David Johansen

Headshot of David Johansen

David Johansen has been a member of Editors Québec for 10 years. He first got involved by organizing the Editors Québec social events and went on to become the branch and national treasurer. He has also helped at the annual conferences, where he enjoyed working on the registration desk and being a session host.

Until recently, David was the regional director of branches and twigs (east) and found this to be a very interesting and challenging responsibility. One of his memorable experiences was supporting the creation of the Editors Barrie twig. “It was very motivating to experience the enthusiasm of the founders and their vision for the future,” said David.

David has been a freelance editor for more than 25 years. He currently works on verifying French-to-English translations and localization from American English to UK English. When not editing, David spends his time singing for the Lakeshore Light Opera, where he serves on the board of directors. He is also member of the jury for the Montreal English Theatre Awards.

Having volunteered for most of his adult life for various organizations, David says that his volunteer experience has been entirely positive, and that any challenges he has faced have been manageable because he is part of a team that is always available to assist when needed. He tells us that all his projects have emerged from networking and word of mouth as a direct result of his involvement with Editors Canada. “This is a very positive result of volunteering and I wouldn’t change a thing,” he said.

The featured volunteer recognizes the contributions of our dedicated people who keep Editors Canada going. Volunteers are the backbone of the association, and we are grateful for the many members and affiliates who answer the call when help is needed.

Want to make a difference in your association? Find out more about volunteering for Editors Canada.

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