News, events, tips and updates from Editors Canada
In this issue:
- TRAINING: Catch up on our spring webinar season
- AGM 2024: Call to meeting
- MEMBER RESOURCES: EZproxy access restored
- MEMBER DISCOUNTS: Save 60% on the Literary Review of Canada
- STUDENT RELATIONS: Upcoming social
- CAREER BUILDER: Survey coming soon
- SHOWCASE YOURSELF: You can be our next volunteer host on Editors Canada’s LinkedIn page
- MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!
- NEC: Notes from your national executive council
We are just under a month away from Editors 24: Present Progressive! This year’s conference will take place from June 21 to 23 at the Simon Fraser University (SFU) Harbour Centre in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia.
Our conference committee is currently putting the finishing touches on what promises to be an educational and engaging weekend. We cannot wait to welcome you with a jam-packed schedule and endless opportunities to connect!
Visit the conference website for updated schedules, speaker and session details, local interest info and more. Download the PheedLoop app to keep all this info easily accessible and stay up to date!
If you haven’t already done so, book your stay ASAP since accommodation fills up fast. Take advantage of Editors Canada’s hotel discounts.
2. TRAINING: Catch up on our spring webinar season

If you missed any of the webinars from our recent spring lineup, no worries—you can still find the recordings on our webinars page. This year we’ve offered sessions on editing with AI, addressing problematic content, book coaching, marketing a freelance business and much more, and they’re all available to purchase and watch at your leisure.
Plus, build your skills at SFU
Expand your skillset with a flexible online course from SFU Continuing Studies. Register now for courses that begin in the next few weeks:
- Indexing: An Essential Art and Science
- Grammar
- Proofreading
- Copy Editing
- Plain Language Principles
- Writing and Editing for the Web
3. AGM 2024: Call to meeting
Our annual general meeting (AGM) of members takes place on Thursday, June 27, 2024, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., EDT, on Zoom. Earlier this month, we sent members the call to meeting, proxy form and online registration instructions. Look for the subject line “Call to Meeting—AGM 2024” in your inbox.
For meeting details, including the agenda, supporting documentation and instructions for student affiliates to register to attend the meeting by phone, please visit the Annual General Meeting 2024 page on the website.
4. MEMBER RESOURCES: EZproxy access restored
In case you missed the announcement earlier this month, we’re happy to report that access to the Canadian Press, the Chicago Manual of Style and Oxford resources included with Editors Canada membership has been restored.
Visit the members resources section of the website to start using these resources now!
Don’t forget to claim your free Editors Canada webinar recording by May 31
In compensation for the EZproxy downtime, and as a token of our gratitude for your patience, we’re offering each member and student affiliate a free Editors Canada webinar recording. This offer expires on May 31, 2024, so be sure to claim yours today!
5. MEMBER DISCOUNTS: Save 60% on the Literary Review of Canada

With over 250 reviews per year, the Literary Review of Canada covers everything from history, fiction, science and politics to health, economics, poetry, culture, philosophy and biography. Plus, in every issue you’ll enjoy poetry from seasoned and emerging writers.
Subscribe now for one year—that’s 10 issues—for only $35!
Visit the member services section of the website to get this special offer for Editors Canada members and student affiliates.
Check out the free newsletter Bookworm
Published every Tuesday, you’ll get exclusive reviews, book excerpts, insider looks at the magazine and more. Sign up for free on Substack.
6. STUDENT RELATIONS: Upcoming social
Save the date! On Sunday, June 9, 2024, the student relations committee will be hosting a virtual student social, “Editorial Training AMA.” Are you considering enrolling in a program or course this fall? Ask us anything and get all the answers to your burning questions about some of the most popular editing programs across Canada. This is a unique opportunity to reap the benefits of the experience (and hindsight) of current students and recent grads! Visit the student affiliates Facebook group for event details, or email the committee chair.
7. CAREER BUILDER: Survey coming soon
In the coming weeks, the career builder committee will be circulating a four-question survey (in English and French) about the national job board to gather your input about how to improve it. Your feedback will be invaluable. Keep your eyes on your inbox!
8. SHOWCASE YOURSELF: You can be our next volunteer host on Editors Canada’s LinkedIn page
Have you noticed our engaging hosts’ posts on the Editors Canada’s LinkedIn page? You can take on the host role for a month, too!
What is the hosting initiative?
The host creates engaging posts about language, editing, freelancing and anything else that can be related to Editors Canada.
What’s in it for the volunteer hosts?
As a host, you can feature yourself on Editor Canada’s LinkedIn page. This is a great opportunity to showcase your skills, promote yourself, and increase your visibility as an editor and a member of Editors Canada. It’s an amazingly rewarding experience to engage with fellow editors.
How long does hosting last?
The host role is for one month. You can easily schedule your posts ahead of time.
Are there guidelines for the initiative?
Volunteer hosts receive a Host Guide with basic rules and tips for on-brand, professional content posting, and access to a branded image library.
Need more info or want to sign up?
Email Merel Elsinga to get more details or express your interest in becoming a host.
9. MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!
Editors Toronto member Arija Berzitis, director of professional standards on the national executive council, has just received her Publishing Certificate from Toronto Metropolitan University. The certificate took Arija about 15 years to complete due to a full-time proofreading job plus ongoing freelance work. Arija is very happy about completing the certificate at this late stage of her career.
Abd Darouzy, Editors Atlantic member and certified Arabic translator, has completed their second MA degree in linguistics.
Editors Canada Member News is where we share information about members and affiliates who win awards, publish books and make their mark in other important ways.
Do you have an achievement you’d like to share? Are you excited about a new project or opportunity that has come your way? Let us tell the world all about it! Please send your stories to the member news coordinator.
10. NEC: Notes from your national executive council
Spring is the start of a busy season for everyone at Editors Canada, and there is a lot of activity all around the organization.
The national executive council (NEC) met on Sunday, April 21, 2024, to discuss some of these springtime activities:
- The publications committee has several projects on its plate, including new editions of the Edit Like a Pro workbooks.
- The annual audit is underway. As every year, the auditor’s report will be included as part of the annual report.
- The annual conference is fast approaching, so the national office staff and conference committee are hard at work preparing for an excellent conference in Vancouver next month.
- The strategic plan is progressing nicely. As part of the strategic planning process, our facilitators are conducting a series of meetings and consultations to ensure as many voices from the association are heard as possible.
The NEC met on Sunday, May 19, 2024. A summary of that meeting will be included in the June e-news update.
The next NEC meeting will be on Sunday, June 9, 2024. The conference will take place June 21–23, 2024, and the AGM will take place the following week, on Thursday, June 27, 2024.
Maria Frank
The national e-news update is produced on behalf of the national executive council by the national office.