News, events, tips and updates for members of the Editors’ Association of Canada
In this issue:
1. CONFERENCE: Where the wild things were
2. AGM: EAC awards two new honorary life memberships
3. ELECTIONS: New national executive council and national committees
4. GET INVOLVED: Volunteers needed
5. EAC CERTIFICATION: Mark your calendar!
6. FRANCOPHONE AFFAIRS: Plan francophone gaining momentum
7. MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!
8. CONNECTING: Are you listed in EAC’s membership list? (Psst. It’s free.)
9. EXTERNAL: EAC members invited to participate in National Survey of CreativeEarners
1. CONFERENCE: Where the wild things were

We’re glad you came
Thank you to everyone who participated in #EAC2012. Fox and Squirrel were delighted to see such a great word nerd herd. More than 225 people came out to make it a success.
To see who’s who, check the
delegate list (49.29 KB). To see who was wearing what, check out the Flickr site (the new photos start on page 3).
Good luck to Nancy Holland and the #EAC2013 team. See you next year in Halifax!
Christine LeBlanc
Gael Spivak
Chairs, Conference 2012
Looking for feedback on Language Portal of Canada session
Did you attend Robin Kilroy’s session (Make the Language Portal of Canada work for you!) at Conference 2012? If so, we’d like to hear your impressions. The speaker needs feedback for her own reporting, but evaluation forms were not available for this session. To provide your session feedback, please send your response to the evaluation questions below to Sharilynn Wardrop at
Please evaluate the following elements of this session (on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 = poor and 5 = excellent) and include any additional comments you have about the session.
1. Session content
2. Presenter’s knowledge and/or approach
3. Presenter’s delivery held your interest
4. Benefits of this session to your work or interests
Conference 2013: It’s about more than lobster!
EAC’s 2013 Conference will be held in Halifax from June 7 to 9 at the Lord Nelson Hotel. Start planning now! Knowing that many of you haven’t been here in years, if at all, we’ll have several surveys to send you over the next few months to determine how best to enhance your visit to Halifax and Nova Scotia. In the meantime, here a few resources that can help focus your thinking:
Check out some great views around the province any time of year at Don’t miss the Lobster Cam!
See you next year!
Nancy Holland
Chair, Conference 2013
2. AGM: EAC awards two new honorary life memberships
EAC members voted to award two honorary life memberships in the association at this year’s annual general meeting (AGM), held in Ottawa on June 2.
Louis Majeau, National Capital Region
Described as “a pillar in the development of the first document to identify and accurately describe the main tasks associated with professional editing in French,” NCR’s Louis Majeau was recognized for his integral part in the creation of the association’s French-language editorial standards, Principes directeurs en révision professionnelle. The impact of this cornerstone piece is felt even today as it will be used as the foundation of the creation of EAC’s French-language certification program. Louis is commended for his remarkable and sustained volunteer involvement, and for his dedication to representing francophone affairs at the national level in particular.

Photo: Kristen Dolenko
Perry Millar, Saskatchewan
Perry Millar’s acquaintance with EAC began in Vancouver in 1984, when she was instrumental in building the BC branch (then called the Western branch). She was also a supporter of the creation of the Prairies Provinces branch and, upon moving to Saskatoon in 2001, played a critical part in creating and sustaining yet another branch. Her dedication to professional development is evident. She was part of the team that created the first pilot tests for certification, served as a test setter for copy editing and was part of the group that revised EAC’s Professional Editorial Standards in 2008. A dedicated volunteer, she has held nearly every branch executive position and has even served on the national executive council. Perry is recognized for decades of steady, quiet, meaningful involvement and her constant contributions to the association.

Photo: Ursula Acton
The crowd at the AGM rose to give Louis a standing ovation as he accepted the honour. He expressed his thanks for this unexpected tribute and said that he received the honour with pleasure and humility.
Members in attendance at the AGM were asked to keep tight-lipped about Perry’s honorary life membership for a week to give the Saskatchewan branch the opportunity to surprise Perry (who was not in attendance at the AGM) with the announcement at the branch’s Spring Fling event. About 40 people were in attendance as Perry received the news and yes, she was taken completely by surprise!
Members also voted on several other motions at the AGM.
Adoption of Strategic Plan 2012/13–2016/17
Members voted in favour of adopting
Guidelines for Editing Theses (96 KB).
Approval of revisions to the Guidelines for Editing Theses
Members voted in favour of approving the revised
<em>Plan francophone (45.71 KB).
Dissolution of unused committees
Members voted in favour of dissolving the Membership Committee and the Online Job Tools Committee. The committees were dissolved because specific tasks of the Online Job Tools Committee are now complete and the Membership Committee has been split into the Member Services and Volunteer Management Committees.
Motion to allow reasonable exceptions to the membership policy
Members voted to allow reasonable exceptions to the membership policy to be granted by the national executive council in special circumstances.
