Happy New Year from the Editors’ Association of Canada (Editors Canada)!
Our waistbands may be a bit tighter, but luckily for us, it’s the time of year for resolutions! You may resolve to get in shape, travel or stop procrastinating this year, but what about your career?
Want to give your skills a boost? Find work? Meet more of your colleagues? In this edition of the e-news update, we’ll show you how you can make the most of your membership in Editors Canada to achieve your career goals in 2017.
In this issue:
1. DEVELOP YOUR SKILLS: Mentorship, seminars, online training, books and more
2. GET HIRED: Find work in 2017
3. BOOST YOUR RESUMÉ: Get involved
4. EXPAND YOUR NETWORK: Connect with editors and people who hire editors
5. GET NOTICED: Stand out from the crowd
6. PROTECT YOURSELF: Affordable insurance options, mediation and financial planning
7. SAVE MONEY: Take advantage of Editors Canada discounts
8. NEC: Notes from your national executive council
1. DEVELOP YOUR SKILLS: Mentorship, seminars, online training, books and more
GOAL: Take part in Editors Canada mentorship
Earlier this month we launched the Editors Canada John Eerkes-Medrano Mentorship Program. We’re thrilled to offer another valuable service to support Editors Canada members at every stage of their careers. And we’re now inviting you to get involved.
When you got your start, did you have great editors who showed you the ropes? Have you helped new editors with their editing and career questions? Mentoring can be a formal or informal relationship that helps participants hone their skills and make positive career moves.
Want to be a mentor? We’re looking for experienced editors who are willing to share their valuable knowledge and skills with colleagues.
We are also looking for members to serve on the mentorship committee. The primary role of the committee is to screen applicants and match mentees to mentors. Visit the Editors Canada website for more information about getting involved in the John Eerkes-Medrano Mentorship Program.
GOAL: Attend branch and twig workshops
Give your skills a boost by taking part in branch and twig seminars and workshops. Expert instructors help new editors build foundational skills and experienced editors develop expertise. Looking for basic skills in copy editing, business finances or social media? Perhaps you’re after special-interest topics like editing government reports and graphic novels or writing proposals. With Editors Canada workshops, there’s something for everyone.
For more information about workshops in your area, visit your branch or twig page.
GOAL: Train online with Editors Canada
For more than 35 years we’ve delivered high-quality, local training for editors at every stage of their careers. Are you looking for training opportunities online? Check out our current webinar season.
Choose from sessions in English and French on topics as varied as networking, writing for the web and plain language. Each session is presented by a topnotch instructor. Visit our webinars page to learn more about each session and to meet the instructors. Don’t forget: Editors Canada members and student affiliates register at discounted rates.
Catch up on demand: Webinar recordings are available
Did you miss an Editors Canada webinar? Several of our webinars have been recorded and are now available for purchase. When you buy a webinar recording, you’ll receive a video file to watch at your leisure on your computer or mobile device. The file is yours to keep, so you can watch it again and again.
Visit our webinar recordings page to see what’s available now. We’re adding new recordings regularly and some are available for a limited time only, so be sure to check often.
GOAL: Hit the books
Whether you’re en route to becoming a certified editor or you’re brushing up on your skills, having the best resources is key. Editors Canada publications will help you on the path to excellence.
Professional Editorial Standards
The 2016 revision of our cornerstone publication, Professional Editorial Standards, is here! Editors Canada members voted to approve this edition on October 1, 2016, and it officially went into effect on January 1, 2017.
What is editing? What do editors do? Professional Editorial Standards clarifies what is expected of Canadian editors and defines the criteria against which their knowledge, skills and practice can be measured.
- It sets out what editors should do when performing various stages of editing.
- It tells employers what to expect from the editors they hire.
- It shows new editors the range of skills and knowledge they should aspire to.
- It helps post-secondary institutions and other training providers to design material, seminars and courses on editing.
