News, events, tips and updates from Editors Canada
In this issue:
1. GREAT TRAINING AT A GREAT PRICE: One-hour webinars for less than $50
2. STUDENT RELATIONS: Virtual social
3. GET INVOLVED: Volunteer opportunities
4. MEMBER DISCOUNT: Save 30% on PerfectIt
5. MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!
6. NEC: Notes from your national executive council
1. GREAT TRAINING AT A GREAT PRICE: One-hour webinars for less than $50
Did you know that as an Editors Canada member or student affiliate, you get 40% off all our webinars? That’s live sessions and recordings. With that discount the price of a one-hour webinar often drops to less than $50!
We have a wide selection for you to choose from. Get training on topics like legal editing, productivity techniques, inclusive and conscious language, best practices for social media and much more. Check out our webinars page to learn more and meet our incredible instructors.
What’s coming up? On Thursday, December 8, Adeline Müller presents Une boite à outils en langage clair et simple.
2. STUDENT RELATIONS: Virtual social
The student relations committee invites all student affiliates to join us for a virtual student social on Sunday, December 4, at 4 p.m., EST. Come join us for illuminating conversation, networking and the chance to win a $25 Indigo gift card! For details, please see the student affiliates Facebook group or email the committee chair.
3. GET INVOLVED: Volunteer opportunities
Looking for volunteer opportunities?
Check out VolunteerConnect, our resource for matching volunteers to tasks. If you want to volunteer for Editors Canada, you can use this searchable tool to
- find opportunities of interest to you, or
- list yourself as a potential volunteer.
Listing yourself as a volunteer will showcase your skills, identify skills you would like to learn and provide other relevant information to people searching for volunteers.
Marcom volunteers wanted
Would you like to sharpen your marketing and communications skills? Or would you like to learn those skills? Get involved!
The marketing and communications committee (Marcom) has many exciting ideas to raise awareness about the editing profession, but we need people like you to help execute these plans.
Here’s what Marcom volunteers can expect:
- Gain marketing experience that you can apply to your own editing business.
- Improve your skill set by knowing how to apply improved communications techniques.
- Get networking opportunities that may lead to more work.
- Be part of a great team.
We’re not just looking for English-speaking volunteers. We’d like to include French-speaking volunteers to help us create campaigns for our francophone audiences. If you’re interested in joining the committee, or if you’d like more information, please email our committee chair, Merel Elsinga.
4. MEMBER DISCOUNT: Save 30% on PerfectIt
An annual subscription to PerfectIt, one of the most popular professional editing tools in use today, is available to Editors Canada members and student affiliates for 30% off the regular price for a single licence.
PerfectIt checks for:
- Consistent hyphenation and capitalization
- Abbreviation definitions
- Capitalization of headings
- List/bullet capitalization and punctuation
- International spelling variations.
To claim your discount, purchase using this custom link from Intelligent Editing.
Looking for more Editors Canada discounts? Visit the Members’ Area today.
5. MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!
Editors British Columbia student affiliate Micah Killjoy recently completed their first big editing project, issue 45.4 of Vancouver’s Room magazine. The issue will be coming out in December 2022. To read Micah’s letter from the editor or pre-order a copy of the issue, please visit the Room website.
Editors Atlantic member Virginia (Ginny) McGowan’s children’s book was shortlisted for the 2022 PEI Literary Awards. A Girl, Her Mother, and the Forest: A Love Story is an eco-fable for kids aged 5 to 10. The book was the only self-published work in its category.
A Girl, Her Mother, and the Forest: A Love Story is illustrated with original watercolours created by Bev Middleton. To sample the book, please visit
In October, Editors Ottawa-Gatineau member Gael Spivak gave a presentation on the ISO plain language standard to the Canadian Science and Medical Editors Network (CanSciMed). The expected publication date for the standard is early 2023. For inquiries on the standard, contact Gael.
The CanSciMed Network was created to connect, engage and support Canadian STEM publishing professionals and elevate their voices internationally. To inquire about the network, contact Dianne Dixon.
Editors Canada Member News is where we share information about members and affiliates who win awards, publish books and make their mark in other important ways.
Do you have an achievement you’d like to share? Are you excited about a new project or opportunity that has come your way? Let us tell the world all about it! Please send your stories to the member news coordinator.
6. NEC: Notes from your national executive council
The national executive council (NEC) met on Saturday, October 22. It’s a busy season at Editors Canada, and all our directors and committees are involved in exciting ongoing projects. Here are a few updates:
- The certification steering committee was preparing for the professional certification exams that took place November 19.
- The website task force continues to be hard at work on the new website.
- The training and development committee is reviewing proposals for webinars for the 2023 webinar season.
- The conference committee is finalizing details for the 2023 conference.
Maureen McGuigan, chair of Editors British Columbia, attended the October meeting and filled us in on some of the happenings in the branch. An interesting way Editors British Columbia is engaging its members is with its “blue pencil” events, which are facilitated by the Vancouver Public Library. These events give editors an opportunity to provide writers with feedback and advice on their writing projects.
I’d also like to share with you that Kristain Barnes has had to step down as director of marketing and communications for personal reasons. We appreciate all that Kristain contributed to the NEC and wish her well. The NEC voted to have Rachel Robinson take over Kristain’s director role. We are excited to welcome Rachel as our new director of marketing and communications!
The NEC will meet next on Sunday, January 29, 2023.
Maria Frank
The national e-news update is produced on behalf of the national executive council by the national office.