Editors Canada Professional Certification recognizes editors who have demonstrated a high level of knowledge and skill in their profession. The program consists of four tests: Structural Editing, Stylistic Editing, Copy Editing, and Proofreading. We offer four test preparation guides, one for each test.
Copy Editing Test Preparation Guide

Format: PDF
(Upon purchase you will receive a receipt by email that contains a link to download the publication files.)
The Copy Editing Test Preparation Guide is the primary resource for anyone who wants to become a Certified Copy Editor. Whether you use this guide for independent study or in a workshop setting, you will learn more about the knowledge, skills, and judgment required to earn your Certified Copy Editor credential. The guide includes the following valuable content:
- Overview of Editors Canada professional certification program
- Introduction to the Copy Editing test and advice on how to use the test preparation guide
- Advice on how to prepare for the test, including study resources, preparation tips from certified copy editors, and a preparation checklist
- A copy editing practice test as a Word file for you to try
- An answer key and a blank marking sheet, so you can mark your practice test and assess your performance
- Two completed practice tests and corresponding marking sheets: one showing the work of a successful candidate, and the other showing the work of an unsuccessful candidate
- Editors Canada’s Professional Editorial Standards (2016), the standards document used as a basis for the tests
- Editors Canada’s Certification Policy and Certification Procedures, the documents governing test development and administration
NEW: Addendum to Copy Editing Test Preparation Guide
In July 2020, the Editors Canada Certification Steering Committee (CSC) announced that Part A of the Copy Editing professional certification exam will now comprise multiple-choice and matching questions only. This means that a portion of the Copy Editing Test Preparation Guide (published in 2017) is now out of date. (It’s still worth your time to tackle the existing longer-form questions, but they now don’t fully represent the content of the exam.)
The CSC has created an addendum to the Copy Editing Test Preparation Guide that covers the updates to the exam format. As of July 2022, this addendum is included when you purchase the Copy Editing guide. If you purchased the 2017 Copy Editing guide before July 2022, please email the Editors Canada national office at info@editors.ca to get the addendum at no additional cost.
Stylistic Editing Test Preparation Guide

Format: PDF
(Upon purchase you will receive a receipt by email that contains a link to download the publication files.)
The Stylistic Editing Test Preparation Guide is the primary resource for anyone who wants to become a Certified Stylistic Editor. Whether you use this guide for independent study or in a workshop setting, you will learn more about the knowledge, skills, and judgment required to earn your Certified Stylistic Editor credential. The guide includes the following valuable content:
- Overview of Editors Canada professional certification program
- Introduction to the Stylistic Editing test and advice on how to use the test preparation guide
- Advice on how to prepare for the test, including study resources, preparation tips from certified stylistic editors, and a preparation checklist
- A stylistic editing practice test as a Word file for you to try
- An answer key and a blank marking sheet, so you can mark your practice test and assess your performance
- Two completed practice tests and corresponding marking sheets: one showing the work of a successful candidate, and the other showing the work of an unsuccessful candidate
- Editors Canada’s Professional Editorial Standards (2016), the standards document used as a basis for the tests
- Editors Canada’s Certification Policy and Certification Procedures, the documents governing test development and administration
Addendum to Stylistic Editing Test Preparation Guide
In July 2020, the Editors Canada Certification Steering Committee (CSC) announced that Part A of the Stylistic Editing professional certification exam will now comprise multiple-choice and matching questions only. This means a portion of the Stylistic Editing Test Preparation Guide (published in 2017) is now out of date. (It’s still worth your time to tackle the existing longer-form questions, but they now don’t fully represent the content of the exam.)
The CSC has created an addendum to the Stylistic Editing Test Preparation Guide that covers the updates to the exam format. As of August 2020, this addendum is included when you purchase the Stylistic Editing guide. If you purchased the 2017 Stylistic Editing guide before August 2020, please email the Editors Canada national office at info@editors.ca to get the addendum at no additional cost.
Proofreading Test Preparation Guide

Format: PDF
(Upon purchase you will receive a receipt by email that contains a link to download the publication files.)
The Proofreading Test Preparation Guide is the primary resource for anyone who wants to become a Certified Proofreader. Whether you use this guide for independent study or in a workshop setting, you will learn more about the knowledge, skills, and judgment required to earn your Certified Proofreader credential. The guide includes the following valuable content:
- Overview of Editors Canada Certification
- Advice on how to prepare for the test
- Introduction to the Proofreading test and advice on how to use the test preparation guide
- A proofreading practice test for you to try
- An answer key and blank marking sheet, so you can mark your practice test and assess your performance
- Two completed practice tests and corresponding marking sheets—one test showing the work of a successful candidate and the other test showing the work of an unsuccessful candidate
- Editors Canada’s Professional Editorial Standards (2016), the standards document used as a basis for the tests
- Editors Canada’s Certification Policy and Certification Procedures, the documents governing test development and administration
NEW: Addendum to Proofreading Test Preparation Guide
In July 2020, the Editors Canada Certification Steering Committee (CSC) announced that Part A of the Proofreading professional certification exam will now comprise multiple-choice and matching questions only. This means a portion of the Proofreading Editing Test Preparation Guide (published in 2017) is now out of date. (It’s still worth your time to tackle the existing longer-form questions, but they now don’t fully represent the content of the exam.) In addition, as of 2021, the Proofreading exam will be administered in PDF format (via Adobe Acrobat Reader DC at a minimum), and no longer on paper.
The CSC has created an addendum to the Proofreading Test Preparation Guide that covers the updates to the Part A exam format, and also features an updated Answer Key that shows the type of annotations expected within a PDF file. As of August 2021, this addendum is included when you purchase the Proofreading guide. If you purchased the 2017 Proofreading guide before August 2021, please email the Editors Canada national office at info@editors.ca to get the addendum at no additional cost.
Structural Editing Test Preparation Guide

Format: PDF
(Upon purchase you will receive a receipt by email that contains a link to download the publication files.)
The Structural Editing Test Preparation Guide is the primary resource for anyone who wants to become a Certified Structural Editor. Whether you use this guide for independent study or in a workshop setting, you will learn more about the knowledge, skills, and judgment required to earn your Certified Structural Editor credential. The guide includes the following valuable content:
- Overview of Editors Canada Certification
- Advice on how to prepare for the test
- Introduction to the Structural Editing test and advice on how to use the test preparation guide
- A structural editing practice test for you to try
- An answer key and blank marking sheet, so you can review and assess your performance
- Two completed practice tests and corresponding marking sheets—one test showing the work of a successful candidate and the other test showing the work of an unsuccessful candidate
- Editors Canada’s Professional Editorial Standards (2016), the standards document used as the basis for the tests
- Editors Canada’s Certificatioon Policy and Certification Procedures, the documents governing test development and administration
NEW: Addendum to Structural Editing Test Preparation Guide
In July 2020, the Editors Canada Certification Steering Committee (CSC) announced that Part A of the Structural Editing professional certification exam will now comprise multiple-choice and matching questions only. This means a portion of the Structural Editing Test Preparation Guide (published in 2017) is now out of date. (It’s still worth your time to tackle the existing longer-form questions, but they now don’t fully represent the content of the exam.)
The CSC has created an addendum to the Structural Editing Test Preparation Guide that covers the updates to the exam format. As of August 2021, this addendum is included when you purchase the Structural Editing guide. If you purchased the 2017 Structural Editing guide before August 2021, please email the Editors Canada national office at info@editors.ca to get the addendum at no additional cost.