Editors Canada is pleased to introduce discounted rates to provide financial relief for students who are transitioning from their student affiliate status to become members in the association.
Fee schedule
Student affiliate (open to current students): $54.95
NEW Recent student affiliate, year 1 (open to individuals who were a student affiliate in the year immediately preceding renewal): $100
NEW Recent student affiliate, year 2 (open to individuals who were a recent student affiliate, year 1, in the year immediately preceding renewal): $200
Member (open to anyone): $292
Emeritus member (open to editors who are 60 years of age or older and have a total of any 10 years of membership): $146
How to apply
When it’s time for you to renew, you can do so as a Recent student affiliate, year 1. Here’s how:
- Log into Findjoo.
- Select “renew membership.”
- Select “Recent student affiliate, year 1” from the dropdown menu. This will unlock the discounted $100 rate.
Editors Canada advances the interests of editors, supports them at every stage of their career and promotes excellence in editing. As such, the association is pleased to offer discounted student affiliate rates to people enrolled in post-secondary studies who have a strong interest in editing.
“Students and recent graduates play an important role in our industry,” says Editors Canada president Gael Spivak. “It is vital for the future of the editing profession that this next generation of editors is active, engaged and has a voice.”
Spreading the word
Editors Canada is proud to provide services and training that foster students and recent graduates on their career paths.
With the introduction of the transitional fees, we hope to encourage students to remain in Editors Canada once their student status has expired. We hope this gradual increase will help with affordability as former student affiliates transition to paying work.
Do you know students and recent graduates who would benefit from what our association has to offer? Do you teach in an editing or publishing programs? Please help us spread the word about these discounted rates.
Learn more about the Editors Canada student affiliate program.
Learn more about Editors Canada member services and benefits.