Member news: May 2019

Tim Green, an Editors Edmonton member who represents a significant portion of the Editors Canada members in Yukon, has started a podcast series as an outlet for his writing. “On the Marge” is a series of short stories narrated by the members of a family who run the fictional Walnut Crescent Bed and Breakfast in Whitehorse. The parents, their precocious six-year-old daughter, and their golden retriever take turns telling about quirky (quirky, by Outside standards) situations that make life in Yukon so interesting.

 “On the Marge” is available on Tim’s website or through iTunes.

If there are other Editors Canada members interested in creating or editing podcasts, Tim would be glad to help get them started. You can contact him through the website above.

Editors Canada Member News is where we share information about members and affiliates who win awards, publish books and make their mark in other important ways.

Do you have an achievement you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you! Send your news to the member news coordinator. Each news item will be posted once on the website and once in Editors Canada’s e-news update.

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