post should be removed:

  • sending single chapters or sections to multiple editors to sample edit
  • asking for excessively large sample edits
  • asking the editor to pay a fee to be considered for the job
  • refusing to sign a contract
  • asking for payment considerations other than money, such as a share of future sales or profits
  • asking for unusual payment methods

Editor–Writer (Published July 17)

French follows

The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) changes lives by bringing people and knowledge together to reduce the harms of alcohol and other drugs on society. We partner with public, private and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to improve the health and safety of people living in Canada. An NGO with a national focus, CCSA envisions a healthier Canadian society where evidence transforms approaches to substance use.

CCSA acknowledges that First Nations, Métis and Inuit people are the holders of Traditional Indigenous Knowledge. We respect the power of the Indigenous ways of knowing and of Traditional Indigenous Knowledge and commit to learning about and incorporating this knowledge into our work with proper guidance.

Reporting to the Director, Public Relations and Community Engagement, and supporting the Editor-in Chief, the Editor–Writer is responsible for the accuracy, style and presentation of written materials created by CCSA and ensures that documents and reports are coherent and consistent with CCSA’s goals and standards. The Editor-Writer also supports the strategic communications function with copywriting for public affairs deliverables. Working with the Production Coordinator and using project management software, the Editor–Writer will help ensure a smooth workflow through the production process.

Responsibilities and Accountabilities

  • Complete stylistic editing, copy editing and proofreading for all organizational materials, including publications, PowerPoint presentations, Excel spreadsheets, promotional materials and web pages
  • Assess the target audience with the author, project lead or both to determine the appropriate level of editing needed
  • Recommend appropriate terminology in all written documents during stylistic and copy editing, including recommending improvements based on plain language principles
  • Ensure terminology is sensitive to issues of stigma, sex and gender, race, etc., and that writing is inclusive as outlined in CCSA’s Style Guidelines
  • Resolve any issues of clarity or meaning in documents with project leads and translator
  • Ensure coherence, consistency and standardization of CCSA’s corporate identity and branding for all written communications during proofreading and document formatting
  • Work with the Editor-in-Chief to maintain and promote the use of the CCSA’s Style Guidelines and Publishing Guidelines
  • Collaborate with members of communications and other divisions to determine the appropriate content and requirements for CCSA written communications and the design, scope and timelines
  • Assist in writing CCSA communications products for broad audiences, including annual reports, web materials, policy documents, updates to partners, and news releases
  • Work with the Production Coordinator to process production requests for editing, translation and graphic design
  • Monitor production schedules using project management software
  • Participate in ongoing planning to ensure early identification of product requirements and impacts on resources
  • Provide support to CCSA staff on the use of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint templates and the application and use of CCSA images and logos
  • This position profile is designed to provide an overview of the main responsibilities for the role. Other responsibilities not identified in this position profile may be assigned based on the person’s experience and operational requirements.


  • Postsecondary education in journalism, communication, English or equivalent
  • Minimum of five years’ years of experience editing research, corporate reports or both
  • Knowledge of stylistic editing, copy editing, proofreading and plain language
  • Experience working with subject-matter experts and applying plain-language principles to improve the readability of scientific and academic reports
  • Experience working with The Canadian Press Stylebook, The Canadian Press Caps and Spellings, Canadian Oxford Dictionary, Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association and other standard writing and presentation guidelines
  • Demonstrated ability to produce clear English text
  • Advanced skills in Microsoft Word, proficient with Excel and PowerPoint, and familiarity with other Microsoft 365 products
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills, ability to provide explanations clearly and tactfully
  • Ability to communicate with other divisions to anticipate and manage workflow
  • Ability to work independently and co-operatively with a high degree of initiative, responsibility and efficiency
  • Ability to manage multiple complex priorities simultaneously, set priorities, and identify and address issues while meeting deadlines in a high-intensity environment
  • Demonstrated negotiation and problem-solving skills


  • Experience working in or with governmental, non-governmental or international organizations
  • Bilingual in English and French
  • Ability to understand, express and apply complex concepts in the substance use and addiction field
  • Familiarity with the digital publishing process from manuscript submission through to publication
  • Membership in Editors Canada or another editing association
  • Knowledge of Professional Editorial Standards
  • Plain language training
  • CCSA is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our work. As an organization, we are committed to ensuring that First Nations, Métis and Inuit people and all equity-deserving groups are fully represented, including women, people of colour, people with disabilities and people who are 2SLGBTQ+.