Weren’t able to make it to the AGM or tune into the audiocast? You can read the agenda and supporting documentation on the 2012 AGM page. The motions to approve the 2011 AGM minutes, the annual report and the auditor’s report carried. EAC members can expect to see draft minutes of the meeting in the Members’ Area in the coming weeks.
3. ELECTIONS: New national executive council and national committees
The 2012–13 national executive council will take office on September 4. Here’s who EAC members elected at the 2012 AGM.
President: Greg Ioannou (TO)
Vice-president: Jacqueline Dinsmore (QAC)
Secretary: David Harrison (BC)
Treasurer: Danielle Arbuckle (TO–Hamilton-Halton)
Director Professional Standards: Sheila Mahoney (TO)
Director Training & Development: Ken Weinberg (TO)
Director Communications: Adrienne Montgomerie (NCR–Kingston)
Director Publications: Karen Virag (PP)
Director Francophone Affairs: Sandra Gravel (QAC)
Director Volunteer Relations: Gael Spivak (NCR)
The national executive council also has three voting members who are not elected at the AGM.
Past President: Michelle Boulton (SK)
The directors of branches and twigs (west and east) were elected by the members in their respective regions during elections that took place before the AGM. The following directors were acclaimed in April.
Director Branches and Twigs (west): Arden Ogg (PP)
Director Branches and Twigs (east): Julia Cochrane (NST)
Most of the association’s project and development work is done by national committees of members. The following members were appointed at the meeting of the national executive council on June 4.
Francophone Affairs Committee Chair: Anna Olivier (QAC)
Volunteer Management Committee Chair: Lisa Goodlet (NCR)
Newsletter Committee Co-chairs:
- Pamela Capraru (TO), English print / Patricia Matos (BC), English web
- Carolyne Roy (QAC), French
Publications Committee Chair: Elizabeth Macfie (NCR) and Anne Louise Mahoney (NCR)
Training and Development Committee Chair: Peter J. Roccia (PP)
Certification Steering Committee Co-chairs: Janice Dyer (TO) and Anne Brennan (BC)
Conference Committee Chair: Nancy Holland (NST)
Member Communication Committee Chair: Susan Chambers (BC)
External Liaison Committee Chair: Executive Director
Human Resources Committee Chair: Association President
Nominating Committee Chair: Association Past President
Awards Committee Chair: Association Past President
The national executive council also appointed the following national volunteer positions.
Mediator: Michael Benedict (TO)
Forum Monitor: Joanne Haskins (TO)
4. GET INVOLVED: Volunteers needed
Volunteering is a benefit of membership and it’s the backbone of the association. Consider enriching your EAC experience by joining one of the association’s national committees today. Volunteering has many benefits for the association, but it can be beneficial to your career as well. EAC member volunteers work with influential members of the publishing and communications industries, learn new skills, expand their portfolios and boost their career options.
Here are just some of the positions that are available.
Editor-in-Chief, Active Voice/Voix active
Active Voice is looking for a bilingual editor-in-chief who has an understanding of the magazine production process. Primary duty is coordination of the content editors and the production/print process. This is not a curator role. If you’re interested, email
Chair, Marketing and Public Relations Committee
EAC’s Marketing and PR Committee needs a chair. We’re particularly looking for a project manager, rather than a marketing guru, though familiarity with marketing practices and principles would be an asset. Is this you? Email
Chair and Members, Member Services Committee
Do you have ideas about how we can improve services for EAC members? If so, join the Member Services Committee. We’re looking for a chair, as well as some members. If you’re not interested in sitting on the committee but you have ideas, send them to us and we’ll look into them. Email
Members and Feedback, Online Directory of Editors (ODE) Task Force
We’re looking for members for the ODE task force, but we’d also like people to send us their thoughts and dreams on what the ODE is (what’s working and what’s not), what it could be and how it could be more widely advertised. Email
English Email Forum (List) Monitor
Are you subscribed to the English email list? We’re recruiting a list monitor to oversee the eac-acr-l email forum starting in September. The list monitor is responsible for keeping an eye on the forum to ensure broad compliance with the approved list guidelines and to minimize disruption of the list by personal disputes. If you’re a list participant, email for more information about the list monitor position.
5. EAC CERTIFICATION: Mark your calendar!
Mark your calendar!
EAC’s Proofreading and Structural Editing certification tests will be offered on November 17 in various cities across the country.
The fee for EAC members is $400 to write one test or $750 to write both tests. Registration opens on July 23.
Gather your materials!
Each Certification Study Guide contains a practice test with answer keys and studying tips. Each volume of Meeting Professional Editorial Standards contains editing exercises and solutions. Together, these resources will get you off to a good start at studying for EAC Certification.
