EAC: National e-news update, July 26, 2010

News, events, tips and updates for members of the Editors’ Association of Canada

In this issue:

1. PUBLICATIONS: Introducing new editions of Proofreading and Copy Editing: Meeting Professional Editorial Standards
2. CERTIFICATION: Registration now open
3. EDITING EAC: Join the discussion
4. FIND WORK: Join the EAC Contract Collective
5. GET INVOLVED: National committee chair positions still available
6. PROMOTE YOURSELF: Member news
7. PROMOTE EAC: 2010–11 Member website logo now available

1. PUBLICATIONS: Introducing new editions of Proofreading and Copy Editing: Meeting Professional Editorial Standards

Hands-on exercises for the 21st-century editor

When the new Professional Editorial Standards were published in fall 2009, we knew it was time to update the 2000 edition of Meeting Editorial Standards.

A dedicated subcommittee, co-chaired by Elizabeth Macfie and Anne Louise Mahoney, worked tirelessly to breathe new life into the exercises and ensure that they correspond to the 2009 standards.

Cy Strom and his team of skilled editors tackled Proofreading, while Carolyn Pisani and her expert team took on Copy Editing. Both groups spent countless hours reviewing, revising and refreshing the exercises. The result is a range of top-quality exercises that will help today’s editors develop and hone their skills. Thank you, Elizabeth, Anne Louise, Cy, Carolyn and everyone who contributed to this massive revision! 

Proofreading: Meeting Professional Editorial Standards is available now from Captus PressCopy Editing: Meeting Professional Editorial Standards will be available at the end of August. Work is beginning on the remaining two components: Stylistic Editing and Structural Editing, led by Karen Virag and Peter Moskos, respectively.

2. CERTIFICATION: Registration now open

EAC is offering certification tests in proofreading and copy editing on Saturday, November 20, 2010, in major centres across Canada.

This year, candidates will be writing certification tests based on the professional editorial standards that came into effect on January 1, 2010.

What’s the same?

  • Test format. You will still write timed tests in an invigilated setting.
  • The gold standard. You will still enjoy the benefits of an EAC credential—official recognition of your excellent editing abilities and a marketing advantage.

What’s new?

  • One test. From 2006 to 2009 you had to pass a skill area test and a publishing knowledge test. Now you have to pass only one test to earn a credential in one skill area.
  • Short-answer questions in all tests. Each certification test now includes a passage to edit and questions that allow you to demonstrate your skills and knowledge.
  • Standalone certification study guides. In the past you needed at least two volumes of the four-volume study guide to prepare for certification. Now everything you need to prepare for a test is in one volume. You can order the Proofreading Study Guide or Copy Editing Study Guide now.

See EAC’s certification website for more details.

3. EDITING EAC: Join the discussion

Before the annual general meeting we invited all members to download and review the discussion paper,

PDF icon <em>Editing EAC</em>

. Although in a lot of ways EAC really has its act together, some things aren’t working very smoothly. Some of these problems can be addressed by simply changing how we organize things. This document looks at those issues.

This fall, EAC president Michelle Boulton and vice-president Greg Ioannou will be taking the Editing EAC show on the road to get your feedback. Michelle or Greg will visit each of the branches in September or October to discuss the association’s structural options and to get your opinions about where EAC should be going with this. There was not a lot of negative feedback at the conference in Montreal, so we hope that means we are on the right track. However, much still remains to be worked out, primarily in the areas of revenue sharing and branch representation. Greg is taking the lead on the financial side of Editing EAC, while Michelle is starting the Editing EAC discussion with the branches and twigs.

In the meantime, if you would like to comment on the Editing EAC discussion paper, or make some interesting new suggestions, we welcome your participation on Interactive Voice.

Michelle Boulton, president
Greg Ioannou, vice-president

4. FIND WORK: Join the EAC Contract Collective

Last fall, EAC’s Contract Collective began to pursue contracts to provide a full range of editing-related services to government agencies. If successful, these contracts would result in more work for the association’s members.

We’re pleased to announce that the collective’s hard work is paying off! The Office of the Auditor General of Canada has now added EAC’s Contract Collective to its list of suppliers for potential editing services.

The collective continues to pursue contracts on behalf of EAC members. In June, EAC submitted a bid to provide editing services to the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.

How do I join the EAC’s Contract Collective?

If you are interested in pursuing work with the federal and provincial governments, please visit the Contract Collective page in the Members’ Area and join the Contract Collective coordinating mailing list.

5. GET INVOLVED: National committee chair positions still available

Wondering how you can enrich your EAC experience? Consider chairing one of the association’s national committees. The following positions are still available.

Membership Committee Chair

The Membership Committee monitors, reviews and makes recommendations about EAC’s services, benefits, membership categories and membership fee structure in light of the association’s aim to attract, serve and retain a diverse range of members (including editors who work in-house and freelance, in various media, in various sectors, in either official language and at all levels of experience). The committee also develops and proposes methods of acknowledging members’ contributions and enhancing the experience of EAC volunteers.

Training and Development Committee Chair

The Training and Development Committee oversees policy and programs for training and professional development at the national level of EAC. The committee investigates new options for programming and delivery, bearing in mind the diverse needs of association members; makes recommendations; and initiates program development.

Website Committee Co-chair

The Website Committee is responsible for overseeing the development of the EAC websites (English and French) and ensuring their quality and effectiveness for the many communication purposes they serve.

The Website Committee develops and circulates clear guidelines on site policies and procedures, and also offers guidance and support to EAC members who provide or update content.

By getting involved, you can enhance your resumé and portfolio, make valuable professional contacts, develop and apply professional skills in an area of special interest, work with other editors from across the country and raise the profile of the editing profession.

If you’re interested in one of these positions, contact EAC past president Moira White today.

6. PROMOTE YOURSELF: Member news

Member news is a regular EAC website feature designed to tell the world about our members’ outstanding and wide-ranging skills and talents. Do you have an achievement you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you! Send your news to the member news coordinator, Marguerite Watson.

7. PROMOTE EAC: 2010–11 Member website logo now available

The 2010–11 member website logo is now available! As a current member of the association you are invited to promote your professional affiliation with EAC on your business or personal website with this specially designed logo. Please refer to the Members’ Area for information on appropriate use and to download the logo files. 

The EAC national e-news update is produced on behalf of the national executive council by the national office.

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