Paul Cipywnyk, BC branch, received a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for his volunteer work with the Byrne Creek Streamkeepers Society in Burnaby, BC. Paul, who describes himself as “an accidental environmentalist,” thanks his parents for teaching him about “the ethic of citizenship as community service.”
Kristina Lundberg, Prairie Provinces branch, wrote an entry for Editors Canada’s new blog that appeared on the Facebook page of the Society for Editors and Proofreaders (SfEP). Kristina’s piece, “Rising above the plateau: Mid-career PD for editors,” was posted on January 22, 2013.
Rosemary Shipton, Toronto branch, edited Solar Dance by Modris Ekstein (Knopf Canada, 2012). With Rosemary’s able assistance, the author has won the BC National Award for Canadian Non-Fiction, valued at $40,000. This book was also short-listed for the Hilary Weston Prize.
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