To order Certification Study Guides, visit
NEW! The Structural Editing Study Guide is now available. To order your copy, please contact Captus Press directly at (phone 416 736-5537).
To order Meeting Professional Editorial Standards, visit
Get started!
Begin preparing early and follow a study plan. Whether you work alone or join a study group, set time aside on a regular basis to work through the study materials.
Consider your breadth and depth of experience, as well as where you are in your career. This process can help you discover what you like, what you’re good at and what you need to work on.
Even if you decide not to take any exams this year, working through the study materials is a valuable professional development exercise. And it can be fun.
To learn more about EAC Certification, visit the certification page.
6. FRANCOPHONE AFFAIRS: Plan francophone gaining momentum
Momentum is ramping up for the Francophone Affairs Committee as its members work to implement key elements of the Plan francophone. Suzanne Menard is working on developing French-language promotional material for the association while chair Anna Olivier works with Nathalie Vallière to research using new tools to conduct association activities virtually. Meanwhile, director of francophone affairs Sandra Gravel continues to coordinate the French Certification working group. This work is done with the wise counsel of Louis Majeau and in consultation with the Certification Steering Committee. The French Certification working group consists of Marie Auclair, Catherine Baudin, Jocelyne Bisaillon, Dominique Bohbot and Anissa Bouyahi. The first meeting was held on June 16 in Montreal.
For more information about francophone activities and to get involved, contact Sandra Gravel.
7. MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!
Prairie Provinces branch member Astrid Blodgett will have her story “Ice Break” included in this year’s The Journey Prize Stories. For more than 20 years The Journey Prize Stories, published by McClelland & Stewart, has been one of the most prestigious anthologies in the country. One of the 12 writers featured this year will receive the $10,000 Journey Prize, the most significant monetary award given in Canada for a short story or excerpt from a fiction work-in-progress.
Cynthia Dusseault (Prairie Provinces branch) has received the Professional Writers Association of Canada’s Larry Jackson Award, which is the equivalent of EAC’s Lee D’Anjou Volunteer of the Year Award.
Toronto branch member Diya Lim is the winner of the Prix littéraire Henriette-Major 2011, a literary award for unpublished writers organized by Dominique et compagnie (a children’s book publisher in Quebec). Diya’s first book is due to be published in fall 2012, as an illustrated chapter book. Furthermore, Diya has recently signed a contract with Les Éditions L’Interligne (a publisher in Ontario) for another children’s novel containing two fantasy stories. This second book is due to be published in spring 2013.
Rosemary Shipton, Toronto branch, received a glowing acknowledgement from Richard Gwyn for her editing of his book Nation Maker: Sir John A. Macdonald: His Life. Our Times (Random House Canada, 2011). This book won two awards and was shortlisted for two others. Wins: the 2012 J.W. Dafoe Book Prize ($10,000), given annually to the best book on Canada, Canadians and/or Canada’s place in the world, and the Shaughnessy Cohen Prize for the best political writing published in 2011 (worth $25,000). Shortlists: the Writers’ Trust Prize for nonfiction and the Governor General’s Award for nonfiction. Rosemary notes as well that the first volume of this biography, published in 2007, won the $25,000 Charles Taylor Prize for Literary Nonfiction. “So,” she says, “Richard and I seem to make a good pair!”
Do you have a recent achievement? Let EAC help tell the world about it on EAC’s Member News page. If you have member news to share, contact member news coordinator, Marguerite Watson.
8. CONNECTING: Are you listed in EAC’s membership list? (Psst. It’s free.)
Networking is one of the most valuable benefits of EAC membership. Of course, our ODE is so well positioned in Google rankings that searching for any name will bring up that person’s ODE listing if they have one. Not all members do have a paid listing, but many of them do want to connect with one another. That’s when EAC’s free online membership list comes in handy.
To search the membership list, make sure you’re logged into the Members’ Area and visit
the membership list page.
Not listed? What are you waiting for? It’s a free service for EAC members and your expanding network is just a few clicks away. Edit your Online Profile and make sure you’ve checked the “Display my name, contact information, location and working language in the Membership List” option.
9. EXTERNAL: EAC members invited to participate in National Survey of CreativeEarners
The Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario and Creative Niche have invited EAC members to complete their National Survey of CreativeEarners. They are seeking participation from individuals across the country working in a wide variety of professions.
“The greater the participation in the survey, the stronger the sample size and the more valuable the data for every stakeholder working in or around Canada’s creative industry today,” notes Stephen Hodges, President, Creative Niche.
Upon completion of the survey, you will receive access to download a full exclusive collection of digital wallpapers created by top design firms and illustrators. Fifty original letterpressed prints will also be raffled off amongst all participants when the survey closes on July 6.
Survey findings will be made accessible online as a free PDF before the end of 2012.
The EAC national e-news update is produced on behalf of the national executive council by the national office.