News, events, tips and updates from Editors Canada
In this issue:
- PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION: Registration for the 2024 exams is now open
- TRAIN ONLINE: New Editors Canada webinars are on the way!
- EDITORS 24: Recorded sessions available!
- FRANCOPHONE CONFERENCE: 3e congrès des langagiers et langagières de Réviseurs Canada
- MEMBER DISCOUNT: Access resources from the Canadian Press through our website
- BOOST YOUR RESUMÉ: Get involved
- CAREER BUILDER: Job board survey
- MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!
- IN MEMORIAM: Ruth Pincoe
- NEC: Notes from your national executive council
1. PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION: Registration for the 2024 exams is now open

Registration for Editors Canada’s 2024 Professional Certification exams in Copy Editing and Stylistic Editing is now open!
Is this the year you’ll add your name to the list of trail-blazing certified editors? Register by Monday, September 16, and save $50 for each exam. And don’t forget, Editors Canada members benefit from additional savings of $100 per exam, so registering early for both exams as a member can save you up to $350.
Preparing for Editors Canada Professional Certification
Watch our interactive video to learn everything you ever wanted to know about the exams, including valuable tips on how to prepare. Click on a topic that interests you, or work through each section in order.
For even more information, watch the free webinar How to Prepare for the 2024 Copy and Stylistic Editing Certification Exams, visit the Editors Canada Professional Certification web page or email
2. TRAIN ONLINE: New Editors Canada webinars are on the way!

Your Editors Canada training and development committee is currently working on bringing you a brand-new webinar cycle—stay tuned for that! In the meantime, you can still get your professional development in this summer with our recorded webinars, available to purchase and watch anytime on our webinars page. Take a look and take advantage of your 40% member discount!
Plus, learn a new skill at SFU this fall
Plan ahead to learn something new this fall. Our friends at SFU Continuing Studies will offer a number of courses for professional communicators beginning in September. Registration is now open for:
- Introduction to Public Relations
- Stylistic Editing
- Structural Editing
- Technical Writing and Editing
- Writing Plain Language for Law
3. EDITORS 24: Recorded sessions available!
Couldn’t attend Editors 24, Canada’s premiere editing conference, in Vancouver last month? We have virtual access options for a limited time only.
For those who couldn’t attend in person, all sessions are now available on the conference website for streaming at your convenience. All sessions will be available for streaming on the conference website until Sunday, September 15.
You can purchase streaming options for individual sessions or for full conference packages. As usual, discounted rates are available for Editors Canada members.
Individual sessions
- Members: $42
- Non-members: $70
Full conference
- Members: $250
- Non-members: $350
- Students: $150
4. FRANCOPHONE CONFERENCE: 3e congrès des langagiers et langagières de Réviseurs Canada
Save the date!
The 3rd Editors Canada Congrès des langagiers et langagières will be held virtually on Thursday, November 28, 2024. Editors Canada invites language professionals and students of all backgrounds and abilities to a day of reflection and learning online. The event will be held entirely in French under the theme L’art de la communication.
5. MEMBER DISCOUNT: Access resources from the Canadian Press through our website

