
Editors Canada is a volunteer-run organization. We are able to provide extensive support for editors—including training, networking opportunities and connections with clients— with large thanks to the work of our volunteers. We sincerely thank those who are already volunteering and invite other members of the association to make time to volunteer.

Volunteers serve on national and branch executives, organize our conferences and seminars, and maintain our certification program. They also develop publications including Professional Editorial Standards, Meeting Professional Editorial Standards, Editing Canadian English and the Certification Study Guides. These are only a few of the ways that volunteers make a difference at Editors Canada.

If you are a volunteer or interested in volunteer for Editors Canada, visit the volunteer resources page for more information.

Benefits of volunteering

Volunteering provides you with many benefits. That’s why volunteering with Editors Canada is generally restricted to Editors Canada members and is considered a benefit of membership. Here are some of those benefits:

  • Volunteering will help you develop skills that can contribute to your career. Some of the skills that volunteering can give you or help you improve are editing, writing, communications, interpersonal skills, leadership skills and organizational abilities.
  • If you’re new to editing, volunteering can help you to explore and learn about this profession.
  • Volunteering is a great way to network with members of the association and may provide you with opportunities to expand your editing business.
  • If you work from home, volunteering can provide you with much needed social time and allow you to learn from others.
  • Volunteering is a way to give back to the association and can give you a sense of accomplishment.

There are many volunteer opportunities to choose from. So select an activity that will provide you with the skills, experiences and opportunities you want to gain.

To find a volunteer opportunity, contact your local branch volunteer coordinator or the chair of the volunteer management committee. You can also enter your information into our volunteer directory (coming soon).

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