Heather Buzila

Headshot of Heather Buzila

Heather Buzila joined Editors Canada in 2014 and currently serves as the regional director of branches and twigs for Western and Eastern Canada. From June 2017 to July 2018, she was the coordinator of Editors Edmonton. She also served as the social media coordinator for the 2018 Editors Canada national conference.

“I really enjoyed working on the conference committee,” says Heather. “It was great to be able to connect with editors from across the country during our meetings and to get to see how conferences are planned and organized.”

After changing careers in 2007 (she was previously a high school band teacher), Heather has edited fiction and non-fiction books, and professional development modules for nurses. She now works as an editor for course materials at Athabasca University in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. How does she balance her life of work, volunteer commitments and family life? “I just remind myself to make a list and do one thing at a time and everything gets sorted out in the end.”

What she loves about volunteering is that she has met so many incredible people who are willing to help and offer advice. Heather says, “I see volunteering as my way of promoting editing as a career and Editors Canada as an organization that benefits editors across the country.”

What does the future hold for Heather? “I have a passion for history and archaeology, and I want to be Indiana Jones when I grow up,” she says. “Maybe the world’s first editor-archaeologist hybrid?”

The featured volunteer recognizes the contributions of our dedicated people who keep Editors Canada going. Volunteers are the backbone of the association, and we are grateful for the many members and affiliates who answer the call when help is needed.

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