News, events, tips and updates from Editors Canada
In this issue:
1. UPCOMING WEBINARS: Learn about alt text, grant writing and ergonomics for editors
2. MEMBER DISCOUNT: Save 15% on virtual courses from the Publishing Training Centre
3. CONNECT: Upcoming meetings of la Vigne des réviseurs
4. STUDENT RELATIONS: New discussion series
5. BOOST YOUR RESUMÉ: Get involved
6. MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!
7. NEC: Notes from your national executive council
1. UPCOMING WEBINARS: Learn about alt text, grant writing and ergonomics for editors

There are still more webinars to come as part of our new fall lineup! Check out these upcoming sessions and make the most of your 40% off member discount:
- November 2, 2023: Some of the Things You Wanted to Know about Alt Text (Amber Riaz)
- November 8, 2023: Masterclass on Grant Writing and Editing (Autumn Scott)
- November 15 and 22, 2023: Ergonomics for Editors (Mindy Gulas and Sonya Poller)
French social media volunteer wanted!
If you enjoy exploring social media and writing/editing in French, we could use your help! Editors Canada is looking for a volunteer to assist with French webinar social media promotion. Reach out to if you’re interested.
2. MEMBER DISCOUNT: Save 15% on virtual courses from the Publishing Training Centre

The Publishing Training Centre (PTC) is a UK-based not-for-profit organisation providing top-quality, cost-effective training for publishers and related businesses worldwide. It offers a variety of flexible study options.
Virtual courses are delivered by tutors with a wealth of industry experience and unique insights. These practical, interactive courses cover a range of topics, including editorial, digital, project management and more, and are designed to make an immediate, positive difference in your role. Small groups ensure personal attention from your tutor and the chance to interact with other delegates and hear about their challenges and solutions.
Editors Canada members and student affiliates can save 15% on any virtual open PTC course. Visit the members’ area for the discount code and to learn more about PTC.
Looking for more Editors Canada partner discounts? Visit the members’ area.
3. CONNECT: Upcoming meetings of la Vigne des réviseurs
Did you know Editors Canada has a monthly Zoom meeting for French-speaking members and student affiliates? The meeting is called la Vigne des réviseurs because a vine grows and spreads into twigs and branches.
Upcoming meetings of la Vigne
November 15, 2023 : Et si l’intelligence artificielle révisait des textes à votre place?
December 15, 2023: La norme et l’usage : comment surmonter ce dilemme?
Email Badou Bousso for the Zoom links or for more information about la Vigne.
English-speaking members are very welcome; however, please note that the meetings will take place in French.
4. STUDENT RELATIONS: New discussion series
The student relations committee will be hosting a new web discussion series in the Editors Canada Student Affiliates Facebook group throughout November. We’ll be talking about all things freelancing: contracts, billing, marketing and more. Come join the conversation!
5. BOOST YOUR RESUMÉ: Get involved
Volunteers needed to join Editors Canada’s certification steering committee
Editors Canada’s landmark professional certification program promotes and maintains professional standards of excellence, helps editors develop professionally, and enhances the status of editing as a profession in Canada. Since the launch of Editors Canada Professional Certification, the association has awarded 309 certifications to 141 professional editors from across Canada and the world.
The certification steering committee relies on volunteers to make the examination process happen, and we need more committee members. Are you interested in being a part of this unique program and helping your fellow editors by maintaining it? If so, join the certification steering committee!
This small, fun, and hard-working group administers the professional certification exams through working with other volunteers. We oversee it from designing and piloting to the taking and marking of the exams. It helps if you have one of the Editors Canada professional certifications, but you don’t have to! Maybe you have some experience with the professional certification program—did you pilot an exam? Maybe you have taken an exam? Do you have an interest in administering exams generally and/or helping people gain certification in editing? If so, we’d love to hear from you! We will train you and have a documented process that continues to evolve.
Meetings are by Zoom on the last Wednesday of each month and take no longer than an hour. Please note that members of the committee may not take a certification exam for three years after leaving the committee as it would be an unfair advantage, and committee memberships are for two-year terms.
If you’re interested please contact the committee chair, Saleh Waziruddin.
LinkedIn hosts wanted
The LinkedIn volunteer hosting initiative started in August and is going great. We hope you have a chance to visit the Editors Canada LinkedIn page and engage with the content our member volunteers have been posting.
We’re looking for more volunteers to host the page from January 2024. Please email Tali Ijack for more information about this opportunity.
What is the hosting initiative?
The host creates engaging posts about language and editing, freelancing and other topics related to the association.
What’s in it for the volunteer hosts?
Volunteer hosts feature themselves on the Editors Canada LinkedIn page. This is a great opportunity to showcase your skills, promote yourself, and increase your visibility as an editor and a member of Editors Canada.
How long does hosting last?
The volunteer host creates content and posts on the Editors Canada LinkedIn page for one month.
Are there guidelines for the initiative?
Volunteer hosts receive a Host Guide with basic rules and tips for on-brand, professional content posting, and access to a branded image library.
How do I sign up?
Email Tali Ijack to express your interest in becoming a host. Please include the month that you’d like to host the Editors Canada LinkedIn page.
Now recruiting Editors Canada mentors
The Editors Canada mentorship program is looking for mentors. The mentorship program offers
two levels of mentorship and pays its mentors:
Level 1
- designed primarily for student affiliates and those who have a small, clearly defined topic they want to discuss
- 4–5 hours over 1 month
Level 2
- designed for a more in-depth mentoring experience
- 10–20 hours over 2 months
- can be extended up to 6 months
Visit the John Eerkes-Medrano Mentorship Program page for more details and to apply to be a mentor or a mentee.
6. MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!
Meghan Fandrich, a poetry editor and an Editors British Columbia student affiliate, published her first book on September 1, 2023. Burning Sage: Poems from the Lytton fire was published by Caitlin Press and is about the fire that destroyed Meghan’s village and life afterward as a single parent in a burned-up town. Burning Sage met with a beautiful reception and is already on its second print run.
More information is available on Meghan’s website and through Amazon, Chapters and Caitlin Press.
Editors Canada Member News is where we share information about members and affiliates who win awards, publish books and make their mark in other important ways.
Do you have an achievement you’d like to share? Are you excited about a new project or opportunity that has come your way? Let us tell the world all about it! Please send your stories to the member news coordinator.
7. NEC: Notes from your national executive council
After breaking for the summer, the national executive council (NEC) met on September 10, 2023. At this meeting, the directors provided updates on what their committees have planned for the upcoming quarter. All the committees and task forces are enthusiastically working on projects, and it is always fantastic to hear about the passion many of our volunteers bring to their work with the association!
The NEC was joined at the meeting by Editors Canada’s francophone adviser, Badou Bousso. It was lovely to have Badou join us and offer his perspective on the discussions.
Ann and Małgosia of Editors Toronto also joined the meeting and gave the NEC an update on Editors Toronto. They also shared some of their experiences hosting the annual conference earlier this year.
One big endeavour currently underway is the new strategic plan. The project is still in its initial planning stages and will continue over several months.
The NEC met on October 15, 2023, and will meet again on November 5, 2023.
Maria Frank
The national e-news update is produced on behalf of the national executive council by the national office.