CCSA is dedicated to learning from and supporting people with lived or living experience of substance use and health. We encourage people with lived or living experience of substance use to apply to join the CCSA team.

CCSA promotes the rights of all people with disabilities as outlined in the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, and its related Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation. CCSA will make appropriate accommodations on request. Please inform CCSA in advance of a request for accommodation during the recruitment process by email.

If you are interested in this position, please submit a cover letter and resumé. Located in Ottawa, CCSA works within a flex-hybrid model. The successful candidate must be willing to be onsite to attend in-person activities as required. We thank all applicants. Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

No agencies please.

How to apply: Visit this link.

Application deadline: Open until filled.


Rédacteur-Réviseur (Publié le 17 juillet)

Le Centre canadien sur les dépendances et l’usage de substances (CCDUS) transforme des vies en mobilisant les gens et les connaissances afin de réduire les méfaits de l’alcool et d’autres substances sur la société. En partenariat avec des organismes publics et privés et des organisations non gouvernementales (ONG), il travaille à améliorer la santé et la sécurité des personnes vivant au Canada. Le CCDUS est une ONG d’envergure nationale dont la vision parle d’une société canadienne en santé dans laquelle les données probantes transforment les approches concernant la consommation de substances.

Le CCDUS reconnaît que les Premières Nations, les Métis et les Inuits sont les détenteurs du savoir traditionnel autochtone. Il respecte le pouvoir des modes de connaissance autochtones et du savoir traditionnel autochtone et s’engage à apprendre de ce savoir et à l’intégrer dans son travail, avec l’encadrement adéquat. 

Relevant du directeur, Relations publiques et engagement communautaire, et appuyant le rédacteur-en-chef, le ou la titulaire est responsable de l’exactitude, du style et de la présentation du matériel écrit créé par le CCDUS et doit veiller à ce que les documents et rapports soient cohérents avec les buts et normes du CCDUS. Il ou elle soutient aussi la fonction de communication stratégique en rédigeant des documents d’affaires publiques. Le ou la titulaire assure, en collaboration avec le coordonnateur de la production, et avec un logiciel de gestion de projets, le bon déroulement du processus de production.

Responsabilités et obligations de rendre compte

  • Effectuer la révision stylistique, la révision de textes et la correction d’épreuves de tous les documents de l’organisation (publications, présentations PowerPoint, feuilles de calcul Excel, matériel promotionnel, texte Web, etc.)
  • Identifier le public cible avec l’auteur, le chef de projet ou les deux pour déterminer le niveau de révision nécessaire
  • Recommander une terminologie appropriée dans tous les documents écrits lors de la révision stylistique et rédactionnelle, y compris recommander des améliorations fondées sur les principes de la rédaction en langage simple
  • S’assurer que la terminologie est sensible aux questions de stigmatisation, de sexe et de genre, de race, etc. et qu’est est incluse, tel que décrit dans le guide de rédaction du CCDUS
  • Résoudre tout problème de clarté ou de sens dans les documents avec les chefs de projet et le traducteur
  • Assurer la cohérence, l’uniformité et la normalisation de l’identité et de l’image de marque du CCDUS dans toutes les communications écrites lors de la relecture et de la mise en forme des documents
  • En collaboration avec le rédacteur en chef, maintenir et promouvoir l’utilisation des lignes directrices du CCDUS sur le style et l’édition
  • Collaborer avec les membres de la division Communications et d’autres divisions pour déterminer le contenu et les exigences pour les communications écrites du CCDUS, ainsi que la conception, la portée et les échéanciers
  • Aider à la rédaction de produits de communication du CCDUS pour divers auditoires, y compris des rapports annuels, du contenu Web, des documents d’orientation, des courriels d’information aux partenaires et des communiqués de presse
  • En collaboration avec le coordonnateur de la production, traiter les demandes de production pour des services de révision, de traduction et de graphisme
  • Se servir d’un logiciel de gestion de projets pour savoir où en sont les demandes de production 
  • S’assurer, par une planification continue, de cerner précocement les exigences relatives aux produits et les répercussions sur les ressources
  • Aider les employés du CCDUS à se servir des gabarits (Microsoft Word et PowerPoint) et des images et logos du CCDUS

Cette description donne une vue d’ensemble des grandes responsabilités du poste. D’autres responsabilités pourraient être attribuées au titulaire en fonction de son expérience et des obligations opérationnelles.


