Members vote to proceed with rebranding

Dear members and affiliates,

301 members participated in the poll on rebranding this month. We can now report that members have voted to proceed with association rebranding.

Poll results

Proceed with the rebrand: 244 (81.06%)

Cancel the rebrand in favour of keeping the branding that appears now on EAC’s home page: 57 (18.94%)

These results have been audited by EAC’s member communication committee.

Email invitations were sent out via SurveyMonkey’s email invitation collector to 1,116 members: 998 emails were sent to English-speaking members and 118 emails were sent to French-speaking members. A total of 301 members voted in the poll, for a response rate of 26.97%. There were 815 non-responses (73.02%), and of these non-responses, four emails were not deliverable (i.e., the email address bounced), and one email was reported “not delivered” by SurveyMonkey’s email collector report. These five emails are included in the non-responses and account for less than 1% (0.61%) of non-responses to the survey.

The email collector files, one for the English-speaking and one for the French-speaking members (each file had a separate collector ID), were combined into one Excel file to audit the quality of the files and compare the number of responses with the poll results. Both the email collector data and the data file with the poll results were audited for data quality and to ensure there were no duplicate records in any of the files. The collector ID number for each of the language groups was included in the poll data set, and the total responses by language group were calculated. The total responses (301) and subtotals for each language group (English, n=279; French, n=22) in the email collector data set matched the totals in the data set containing the poll results. I am satisfied with the quality of the data and integrity of the results in this poll.

Susan Chambers
Chair, Member Communication Committee

Thank you to all members who participated in the poll, to the member communication committee for overseeing the process, and to the rebranding task force for its hard work this past year. We will now look to the rebranding task force to continue refining the new brand in collaboration with EAC members and affiliates, and to establish a transition plan.

Looking ahead

It’s an exciting year for EAC. In addition to rolling out our new brand, we’re hosting the first-ever international conference of editors. We’re also launching the much anticipated online edition of Editing Canadian English (now in member preview), and administering the first agrément de l’ACR exam. There’s a lot to be proud of this year. Thank you for being part of it.

National Executive Council
Editors’ Association of Canada

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