Freelance editor Julia Cochrane has been a member of Editors Canada for almost 20 years. She has belonged to the Toronto branch, the Prairie Provinces branch and the Quebec/Atlantic Canada branch, and was a founding member of the Nova Scotia twig. Julia’s extensive volunteer work at the national and local group levels has made an immeasurable contribution to Editors Canada.
At the branch level, Julia served as treasurer for both the Prairie Provinces branch and the Quebec/Atlantic Canada branch. At the national level, Julia has been on the national executive council several times. She is currently in her first term on the council as regional director of branches and twigs (east).
What motivates Julia to volunteer? “Many reasons,” she says. “Meeting people, I’d say, is number one.” The other benefits are giving back to Editors Canada, travelling and the opportunity for networking.
Julia has been a freelance math and sciences editor since 1995 and has lived in Nova Scotia since 2001.
The featured volunteer recognizes the contributions of our dedicated people who keep Editors Canada going. Volunteers are the backbone of the association, and we are grateful for the many members and affiliates who answer the call when help is needed.
Want to make a difference in your association? Find out more about volunteering for Editors Canada.