  • Formation postsecondaire en journalisme, en communication, en anglais ou l’équivalent
  • Au moins cinq ans d’expérience dans la révision d’études, de rapports ou les deux
  • Connaissance de la révision stylistique, de la révision de textes, de la correction d’épreuves et du langage simple
  • Expérience de la collaboration avec des experts et de la reformulation en langage simple pour améliorer la lisibilité de rapports scientifiques et techniques
  • Expérience de travail avec le Guide de rédaction de La Presse Canadienne, le Canadian Press Caps and Spellings, le Canadian Oxford Dictionary, le guide de publication de l’American Psychological Association et d’autres guides de rédaction et de présentation d’usage courant
  • Capacité démontrée à produire des textes anglais clairs 
  • Compétences avancées avec Microsoft Word, maîtrise d’Excel et PowerPoint, et familiarité avec les autres produits Microsoft 365
  • Solides aptitudes en communication orale et écrite, et capacité à expliquer ses révisions avec clarté et tact
  • Capacité à communiquer avec les autres divisions pour anticiper et gérer la charge de travail
  • Capacité à travailler seul et en équipe, tout en démontrant un niveau élevé d’initiative, de responsabilité et d’efficacité
  • Capacité à gérer simultanément de nombreuses priorités complexes, à établir les priorités et à cerner et régler les problèmes, tout en respectant les échéances, dans un environnement où l’intensité est grande
  • Compétences démontrées en négociation et en résolution de problèmes


  • Expérience de travail dans ou avec des organisations gouvernementales, non gouvernementales ou internationales
  • Bilingue (français et anglais)
  • Capacité à comprendre, à présenter et à utiliser des concepts complexes du domaine des dépendances et de l’usage de substances
  • Familiarité avec le processus d’édition numérique, de la soumission de manuscrits jusqu’à leur publication 
  • Membre de Réviseurs Canada ou d’une autre association de réviseurs
  • Connaissance des normes professionnelles de révision
  • Formation sur le langage simple

Le CCDUS souscrit aux principes d’équité, de diversité et d’inclusion dans toutes les sphères de son travail. En tant qu’organisme, il s’engage à faire en sorte que les peuples métis, inuits et des Premières Nations et les groupes en quête d’équité (femmes, personnes de couleur, personnes en situation de handicap, membres de la communauté 2SLGBTQ+, etc.) soient pleinement représentés.

Le CCDUS apporte son soutien aux personnes qui vivent ou ont vécu l’usage de substances et la santé et tire des enseignements de cet échange. Il invite ces personnes à poser leur candidature pour se joindre à son équipe.

Le CCDUS défend les droits des personnes en situation de handicap invoqués dans le Code des droits de la personne de l’Ontario, la Loi sur l’accessibilité pour les personnes handicapées de l’Ontario (2005) et le règlement connexe sur les normes d’accessibilité intégrées. Le CCDUS prendra, sur demande, les mesures d’adaptation nécessaires. 

Les personnes intéressées doivent nous faire parvenir leur CV et lettre de présentation. Situé à Ottawa, le CCDUS adopte un modèle de travail hybride flexible. Le candidat retenu doit être prêt à se rendre au bureau pour assister à des activités en présentiel, au besoin. Nous remercions tous ceux et celles qui poseront leur candidature, mais nous ne communiquerons qu’avec les personnes retenues pour passer en entrevue.

Agences s’abstenir. 

Comment postuler : Visiter ce lien.

Date limite : Ouvert jusqu’à ce qu’il soit rempli.

Freelance Copy Editor (Published July 11)

Ivey Publishing is the leader in providing business cases with a global perspective. With a collection of over 8,000 products, Ivey Publishing adds more than 350 new products and corresponding teaching notes annually. Clear, concise, and current, Ivey products are lauded by the academic community for meeting the rigorous demands of management education and responding to the evolving needs of business and society.

A business case describes a real situation—typically one involving a decision, a challenge, an opportunity, a problem, or an issue—faced by an individual or group within an organization. In management education, cases allow students to figuratively step into the shoes of actual leaders and decision-makers.


Ivey Publishing strives to produce business cases of the highest quality. Freelance copy editors edit business case studies and related products, including notes, exercises, teaching notes, and supplemental materials (e.g., spreadsheets, presentations), to ensure correctness, consistency, clarity, accuracy, and completeness.


