News, events, tips and updates for members of the Editors’ Association of Canada
In this issue:
1. CONFERENCE 2012: Come for the experience, stay for the chicken!
2. CERTIFICATION: Study early!
3. PUBLICATIONS: Editing Canadian English revision underway
4. TWIGS: KWG wraps a successful first year
5. MEMBER SERVICES: Grand & Toy discounts
6. MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!
7. IN THE NEWS: EAC featured as a financial management success story
1. CONFERENCE 2012: Come for the experience, stay for the chicken!
The conference experience is about much more than investing in yourself with the professional development you’ll find, including four pre-conference workshops and more than 35 sessions designed for both freelance and in-house editors.
It’s more than the social events and networking you’ll enjoy, with the Thursday night informal dinner and the Go Wild Ottawa Style welcome reception on Friday. It’s more than getting dressed up and celebrating your peers with friends old and new at the award banquet’s cocktail hour and dinner on Saturday.
It’s more than the atmosphere at the newly renovated Ottawa Convention Centre, the tours you can go on and the sights you can see in the city.
Your conference experience is greater than the sum of all these parts plus the special something you bring and all the memories you’ll make. You’ll remember this conference for years. Customize it to make it truly yours—come for one day, one pre-conference workshop or the entire event.
Last day to register: Friday, May 25.
Make sure you’re part of the experience. Go wild! Come to the conference.
Visit the conference website and register now!
2. CERTIFICATION: Study early!
Make this the year you join the ranks of editors certified by EAC’s landmark English-language certification program. EAC’s certified editors benefit from official recognition of their high level of knowledge and skill—and a marketing advantage.
Registration for the 2012 tests will open in July. For more information visit EAC Certification online.
Get a head start on studying with EAC’s updated and revised publications, which are designed to help you on the path to excellence.
Certification Study Guides
EAC’s recently revised study guides are the primary resources for anyone who wants to become a certified editor. By using the guides for independent study or in a workshop setting, you’ll learn more about the knowledge, skills and judgment required to earn your EAC Certification credentials. The Proofreading, Copy Editing and Stylistic Editing guides are available now. Structural Editing will be available in June.
Meeting Professional Editorial Standards
Whether you’re learning the craft of editing or an established professional looking to broaden your knowledge, this second edition four-volume, self-teaching and self-testing package is a must-have for any editor’s bookshelf. All four volumes, including the recently released Stylistic Editing and Structural Editing, are available now.
3. PUBLICATIONS: Editing Canadian English revision underway
The Publications Committee’s major project at this time is Editing Canadian English. The revised and updated edition will be a web-based product with an annual subscription, which users may buy as a printed book if they prefer. A team of editors from across the land has reviewed the existing content and made recommendations for updates. Our esteemed editor-in-chief, Karen Virag, and top-notch production editor, Carolyn Pisani, are in place. Once the content and structure of the text have been finalized, the research, writing and editing will begin.
Discover more of EAC’s publications.
4. TWIGS: KWG wraps a successful first year
The Kitchener-Waterloo-Guelph twig had a busy first year running program meetings and its first holiday party, and hosting two very successful seminars: “Writing and Editing for the Web” with Emily Dockrill Jones in Guelph and “Punctuation and Mechanics” with Frances Peck in Kitchener. KWG’s year-end garden party will be held in Guelph on June 19, when the twig will celebrate a successful first year and recognize its dedicated volunteers.
For more information about KWG events, contact the twig coordinators at
Learn more about events at your branch or twig.
5. MEMBER SERVICES: Grand & Toy discounts
Let’s face it, editors go through a lot of office supplies. What could be better than discounts from one of Canada’s most widely recognized office solutions companies?
EAC is excited to partner up with Grand & Toy to offer our members discounted purchasing for the items you told us you use the most. By signing up for a free account with Grand & Toy, you will have access to EAC’s core list of 20 discounted items, as well as a variety of promotional items offered online by Grand & Toy.
Bonus! Upon signing up for a Grand & Toy account, you will be sent a one-time welcome promotion code for 25% off any order over $100. If you are hoping to stock up on paper, pens and other useful office supplies, now is the time.
For more details about EAC’s Grand & Toy discounts, check out EAC’s Member Services page.
6. MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!
BC branch member Darcy Cullen is celebrating the release of her new book, Editors, Scholars, and the Social Text, which brings together leading scholars and experienced professionals from the field of academic editing. Featured editors include Rosemary Shipton, Camilla Blakeley, Darcy Cullen and Amy Einsohn. The paperback will be available June 1 from
Voyages: To the New World and Beyond, a gorgeous coffee-table book on the history of sailing ships, written and illustrated by Gordon Miller and edited by BC branch members John Eerkes-Medrano and Ruth Wilson, has won the John Lyman Book Award in the category of naval and maritime reference works. Voyages was published by Douglas & McIntyre and the University of Washington Press in 2011. The award is granted annually by the North American Society for Oceanic History.
NCR branch member Gillian Scobie is pleased to announce that Democratizing the Constitution: Reforming Responsible Government, a book she stylistically edited and copy edited, has won the 14th annual Donner Prize. Written by Peter Aucoin, Mark D. Jarvis and Lori Turnbull, the book explores how Canada’s time-honoured system of responsible government is failing us. The Donner Prize honours excellence and innovation in Canadian public policy thinking, writing and research.
Do you have a recent achievement? Let EAC help tell the world about it on EAC’s Member News page. If you have member news to share, contact member news coordinator, Marguerite Watson.
7. IN THE NEWS: EAC featured as a financial management success story
Just can’t get enough of bookkeeping and accounting systems? Have a thirst for financial management intrigue? Ever think to yourself, ‘Say, just how does a national association manage finances across the country anyway?’ Wonder no longer. Sage Simply Accounting (the company behind the bookkeeping software EAC uses to manage national finances) has featured the association as one of its success stories. Sage Simply Accounting was especially interested to learn how EAC uses its software to support the association’s new twig structure. Check it out!
The EAC national e-news update is produced on behalf of the national executive council by the national office.