Jennifer Rae-Brown first joined the Ottawa-Gatineau branch of Editors Canada in the 1980s and began volunteering as a way to meet other editors. She excels in her current role as a greeter and host at monthly meetings where she helps new members to feel welcome. Her branch colleagues describe her as “generous, gregarious and genuinely funny.”
Over the years, Jennifer has edited and proofread certification materials and various Editors Canada brochures. She has also hosted seminars and presented on the topic of balancing parenting with working at home.
Jennifer began her editing career at an academic press and later worked in government publishing. She now edits and proofreads for museums, including the Canadian Museum of History, and numerous cultural institutions. She is also an avid traveller, runner and cross-country skier.
She describes her volunteer experience as very rewarding as it has provided numerous opportunities for learning and for making new friends. She is also supportive of the continuing development of Editors Canada. “It’s been inspiring to see the different leaders, at the local and national level, moving our organization forward and giving our profession a voice and presence.”
The featured volunteer recognizes the contributions of our dedicated people who keep Editors Canada going. Volunteers are the backbone of the association, and we are grateful for the many members and affiliates who answer the call when help is needed.
Want to make a difference in your association? Find out more about volunteering for Editors Canada.