  • Assess the quality of the material and determine the most appropriate editorial intervention.
  • Shape material to improve its organization and content, clarify meaning, ensure coherence and flow, and refine the language.
  • Edit according to established editing conventions and style, as well as organizational editorial practices and standards.
  • Correct errors and inconsistencies in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and usage.
  • Ensure spelling conforms to the Canadian Oxford Dictionary, 2nd edition (or Oxford English Dictionary, as appropriate).
  • Revise citations according to The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition.
  • Verify proper names (people and companies), historical details, calculations, quotations, URLs, and similar details.
  • Recommend changes or clarifications for issues of questionable accuracy, inadequate research, or unclear meaning.
  • Identify and address potential legal issues (e.g., copyright infringement, plagiarism, libel).
  • Identify and remove or flag potentially biased, non-inclusive, and offensive material (e.g., racist, sexist, culturally stereotyped content).
  • Communicate edits and revisions clearly using the Track Changes feature and Comment tool in Microsoft Word.
  • Manage files and documents methodically.


  • A university degree in a related field (e.g., English, communications, journalism). A graduate degree is strongly preferred.
  • At least five years of professional editing experience is strongly preferred.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills.
  • A firm grasp of English grammar, spelling, and language rules.
  • Strong ability to adhere to procedures.
  • Extensive experience applying editorial house styles.
  • In-depth knowledge of The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition.
  • A keen and careful editorial eye that can spot minor inconsistencies.
  • Ability to prioritize work autonomously and meet deadlines.
  • Knowledge of copyright law.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
  • Experience with educational materials in business, finance, or accounting is an asset.
  • A certificate or coursework in editing or publishing is an asset.
  • Membership in Editors Canada or other professional associations is an asset.

Location: Remote.

This is a contract position paid per hour on an as-needed basis.

How to apply: Qualified candidates should forward their résumé and cover letter in confidence to

Please reference “Freelance Copy Editor (Editors Canada)” in the subject line.

Application deadline: On or before July 19, 2024

Thesis Editor (Published July 4)

I am looking for professional editing service for my thesis. Kindly advise.

I have approximately 70,000 words.

How to apply: I can be reached at

Application deadline: August 2, 2024

Assistant Editor, Editorial and Production (Published July 2)

At UBC, we believe that attracting and sustaining a diverse workforce is key to the successful pursuit of excellence in research, innovation, and learning for all faculty, staff and students. Our commitment to employment equity helps achieve inclusion and fairness, brings rich diversity to UBC as a workplace, and creates the necessary conditions for a rewarding career.

About UBC Press

The University of British Columbia Press, better known by its imprint UBC Press, is the largest scholarly press in western Canada. Since its establishment in 1971, it has published over a thousand titles. The Press now publishes sixty new books per year and is widely considered to be Canada’s social sciences publisher of choice.

Job Summary

The Assistant Editor provides support for both the Editorial and Production Departments, performing tasks related to manuscript workflows from the former to the latter.

How to apply: For more information on this position, please visit

Application deadline: July 11, 2024

Structural Editor (Published July 2)

I’m looking to hire an editor for the structural editing stage of my personal memoir

More editing will be required as writing progresses

Memoir is currently 22,000 words

How to apply: I can be reached at

Application deadline: August 2, 2024

Editor-in-Chief (Published July 2)

The Canadian Association of Music Therapists (CAMT) seeks applicants for the position of editor-in-chief for the Association’s annual journal, the Canadian Journal of Music Therapy (CJMT). CAMT will consider applications from two applicants planning to share the duties of the position in a co-editor arrangement. The successful applicant(s) will assume responsibility for the publication of the journal as soon as possible. This is a two-year, part-time contract position with an annual $2,500 (CAN) honorarium.

Journal Description
CJMT, the official journal of the CAMT, is an annual open access (OAS) publication. Peer- reviewed, it provides a written medium for the dissemination of music therapy scholarship, especially that of Canadian researchers followed by non-Canadian music therapists and members of allied disciplines. More details about CJMT are available at

The editor-in-chief leads the team responsible for publishing the CJMT. The editor-in-chief also functions as the English content editor. The other members of the team include the French content editor, associate editor, English and French copy editors, editorial board reviewers, graphic designer, and printer.