- And it’s the foundation on which Editors Canada’s professional certification of editors is built.
Download the latest edition of Professional Editorial Standards for free now.
Editing Canadian English, 3rd edition and Editorial Niches
These go-to guides for Canadian English usage were published in 2015. Get the latest guidance on Canadian English, from Canadianization to spelling, abbreviations, punctuation, measurements, bilingual text and so much more. Written by expert editors, it’s a reference guide you can depend on.
Member/affiliate discount
You’ll get all of Editing Canadian English 3 and Editorial Niches with an online subscription to EditingCanadianEnglish.ca. Editors Canada members and affiliates pay just $25 annually (regular price $35). To get the discount, use the membership code MoreThanMeetsTheEh.
Print editions
Looking for hard copies of these incredible resources? You can also purchase Editing Canadian English, 3rd edition and Editorial Niches in print.
Follow Editing Canadian English 3 on Twitter
Editing Canadian English 3 is tweeting! Follow @CdnEnglish for regular tips and advice from the ECE3 team.
Meeting Professional Editorial Standards
This four-volume self-teaching and self-testing package is a must-have for any editor’s bookshelf, whether you’re learning the craft of editing or you’re an established professional looking to broaden your knowledge. Available for purchase now.
Certification Study Guides
Editors Canada’s Study Guides are primary resources for anyone who wants to become a certified editor. Whether you use the Study Guides for independent study or in a workshop setting, you will learn about the knowledge, skills and judgment required to earn your certification credentials. These Study Guides, based on the 2009 edition of Professional Editorial Standards, are available for purchase now.
NEW: Updated Certification Study Guides coming in May 2017
New Certification Study Guides are just around the corner! We’re updating the Study Guides to reflect the 2016 edition of Professional Editorial Standards and the new computer testing platform for Editors Canada’s professional certification program. The current Study Guides will continue to be an excellent resource for anyone who is preparing for certification, but be sure to look for the release of the newest Study Guides this May.
Principes directeurs en révision professionnelle
Editors Canada is pleased to offer the second edition of Principes directeurs en révision professionnelle. Updated in 2014, these French-language editorial standards are a tool for anyone just starting in the field and for established editors. They’re also a reference for anyone who hires editors. Available as a free download.
Guides de préparation aux examens d’agrément
In 2015, we introduced the Programme d’agrément en révision linguistique – Réviseurs Canada. These French-language editing proficiency tests are based on Principes directeurs en révision professionnelle. Are you interested in becoming a réviseur(e) agréé(e)? Check out the Guide de préparation à l’examen d’agrément general and the Guide de préparation à l’examen d’attestation en révision comparative. Available for purchase now.
2. GET HIRED: Find work in 2017
GOAL: Get serious about your job search
Looking for work? Editors Canada offers members and affiliates a number of services that can help with your job search.
Online Directory of Editors (ODE)
The ODE is one of the most popular services Editors Canada offers. A listing in the ODE is a benefit available only to Editors Canada members for an annual fee of $80. Most members with an ODE listing generate enough income from their listing to pay for their membership and the listing itself many times over.
Learn more about listing in the ODE.
Writing a great ODE listing
Your personal statement and the keywords you use in it are critical. In particular, the first 20 words of your personal statement are key. These 20 words show up in the results when employers and clients are searching for an editor to meet their needs. What makes you the best candidate for the job? Spell it out in these first 20 words.
Need more tips? Check out this helpful Editors Canada LinkedIn group discussion for more information. (Please note that you need to join the Editors Canada LinkedIn group to access the discussion.)
Video tips coming soon
We’ll be sharing a recording of our very popular webinar “Getting work with the Online Directory of Editors” soon. We had a glitch with the original recording of this webinar and will be rerecording it for YouTube in the coming weeks. The national office will send an announcement when it’s ready, so stay tuned!
