EAC: National e-news update, October 21, 2010

News, events, tips and updates for members of the Editors’ Association of Canada

In this issue:

1. NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL NEWS: Certification credential maintenance postponed
2. CERTIFICATION: Introducing feedback on test performance
3. MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!
4. FRANCOPHONE AFFAIRS: Francophone seminars in Montreal a success!
5. WEBSITE: Are you camera ready?
6. MARKETING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS: Public speakers wanted
7. INDUSTRY NEWS: TD National Reading Summit II
8. TECH: Temporary web services downtime

1. NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL NEWS: Certification credential maintenance postponed

Following a review of the proposed structure for EAC Certification credential maintenance, the national executive council has decided that the association requires more time to finalize the details of credential maintenance. As a result, credential maintenance will not be introduced with the 2010 tests, as previously announced.

What does the postponement of EAC Certification credential maintenance mean for 2010 candidates?
Certification candidates who earn a credential during the 2010 test administration will be exempt from maintenance for that credential.

Michelle Boulton
President, Editors’ Association of Canada

2. CERTIFICATION: Introducing feedback on test performance

We are pleased to announce that, starting this year, the Certification Steering Committee will be giving candidates who did not pass a certification test more information on their test performance. In the past, candidates only received notice of whether they passed or failed. Candidates who failed have been asking for more information.

Candidates who fail will now receive Certification Test Feedback, which will indicate the types of weaknesses they demonstrated (e.g., copy edited rather than proofread, missed typographical or formatting errors, introduced errors). This valuable feedback will allow them to improve their skills, strengthen their knowledge base and better prepare for the next test.

Recruiting for Certification Steering Committee

Interested in helping develop EAC Certification? In gaining experience in project management, in producing new material and in strengthening your editing skills in collaboration with colleagues?

EAC is seeking three new members for the Certification Steering Committee (CSC). The committee is responsible for developing, implementing and overseeing the association’s program for certifying English-language editors, working closely with national office staff. The committee meets via email exchanges and conference calls as well as twice a year in Toronto. Each member takes responsibility for coordinating one or more aspects of the program.

The CSC is looking for members who enjoy the rewards of hard work and have an ability to work cooperatively. Other qualifications ideally include:

  • an EAC Certification credential, certification from an organization like EAC (BELS, SfEP) or certification experience in another field;
  • instructional experience (teaching, test development, tutoring);
  • at least 10 years of editing and/or project management experience;
  • willingness to make a commitment to the process; and
  • a sense of humour.

The rewards for participating are innumerable. If you wish to be considered, please contact the interim CSC chair, Krysia P. Lear, at certification_chair@editors.ca.

The CSC would like to thank Linda Jenkins of Ottawa, Laurel Boone of Moncton, and Carolyne Roy of Montreal, who are stepping down from the committee, for their many contributions to EAC Certification.

DON’T FORGET: Registration for the 2010 tests closes on Monday, October 25, at 1 p.m. EDT. Visit www.editors.ca/certification/index.html to register today.

3. MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!

In June 2010, Prairie Provinces branch member Karen Virag received a Golden Leaf Award of Merit for Overall Publication from the Canadian Education Press Association (CEPA), for Just in Time, a newsletter that she writes and edits for the Diversity, Equity and Human Rights Committee of the Alberta Teachers’ Association. CEPA represents teacher association presses across Canada.

Since last September, QAC branch member Anna Olivier has been giving the « Réécriture et révision II » course at Université Laval in Quebec City. She will also teach « Réécriture et révision » (the first part of the same course) during the winter term.

QAC branch member MaryAnn Hayatian recently celebrated the 2010 release of her children’s book, Cookie, a cat’s tale, published by Lulu Press. Cookie is a cat who likes to play outside, be with his furry friends and hang out with his toy, Mr. Skunk.

Member news is a new component of the EAC website and is designed to not only applaud EAC members’ successes but also let visitors to the website know that EAC members win awards, publish books and make their mark on the communications world in other important ways.

If you have member news to share, contact member news coordinator, Marguerite Watson.

4. FRANCOPHONE AFFAIRS: Francophone seminars in Montreal a success!

The Francophone Affairs Committee would like to acknowledge the efforts of QAC branch member Nathalie Vallière, who has injected new energy into the workshops held in French in the Montreal area—a region that has not held French-language workshops for some time. The September presentation of the Antidote HD (a complete set of software reference tools for writing French) seminar was a resounding success and received many accolades from its participants. Bravo Nathalie and, most of all, thank you!

Speaking of success, the October 29 seminar in Montreal has also sold out. This seminar, led by QAC branch member Francine Cloutier (a writer and editor for nearly 30 years), will focus on proofreading.

Finally, NCR branch members Elizabeth Macfie and Carole Sigouin will present a workshop on editing PDF documents on October 28, at 7:30 p.m. at Université du Québec en Outaouais (Room 1109).

If your branch or twig organizes seminars or plans to give one, or if you have news to send to EAC’s growing francophone community, please send an email to the director of francophone affairs, Carolyne Roy, at dir.affaires.franco@reviseurs.ca.

Wondering about upcoming seminars in your area? Contact your branch for more information.

5. WEBSITE: Are you camera ready?

For years, some members have complained about the stock photos of “editors” on the home page of EAC’s website. We would like to build a library of more suitable images to use on the website and in other marketing and communications projects. If you have the rights to a photo that you think would be suitable, please send it to EAC communications manager Michelle Ou at communications@editors.ca.

6. MARKETING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS: Public speakers wanted

Do you like public speaking? Would you enjoy talking to a variety of audiences about EAC and/or what editors do?

The Marketing and Public Relations Committee is compiling a list of members who are willing to be guest speakers at meetings of associations and groups, and at career fairs in their community. To be placed on the EAC speakers list or for more information, please contact committee chair Anita Jenkins by email at marketing_and_pr@editors.ca or by phone at 780 474-6656.

7. INDUSTRY NEWS: TD National Reading Summit II

In 2008, a group of librarians, parent activists, authors, publishers and corporate leaders came together with the goal of developing a national reading strategy for Canada. Thus, the TD National Reading Summit was born. TD National Reading Summit II: Toward a Nation of Readers will take place January 20–21, 2011, at the Grande Bibliothèque in downtown Montreal.

Registration for the summit and the webcast begins in late October. For more information, visit nationalreadingcampaign.ca.

8. TECH: Temporary web services downtime

On October 19, an error at the association’s online domain registrar resulted in members being unable to access the association website, Interactive Voice, Webmail and the email lists. This downtime started at 9:00 a.m. EDT and lasted for about an hour. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank EAC’s server technicians, eSubnet Enterprises, for diagnosing and correcting the error as quickly as possible.

Remember, if you’re having trouble accessing EAC’s web-based services, check status.editors.ca for the latest information about server uptime and downtime. If the status page indicates that the server is up and running, but you’re still experiencing problems, please contact the national office at techsupport@editors.ca.

The EAC national e-news update is produced on behalf of the national executive council by the national office.

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