Did you know that access to The Canadian Press Stylebook, Caps and Spelling and the Guide de rédaction en ligne is included with Editors Canada membership?
Individual subscriptions to the Guide de rédaction en ligne and the Online Stylebook & Caps and Spelling Bundle cost more than $125/year, but these terrific Canadian Press resources are available to you at no additional charge through the Editors Canada website! All you need is your member portal login.
Looking for more online resources included with membership? Visit the member resources section for exclusive benefits.
Need help logging into the website?
Visit the member portal and click the “Click here if you forgot your password” link.
6. BOOST YOUR RESUMÉ: Get involved
Marketing and communications committee
Would you like to sharpen your marketing and communications skills? Or would you like to learn those skills? Get involved!
The marketing and communications committee (marcom) has many exciting ideas for the new season to raise awareness about the editing profession. But we need people like you to help execute these plans.
Here are some of the ways you’ll benefit from joining us:
- Gain marketing experience that you can apply to your own editing business.
- Improve your skill set by knowing how to apply improved communications techniques.
- Have networking opportunities that may lead to more work.
- Be part of a great team.
Are you unsure whether you have enough expertise? Don’t worry! We will happily train you. If you’re interested in joining the committee, or for more information, please email our committee chair, Sarah Higgins.
Share your ideas with an international audience!
If you have a technical editing tip, advice for editing in your niche, or a reflection on some aspect of life as an editor, we’d love to hear it! The Editors’ Weekly is seeking new blog posts from editors at any stage of their careers. Your insights could inspire editors in our readership across Canada and beyond. Write to Laura Bontje to suggest an idea for a post.
7. CAREER BUILDER: Job board survey
The career builder committee extends its heartfelt thanks to the respondents to our national job board survey in June. Your detailed feedback is invaluable to us, and your insights have provided crucial guidance for the committee. Thank you for your time and thoughtful contributions!
8. MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!
Editors Calgary student affiliate Ellen Forget passed the Canadian National Institute for the Blind’s certification exam for unified English braille transcription. This program and certification are intended for sighted users learning to transcribe text to braille for accessibility.
Editors Atlantic member Wayne Jones published an article on academic editing titled “How an Academic Editor Can Help a Scholar Write a Better Article.”
Editors Hamilton-Halton member Robin Larin won the Editors’ Choice Award for 2024 from the Christian Editors Association for their work on the picture book The Best Trophy by Jennifer Wilson.
On Thursday, August 1, 2024, Editors Toronto member Michelle Waitzman is launching the audiobook version of her self-help book Be as Happy as Your Dog: 16 Dog-Tested Ways To Be Happier Using Pawsitive Psychology. The paperback and ebook launched in 2023. Michelle narrated, recorded, edited and produced the audiobook herself, learning a new set of skills and practising a different kind of editing! It will be available through Spotify, Audible, Nook, and other audiobook retailers.
Editors Canada Member News is where we share information about members and affiliates who win awards, publish books and make their mark in other important ways.
Do you have an achievement you’d like to share? Are you excited about a new project or opportunity that has come your way? Let us tell the world all about it! Please send your stories to the member news coordinator.
9. IN MEMORIAM: Ruth Pincoe
Ruth Pincoe, editor, indexer, former member of Editors Canada, died Monday, May 27, 2024. A memorial meeting will be held Saturday, August 10, at 2 p.m., EDT, at Friends House, 60 Lowther Avenue, Toronto. For Zoom details, see the obituary in the Toronto Star or contact For limited in-person seating, RSVP to
Ruth, a Torontonian, earned degrees in music and musicology, but began editing within 10 years of graduation. In 1994 she won the Tom Fairley Award for her work on the New Piano Series Student Guides, published by Frederick Harris Music. She served twice as president of the Editors’ Association of Canada (1994–95 and 1995–96), but her greatest contribution may have been organizing and indexing its archive at McMaster University, which she completed in 2008. Colleagues remember her as friendly, helpful, witty and meticulous.
As indexing became increasingly important to her, Ruth switched her focus to the Indexing Society of Canada, serving as its president, and then coordinator of the International Committee of Representatives of Indexing Societies (ICRIS).
Ruth gave her time and energy tirelessly to any group she committed to—and to her friends. She will be sorely missed.
10. NEC: Notes from your national executive council
June was a busy month around Editors Canada!
The national executive council (NEC) met on Sunday, June 9, for the last time before breaking for the summer. At the meeting, the NEC voted to approve all the incoming committee chairs and co-chairs. Thank you to everyone who stepped up to volunteer!
The annual conference took place in June as well. I know the annual conference is the highlight for many Editors Canada members, and there are many people who contribute to running a successful conference, including the conference committee, presenters, sponsors and conference volunteers. Many thanks to everyone who ensured the conference went smoothly!
The annual general meeting (AGM) took place on Thursday, June 27. Thank you to everyone who took the time to call in. A summary of the meeting was shared in a standalone email to members on Thursday, July 11.
In July, the NEC directors will vote on NEC positions and decide on NEC meeting dates for September, October and November 2024.
The AGM was my last official act as president of Editors Canada. Being president has been a wonderful experience for me, and I am grateful to the NEC directors (current and past), the incredible Editors Canada office staff, and the Editors Canada members for giving me this opportunity. I look forward to continuing to support the association as past president.
I hope you’re all enjoying a beautiful summer so far!
Maria Frank
The national e-news update is produced on behalf of the national executive council by the national office.