Tell the world about findaneditor.ca
Telling clients and employers about the ODE is a snap thanks to our vanity URL. If you know someone who’s looking for an editor, send them to findaneditor.ca.
Try the ODE before buying
There is an annual fee of $80 to be included in the ODE, but any member or affiliate can create a listing—even before paying for it. Create and preview your listing at any time. Once you pay for your listing, you can publish it. To get started, visit the Members’ Area.
National Job Board
The National Job Board is where you’ll find notices of full-time, part-time, contract and freelance opportunities.
Posting on the National Job Board is free!
If you know someone who’s hiring an editor, invite them to post their job ad on our National Job Board and reach editors across Canada. It’s free!
Branch/Twig Hotlines
Many branches and twigs offer job hotline services that are free for Editors Canada members, so be sure to contact your local branch or twig to find out how to sign up for the hotline service. Some branches and twigs are also on social media and recirculate job openings on Facebook and Twitter. Find out if your branch or twig has a social media presence and make sure you’re following them.
Last, but certainly not least, networking is one of the greatest benefits of membership. Editors will often subcontract work to or recommend a colleague if they can’t take a job. Get involved in the association and get to know your fellow members: attend local meetings, volunteer, and sign up for the email forum and association Facebook groups. The bigger your network, the better your chances of finding job opportunities.
3. BOOST YOUR RESUMÉ: Get involved
GOAL: Add work experience and achievements to your resumé
Want to stand above other contenders? Consider volunteering for Editors Canada. Volunteering has many benefits for the association, but it can be beneficial to your career as well. Engaged members and affiliates work with influential members of the publishing and communications industries, learn new skills (at any experience level), expand their portfolios and enhance their career options.
You’ll find national volunteer opportunities throughout this e-news update. You can also contact the volunteer management committee to find out about other opportunities to get involved.
Meet Editors Canada’s Volunteer of the Month: Stéphanie Robitaille
Stéphanie Robitaille never planned on becoming an editor or even considered it a possibility; she fell into the position thanks to a love of language and learning instilled by her parents, a desire to excel, and her first employer. She originally earned a science degree, but it was her work in a laboratory that made her interested in language—it was there that she understood the power of words in every facet of life. Years later, she moved to Ottawa to study translation at the University of Ottawa. Stéphanie now specializes in comparative editing from English to French, using her scientific background to work on science and technology texts.
After graduating with her second degree, Stéphanie wanted to explore new volunteer opportunities related to translation. She decided to weigh her options carefully and do something different, so Editors Canada was a good fit. She joined Editors Ottawa-Gatineau in January 2015 and became a member of the francophone affairs committee. In this role, she worked on the marketing materials, brainstormed new ways to increase the visibility of francophone editors, and recruited francophone members for Editors Canada. She also translated the 2015 and 2016 President’s Award profiles and revised the 2015 Annual Report.
While it can be hard to juggle both professional and volunteer deadlines, Stéphanie easily manages because she loves the work she does for Editors Canada—it is always a delight. She also enjoys collaborating with her fellow volunteers, who have a wealth of experience and a similar passion for their profession. All members share the same goal, she says, so it’s easy to work together to promote the association and editing. In turn, Stéphanie’s colleagues say she always works fast and with a smile.
Stéphanie lives in Ottawa and has three grown children. She enjoys the outdoors, cycling, skating and a good book.
The volunteer of the month highlights the dedicated people who keep Editors Canada going. Volunteers are the backbone of the association. We are grateful for the many members and affiliates who answer the call when help is needed. Visit the Members’ Area for more information about actively participating in the association.
4. EXPAND YOUR NETWORK: Connect with editors and people who hire editors
Making connections is essential for building and maintaining a successful career and for keeping up on industry news. Editors Canada is a national hub where members come together to support and assist one another, and to share professional insights and opportunities. Whether you work in-house or freelance, and whether you’re a student or a veteran editor, your community is here.
