Hire an editor

Do you need freelance or salaried editorial assistance? Find and hire the right editor for your project.

What can a professional editor do for you?

Let’s say that you’ve written something, whether a technical manual, non-fiction book, status report, journal article, novel, advertorial or blog post. What should you do next?

Read What can a professional editor do for you? and find out why you have everything to gain by working with a professional editor.

Ready to hire an editor?

Post a job vacancy on our job board.

Post your job vacancy to our members’ area of our website. 1,300 Editors Canada members from coast to coast to coast will be able to access your post. This is an efficient and free way to promote your opportunity to both in-house and freelance editors.

Want to search for an editor?

Search our Online Directory of Editors.

You’ll find detailed descriptions of specialities from over 400 editors across the country. Search by name, location, editorial specialty, and more. This is a flexible tool for identifying editors with specific skills and knowledge.

Once you have shortlisted your candidates, contact the editors directly. For a freelance project, you’ll probably want to discuss the details of the project, check the editor’s availability and request an estimate. An editor will often ask you to send a representative sample of the material so that he or she can prepare a realistic estimate.

Want to find a local editor?

Send your job description to a branch or twig hotline.

The hotlines are job announcement services made available by Editors Canada branches and twigs. They put local clients in touch with editors looking for work.

Editors Canada Professional Certification

Editors Canada Professional Certification sets objective standards for recognizing high levels of knowledge and skill. It’s the gold standard of editing. Someone holding an Editors Canada certification is capable of working independently and supervising other editors.

The Government of Ontario, the Government of Nova Scotia, several national non-governmental organizations and the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada are just some of the organizations that recognize the value of Editors Canada certification when they hire editors. 

You’ll find a list of certified editors in the Roster of Certified Editors.

Need resources to help you figure out your requirements for an editor?

Consult our Definitions of editorial skills to determine what kind of help you need. Editors can put many different skills to work on your text.

You can find even more detail on several core skills in our Professional Editorial Standards. For a freelance or contract project, consult our Agreement Template for Editing Services to see what kinds of things should be spelled out in advance.

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