Oxford Reference Online Premium Collection

The Oxford Reference Online Premium Collection is included with Editors Canada membership!

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Oxford Reference Online is one of the world’s most trusted reference products, featuring the contents of Oxford University Press’s Dictionaries, Companions and Encyclopedias.

What’s included for Editors Canada members and student affiliates?

Access over 500 Oxford titles through editors.ca at no additional charge!

Oxford Quick Reference: with core subject, language and quotations dictionaries, Quick Reference is for readers who want to check a fact instantly by accessing key, vetted information on a concept, person or term.

Oxford Reference Library: the Reference Library provides in-depth, specialized content from Oxford University Press’s award-winning Encyclopedias and Companions as well as works from distinguished partners, allowing you to further build your research in subjects ranging from archaeology to society and culture.

Plus: from Garner’s Modern English Usage to the Guide to Latin in International Law, enjoy free access to more in-depth, single-volume works from the Reference Library, including the renowned Oxford Companions.

For a full title list, visit the Oxford Reference website.

Start using the Oxford Reference Online Premium Collection at no additional charge now

Ready to start using this premium resource? All you need is your editors.ca member login.

Where you are asked for your editors.ca email and password, enter the email address and password you use to access the member portal of the association website.

Get your reference on! It’s time to start looking up Oxford’s “Answers with Authority.”

Tip: Bookmark your favourite Oxford references

Once you’re in the Oxford Reference Online Premium Collection via editors.ca, bookmark the resources you use the most (like The Canadian Oxford Dictionary) for quicker access next time!

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