GOAL: Connect with other editors online
Our members-only Facebook group is a private place where we can talk, share information, and ask and answer questions about editing and whatever else people want to discuss.
We also have a student affiliates Facebook group to support the next generation of editors.
Of course, you can also “like” the official Editors Canada Facebook page.
Get the latest Editors Canada news and other lively information and discussion by following us on Twitter. Find us @editorscanada.
Many of our branches and twigs, our national conference and even Editing Canadian English 3 have their own accounts on Twitter as well. You’ll find all of these accounts on our Editors Canada groups list.
Twitter chats
Our #EditorsChat Twitter chats are live, hour-long online discussions about fun and informative topics of common interest. The first six chats were educational and action-packed! Stay tuned because we’ll be announcing our first chat of 2017 soon. Find out how to participate in upcoming chats, or check out the Storify summaries of past Twitter chats on the #EditorsChat info page.
Our largest online following is our Editors Canada LinkedIn group. Here are some of the recent topics of discussion.
- Best spelling, grammar, plain language, readability checking programs
- Networking for freelancers
- Plain language writing
Are you a G+ user? Find Editors Canada on Google+.
Who says editors are just about words? Association photos can now be found on the Editors Canada Flickr page. Check out the tiaras, er…pics from recent conferences and national executive council meeting photos.
We’ve been pinning! Take a look at past conference boards on Pinterest.
Editors Canada email list
Many freelancers and in-house editors think of our popular email list as a fast and convenient way to learn from others, and as a virtual water cooler. Here are some of the topics members discussed on the list in the last few months.
- Permissions
- Troublesome clients
- The battle against false “English rules”
Editors Canada membership list
Trying to get in touch with a fellow member? Want your fellow editors to be able to find you? Stay connected with the Editors Canada membership list (in the Members’ Area of the association website). Not listed in this opt-in service yet? Why wait? Visit your Online Profile to list yourself in the membership list for free today (select the option to “Update my ODE profile”). The more of us who opt in, the more valuable this list becomes.
GOAL: Attend more regional meetings and social events
If you resolved to get out and do more face-to-face networking, commit to attending more of the regular meetings and socials hosted by your branch or twig. Each branch and twig offers a variety of local programs for members and non-members alike.
GOAL: Attend the 2017 Editors Canada conference in Ottawa–Gatineau (June 9–11)
Want to connect with hundreds of editors, writers and communication professionals? Plan to attend our 2017 national conference, June 9–11 at the Crowne Plaza Gatineau–Ottawa in Gatineau, Quebec. Conferences set the stage for conversation, inspiration and innovation.
This year, our conference takes place in the National Capital Region during the Canada 150 celebrations. We look forward to seeing many new faces, as well as the return of the dedicated attendees who participate each year. This is your opportunity to spend a weekend sharing valuable insights with your peers. Make 2017 the year you join us!
Conference 2017 update: Vendors sought, session host coordinator wanted, registration coming soon!
Your conference committee has been hard at work reviewing the many excellent speaker proposals received over the past month and putting together the final schedule for the conference! We’ve also updated the conference website with information about travel discounts, accommodations, and our keynote speakers, and we’re preparing a page with information about the local experience in Ottawa–Gatineau, including restaurants, tours, and other fun activities in the area. Registration will open in February and members will be notified by email when it happens, so watch your inbox!
Vendor Fair
The conference team is currently accepting proposals for vendors to participate in the annual vendor fair (aka the Exclamation Mart!). If you have a side business, a marketable hobby, or a book you’d like to sell, or if you want to promote your business or association, consider becoming an exhibitor. Spaces are limited, so contact Nadia Aftab if you’d like to participate.
Session Host Coordinator Needed
The conference team is seeking a volunteer to act as session host coordinator. This volunteer recruits and assigns hosts to introduce speakers, facilitate Q&A, and distribute and collect evaluation forms at conference sessions. They also prepare and circulate information to session hosts about their responsibilities. Contact the volunteer coordinator to express your interest in this important role!
