EAC: National e-news update, September 2006

News, events, tips and updates for members of the Editors’ Association of Canada

In this issue:

1. CONFERENCE 2007: Nationwide call for proposals
2. EDITING CANADIAN ENGLISH: Reprinted and available for purchase

1. CONFERENCE 2007: Nationwide call for proposals

EAC’s 2007 national conference will take place June 1 to 3 at the Ottawa Congress Centre. This is your chance to share your knowledge and experience with your fellow editors.

The EAC conference committee is now recruiting speakers, workshop leaders and discussion moderators for the conference. Suggested topics are online, but other proposals are also welcome. Email your proposal to by September 15, 2006, if you’re interested in participating.

TIP: For further information, visit the conference website or email the conference committee.

2. EDITING CANADIAN ENGLISH: Reprinted and available for purchase

We are pleased to announce that Editing Canadian English, EAC’s indispensable tool for anyone who edits Canadian English, has been reprinted. The much-praised second edition, first published in May 2000 by Macfarlane Walter & Ross and subsequently reprinted by McClelland & Stewart, is an essential reference for Canadian editors and writers. To purchase Editing Canadian English, ask for it at your local bookshop or campus bookstore today.

TIP: For more information about Editing Canadian English, check out the EAC website.

The EAC National E-News Update is produced on behalf of the national executive council by the national office.

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