National e-news update, August 20, 2015

News, events, tips and updates from Editors Canada

In this issue:

2. PARL: French editing proficiency information teleconference August 26
4. MARKETING: Acquisitions and writing opportunities
5. PUBLICATIONS: Editing Canadian English 3 and Editorial Niches now available
6. MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!
7. WEB: and email sending problems


The certification program is in full swing! The pilot tests will be written in a couple of weeks and registration for the 2015 exams is now open.

Exam date: Saturday, November 14
Exams offered: Copy editing and stylistic editing
Locations: Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, and Halifax

Certification Q&A

Q: How can I set up a study group?

A: Connect with other test takers by:

  • Attending branch or twig networking events
  • Taking a professional development seminar this fall
  • Posting a message to editors’ groups on Facebook and LinkedIn
  • Sending out a message on the email list

Q: How can exams be marked objectively?

A: The marking process is based on certification best practices for designing questions, preparing answer keys and training markers. The markers consider a range of answers, and two people evaluate each test. If their assessments for a particular candidate differ significantly, the test is sent to a third marker. Finally, a marking analyst assesses all of the results.

Interested in learning more?

Contact the national office to arrange for a member of the certification steering committee to visit your branch or twig and deliver a presentation.

2. PARL: French editing proficiency information teleconference August 26

Want to know more about Programme d’agrément en révision linguistique – Réviseurs Canada (PARL), but weren’t able to attend one of the information sessions the Comité Agrément/Principes offered in Quebec this spring? The committee is holding an information session by teleconference on Wednesday, August 26, at 7 p.m., EDT. If you’re interested in taking part, email Sandra Gravel.

As with the in situ sessions, this information session will focus on the program, this year’s exam (examen d’agrément en révision linguistique générale) and the study guide.

Just a few spots left for this year’s exam

Registration for this year’s examen d’agrément en révision linguistique générale is open until mid-September, and space is limited. There are just 19 spots remaining for the morning exam, and 6 spots left for the afternoon exam. Don’t delay. To register now, purchase a study guide, or for more information, visit the PARL website.


Headshot of Joanna Odrowaz

Toronto editor Joanna Odrowaz has volunteered for several Editors Canada conferences, taking on such varied roles as working the registration desk and hosting sessions. She wore multiple hats in 2015 for Editing Goes Global, the association’s first international conference. Joanna was the session host coordinator, organized the speed mentoring sessions, and also did some promotional writing for the conference e-news updates.

“The most rewarding aspect of my volunteering is the constant learning,” she says. “Throw in the socializing, and you are doubly rewarded.” Joanna likes to choose roles that stretch her abilities and allow her to dip her toes into areas that are new to her. She believes getting involved in the association has enriched her personally, and that it’s the best way to meet editors and writers with similar goals and values.

An association member since 2007, Joanna edits medical, pharmaceutical and science material, such as reports, articles, manuals, PowerPoint presentations, and even placemats and CD covers. She has a degree in physiology and biochemistry, as well as technical writing and editing certificates from George Brown College and ESL/EFL teaching certificates.

The volunteer of the month highlights the dedicated people who keep Editors Canada going. Volunteers are the backbone of the association. We are grateful for the many members and affiliates who answer the call when help is needed. Visit the Members’ Area for more information about actively participating in the association.

4. MARKETING: Acquisitions and writing opportunities

Are you looking for project management, networking and creative opportunities? Want to lead a team of writers or get your own byline? The following positions are now available for members and affiliates who are eager to enhance their skills and pick up highlights for their CV.

Acquisitions editor, Language Portal

We’re looking for a member to take over coordinating our quarterly Language Portal of Canada submissions. The acquisitions editor will recruit writers, review pitches and assign stories to ensure the association continues to provide quality content for the Language Portal. This is a terrific leadership and project management opportunity.

Member news coordinator

Want to help us shine a light on the great work our members and affiliates do? Our member news page is a regular website feature designed to tell the world about members and affiliates who win awards, publish books and make their mark on the world, showcasing a wide range of skills and talents. We’re looking for a member news coordinator to monitor, follow up on member news suggestions, coax humble editors to share their success stories, and write monthly profiles.

Interested in either of these opportunities? Please contact Michelle Ou.

5. PUBLICATIONS: Editing Canadian English 3 and Editorial Niches now available

The print editions of Editing Canadian English 3 (ECE3) and Editorial Niches are now both available from UBC Press. We are working on a bulk purchase deal for branches and twigs—stay tuned!

Want to help us spread the word about these excellent resources?

  • Ask your local public library to purchase the print editions—they are ideal for editors, writers, students, librarians, teachers and more. See your library’s website for the online request form.
  • Invite your employer, clients or colleagues to sign up for the free 30-day trial of the online edition or to purchase the print edition of ECE3.

Coming soon…an updated version of the Editors Canada Publications brochure!

6. MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!

BC branch member Sharon McInnis will be teaching an online proofreading course for the Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA). This is Sharon’s first online course, so wish her luck!

Do you have a recent achievement? Let Editors Canada tell the world about it on the member news page. If you have member news to share, drop our member news coordinator a line.

7. WEB: and email sending problems

People using and email addresses (including national office staff) are finding that emails sent to some ISPs are bouncing back. Our systems administrator is aware of the issue and is working with our web host to resolve it. In the meantime, the national office staff is reviewing our online services and suppliers.

We apologize sincerely for the inconvenience and thank members and affiliates for being patient with us.

The national e-news update is produced on behalf of the national executive council by the national office.

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