GOAL: Participate in industry events
We’ve been hard at work fostering relationships with other organizations and exploring potential partnerships that will benefit our members and affiliates, while allowing us to keep raising the profile of editors and the editing profession. Events hosted by other organizations are great opportunities for Editors Canada members and affiliates to learn new skills while networking with leaders in business and other organizations—organizations that may need editors.
Keep an eye out for our announcements about new partnerships and networking opportunities.
5. GET NOTICED: Stand out from the crowd
GOAL: Get certified
Make 2017 the year you join the ranks of editors certified by our landmark professional certification program. Certified editors benefit from official recognition of their high level of knowledge and skill, and a marketing advantage.
Are you ready for certification? Watch our free webinar “Are You Certifiable? Preparing for Editors Canada’s Certification Exams” on YouTube now.
Download the webinar handout. (165.21 KB)
Registration for the 2017 tests in Copy Editing and Stylistic Editing will open this summer. For more information visit the certification website.
GOAL: Become a réviseur(e) agréé(e)
In 2015, Editors Canada launched Programme d’agrément en révision linguistique – Réviseurs Canada (PARL), Canada’s first French editing proficiency program. The response has been wonderful, with nearly 100 editors taking the first test in pursuit of a réviseur(e) agréé(e) designation in the program’s inaugural year. Many of those editors also went on to write the examen d’agrément en révision comparative earlier this month.
Are you interested in becoming a réviseur(e) agréé(e)? The next examen d’agrément général will be written at Université Laval in Quebec City on Saturday, October 14. Registration opens in May. For more information, visit the PARL website.
Join the Comité Agrément/Principes
2017 started off with a bang with the second test of the PARL: the examen en révision comparative.
The second examen général is already in development and will be administered this fall. This is an excellent time to join the Comité Agrément/Principes and take part in the adventure!
For more information, email agrement@reviseurs.ca.
GOAL: Get a national byline
Are you looking for a byline on a national platform and published pieces for your portfolio?
The Editors’ Weekly, the official blog of Editors Canada, has room for new authors. Blog articles are typically 300 to 500 words, but they can be longer or shorter. We welcome one-off opinions, mini-series or regular (monthly or bimonthly) series. If you have your own blog you can cross-post to it, and you can link to your own website and Twitter accounts. You do the writing, and Editors Canada will do the promoting through its social media channels.
If you have something to say that you think other editors and linguaphiles want to hear, submit your proposal to the blog’s managing editor.
GOAL: Tell the world about your accomplishments
Editors Canada Member News is where we share information about members and affiliates who win awards, publish books and make their mark in other important ways.
Do you have an achievement you’d like to share? Are you excited about a new project or opportunity that has come your way? Let us tell the world all about it! Please send your stories to the member news coordinator.
GOAL: Be nominated for an Editors Canada award
Each year, Editors Canada presents several awards recognizing excellence in editing and service to the organization. Nominations for the Tom Fairley Award closed on Monday, January 30, but the nominations period for the association’s other respected national awards is just getting under way.
Claudette Upton Scholarship
We are now accepting applications for the Claudette Upton Scholarship. This annual national award of $1,000 recognizes a promising student affiliate from Editors Canada. If you’re a student affiliate, or if you know someone who should be, visit the Claudette Upton Scholarship page for more information.
Karen Virag Award
The association’s newest award was created in memory of long-time association member Karen Virag, and Karen’s many contributions to the profession. This award recognizes the efforts of an editor or an organization to raise the profile of editing in their community. Nominations open soon. Visit the Karen Virag Award page for more information.
President’s Award for Volunteer Service
The President’s Award recognizes outstanding service by member and affiliate volunteers to the organization, at the branch, twig or national level. From among the nominations received for the President’s Award, one volunteer is selected to receive the Lee d’Anjou Volunteer of the Year Award. Nominations are now open. Visit the President’s Award page for more information.
