Member news: January 2014

Congratulations to Toronto branch member Tilman Lewis, who worked on Unlikely Radicals: The Story of the Adams Mine Dump War by Charlie Angus, published by Between the Lines. Unlikely Radicals has been short-listed for the 2013 Legislative Assembly of Ontario Speakers Book Award and is a runner-up for the Independent Publisher Book Awards for Best Regional Non-Fiction (Canada-East).

Toronto branch member John Millyard discovered in the drawer of an old desk the hand-written memoirs of James Lowry, a young surgeon in Nelson’s Mediterranean fleet 1797 to 1804. John has recently published Lowry’s memoirs as an eBook in both Kindle and Kobo format. The memoirs were never intended for publication, and describe Lowry’s rugged life afloat and fascinating (often erotic) adventures ashore. As one reviewer wrote, it is a “fantastic primary [historical] source and is full of firsthand accounts of several conflicts in His Majesty’s Navy. While he describes details of battles hitherto unknown or lost to legend, personal details give a fuller understanding of the period’s culture and daily life. These things are priceless and most often lost [when] over edited or in fictional accounts of history.”

Editors Canada Member News is where we share information about members and affiliates who win awards, publish books and make their mark in other important ways.

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