Common errors and workarounds
After two years in the making, the new Editors Canada website launched in January.
There have been a few bumps along the way, but we’re pleased with the new site and the healthier foundation it’s built on.
As with any new website launch, there are some broken elements, too. We thank those of you who have taken the time to report new website bugs. The national office staff goes through the feedback form and regularly fixes what can be fixed in-house right away. When the bug requires developer support, the staff escalates the issue.
Many of the bugs that members are reporting are related to the Online Directory of Editors (ODE), which is now powered by Findjoo. In some cases, Findjoo is able to resolve the issue quickly. In others, Findjoo has provided workarounds to compensate for the limitations of their platform.
Here are some of the most common issues members are reporting and some workarounds.
Member portal
I can’t save updates to my member portal profile or the Online Directory of Editors. The website says “An error occurred!”
Unfortunately, Findjoo doesn’t seem to work with all browsers. Here is their workaround:
- Use either Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.
- Go into your browser settings and make sure that third-party cookies are enabled.
- Open a new incognito window and try using Findjoo again.
I can’t log out.
To sign out of the website, go to the member portal and click the “Sign out” link that appears on the page menu. The “log out” link in the navigation menu at the top of the website doesn’t work.

Online Directory of Editors (ODE)
How do I create or update my ODE profile?
To access your profile in the ODE, log into the member portal. In your member profile, you will find a section called “Custom Fields.” This is the section where you can create or update your directory profile.
My profile is missing from the ODE.
The website task force last migrated data from the old ODE to the new one in fall 2023. If your profile was created or updated on the old website between fall 2023 and the new website launch in January 2024, it was not migrated to the new directory. If your profile is missing, email the national office at to request that your ODE profile be restored.
Searching doesn’t work properly or is producing different results.
Click the “Reset” button before starting any search. This will clear any previous search parameters stored in the ODE.
How does the location search work?
The location search locates editors in the ODE who are [X] kilometres or miles from a Canadian postal code.

To use this search:
- Enter a numeric value in the “Distance” field,
- Select “Kilometres” or “Miles,”
- Enter a postal code and then click “Search.”
Clear the “Distance” and “From postal code” fields to get results “anywhere” (the default).
I can’t find my profile even though I’m searching for my postal code.
Findjoo has let us know that there is bad data in some members’ postal codes in the member portal. The national office staff can fix this easily on request. If you’re not finding your own ODE profile by location/postal code search, email to request support.
Search by last name is gone.
Findjoo has restored the search for editors in the ODE by last name.
The URL of my ODE profile is too long/doesn’t contain my name.
As a default, links to ODE profiles are an unwieldy set of letters and numbers that looks something like, etc.
You can now choose an ODE ID that will appear in your profile URL. We suggest using your first name-last name as your ID, so the URL for your ODE listing will be
To create your ODE ID, visit the member portal and scroll to the “Custom Fields” section.
Need help logging into the website?
Visit the member portal and click the “Click here if you forgot your password” link.
Thank you for your patience!
We know it’s frustrating waiting for website bugs to be addressed. The website task force that dedicated nearly two years to working on the new website largely wound down its work last fall. Since then, the national office staff has been doing its best to continue the work that they started, including getting the site launched in January and working through bug reports with our developers, while staying on top of their other responsibilities.
If you find a website error, please use the bug report form or email the national office at to report it.
National Executive Council
Editors Canada