GOAL: Become a YouTube sensation
Have you always dreamed of being a video star? Now’s your chance! Editors Canada is inviting members to submit proposals for two-minute videos (made on your computer or phone) about any aspect of editing. We’re planning to release videos regularly in 2017 to spread the word about editing and the association. For more information, or to submit a proposal, contact president@editors.ca by Saturday, February 18.
GOAL: Get a free editors.ca email address and helpdesk support
Do you want an email address that will not change no matter how many times you switch Internet Service Providers? Show people what you do with an editors.ca email address, available exclusively to Editors Canada members.
An editors.ca email address is a free benefit of membership. Sign up now for your own branded email address and dedicated helpdesk support at no charge.
GOAL: Get your own Editors Canada logo
Want to promote yourself as a member or affiliate of the association? Download the Editors Canada member logo or student affiliate logo for your website, business card and other promotional material.
6. PROTECT YOURSELF: Affordable insurance options, mediation and financial planning
GOAL: Protect yourself, your family and your ability to earn an income
Editors Canada is pleased to offer affordable insurance options for members and affiliates.
Errors and omissions insurance
Professional risks go hand in hand with the editing industry. E&O insurance protects you against lawsuits arising from allegations of negligence or wrongdoing, thereby protecting your assets. For a client who has suffered damages, E&O insurance helps to ensure there are adequate funds for compensation.
Health and dental insurance
These enhanced health-care plans can supplement your provincial government’s coverage and help protect you against unexpected health and dental expenses.
With a complete product package that spans term life insurance, permanent participating life, universal life, disability, critical illness and long-term care, these plans can offer you peace of mind, regardless of what the future might bring.
For more information about insurance, visit the member services page.
GOAL: Resolve conflicts
In a perfect world you’d never have to worry about contract disputes. If you do have a grievance or dispute involving editing work that you have not been able to resolve, the Editors Canada mediator may offer advice or even intervene to help settle the matter. Learn more about Editors Canada’s mediation service.
GOAL: Plan for the future
We’re pleased to partner with Investors Group to offer a wide range of products and services to help you reach your financial security goals. Learn more about retirement and investment planning.
7. SAVE MONEY: Take advantage of Editors Canada discounts
GOAL: Save money on products and services
Looking for savings on office supplies, resources and training opportunities? Editors Canada is pleased to offer great discounts to members and affiliates.
- American Copy Editors Society
- copyrightlaws.com
- Cult Pens
- Cultural Human Resources Council
- Editing Canadian English
- JSTOR digital library
- PerfectIt
- Staples Advantage
Visit the Members’ Area to take advantage of these discounts.
NEW! Editors Canada members save 20% on Copyrightlaws.com courses
We’re pleased to announce that Copyrightlaws.com is once again offering discounts to our members and affiliates on some of its popular online courses.
eTutorial: Canadian Copyright Law (CCL)
March 2–24, 2017
Editors Canada member price: CAD$151.20 (regular price CAD$189)
eTutorial: Legally Using Images eTutorial
March 27–April 7, 2017
Editors Canada member price: US$151.20 (regular price US$189)
For course descriptions and to get the Editors Canada discount code, visit the Members’ Area.
8. NEC: Notes from your national executive council
The New Year is off to a good start for the NEC. We’re working on the following items these days:
- surveying Atlantic members to find out what they want and need
- exploring the possibilities of creating an English Canadian dictionary
- assembling the 2016 annual report
- reviewing proposals for short videos for Editors Canada (deadline is Saturday, February 18!)
- staying connected with committees, branches and twigs
- checking out annual conferences (such as for editors, writers and teachers) to attend to market our products and promote membership
Our next meeting will be March 18–19 in Montreal.
All the best,
Anne Louise Mahoney
The national e-news update is produced on behalf of the national executive council by the national office.