Required qualifications and major responsibilities include:

  • Publishing and editorial experience.
  • Strong organizational and time management skills.
  • A desire to support and advance Canadian music therapy scholarship.
  • A knowledge of French is an asset but is not required.
  • Reviewing the annual call for submissions
  • Overseeing the peer review process (e.g., identifying appropriate reviewers for English publications, conveying reviewers’ comments to author(s), facilitating revisions).
  • Working with the copy editor to edit and prepare all materials accepted for publication.
  • Consulting with the CAMT Manager of Operations to ensure a suitable translation timeline for Journal items.
  • Working with the French content editor to oversee French-language submissions.
  • Collaborating with the graphic designer in organizing and formatting the Journal.
  • Overseeing the editorial team to ensure that content meets international standards of excellence.
  • Ensuring that the journal is prepared for print and distribution in a timely manner.
  • Expanding the reach of the current open access (OA) distribution model and supporting the expansion of the journal’s presence on an international scale.
  • Updating the CJMT content on CAMT’s website.

How to apply: If you are interested, please email the below materials to Robert Rothon, CAMT Executive Director, at

Application deadline: July 19, 2024

  1. Cover letter. This letter should highlight background germane to the position and include a brief statement that outlines your vision and possible goals or directions for the Journal.
  2. Curriculum vitae. It should include a list of your publications and editorial experience.
  3. Statement of support. The workload associated with this contract is significant. Therefore, potential candidates should consider and assess the level of support they will require. CAMT can provide basic office resources; this may include office supplies and postage. Candidates with potential access to institutional support from their employer such as a university (e.g., release time, office support, recognition for service in performance reviews) should discuss these issues with their employer before applying. An institutionally unaffiliated applicant should include a statement regarding how it will be feasible for them to be successful in this position.
  4. Two references who can speak to your suitability for this contract.

Freelance Academic Editors (Published June 26)

Wordvice is looking for freelance academic editors with backgrounds in engineering, computer science, mathematics, physical science, business, social science, and humanities. (Backgrounds may be academic or professional.)

Location: Remote

Rate: Price per word

How to apply: Learn more at this link.

Application deadline: July 26, 2024

Science Editors Needed! – Research Journals (Remote)

Remote Copyeditors Needed – MPS North America LLC continues ongoing recruitment of experienced copyeditors with scientific backgrounds (at least a bachelor of science degree in a scientific discipline). Our current need is for Physical Sciences copyeditors, though editors from all scientific backgrounds are welcome to apply. MPS is an international leader in editorial and publishing services, managing a talented group of freelancers copyediting peer-reviewed journal articles to style for major STEM journal publishers. NOTE: Prior copyediting experience is REQUIRED to apply for this position. This is a remote freelance position.

Essential Qualifications

  • BS degree or higher in scientific disciplines such as Geology, Physics, Chemistry, Ecology, Botany, Agronomy, Soil Science, Biology, Medicine, and any other natural/physical science
  • Prior research journal copyediting experience
  • Fluent English speakers with exceptional grasp of style, grammar, and language skills
  • Computer literate
  • Superb attention to detail

Desirable Qualifications

  • Additional copyediting experience / qualifications
  • Experience editing in web-based editing platforms
  • Postgraduate scientific qualifications

How to Apply: Candidates must complete and pass a challenging copyediting test. Successful applicants will receive subsequent software and style training. Please email your resume/CV to, and include your specific fields of scientific experience/expertise, and how you heard about this position.

Remote Book Editor 

Who we are:

Reedsy is a community of over 1,000,000 authors and freelance publishing professionals, creating high-quality and beautiful books. We help authors to find and work with the top professionals in the industry: from editors to designers, marketers, and translators. 
What we’re looking for:

This is a freelance opportunity.
We are seeking talented editors to join our fast-growing community of the industry’s top publishing professionals. Reedsy’s vetted group of freelancers have worked on a range of widely acclaimed novels such as The Hunger Games, Originals (Adam grant), and His Dark Materials (Phillip Pullman) series. There are hundreds of authors currently looking for an editor on Reedsy. Reedsy allows you to pick which genres you’d like to edit so you only receive projects in your area of interest. Once your application has been approved, you will be among the industry’s top 1% of talent.

The minimum requirements we look for are as followed:

  • have 3+ years of editing experience
  • experience working with traditional publishers
  • demonstrate experience on at least 5 published books that are well-reviewed (and available on Amazon or Google Books)

How to apply:

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