Roma Ilnyckyj

Headshot of Roma Ilnyckyj

Roma Ilnyckyj joined Editors Canada in 2013 just as she was making a career switch to editing. Being new to the profession, she saw volunteering as a way to learn more about editing, meet other editors and stay current on developments and debates in the industry. She began her volunteer work in 2014 as Editors BC programs chair, where she organized and ran the monthly members meetings. Part of her responsibilities included finding speakers to give presentations to the branch members. In her time in this role she found speakers on such diverse and interesting topics as speech writing, forensic linguistics and closed captioning.

In 2015 Roma took on the role of branch chair, running the executive meetings and becoming the branch’s main point of contact. She also helped plan the pre-conference activities for the 2016 Editors Canada conference. Roma admits that this task was the most challenging for her, as she had little experience with event planning and planning professional development workshops. With the assistance of a great volunteer team, she helped make the day a success. She in turn is amazed by the amount of time and work the conference volunteers put into the main event. “It was my first Editors Canada conference,” she says. “And being involved in the planning made it that much more memorable.”

When not volunteering, Roma is the associate editor at Talk Science to Me, a Vancouver-based science communications company that offers writing, editing and design services to a wide variety of clients. She is also enjoying first-time motherhood. Congratulations, Roma!

The featured volunteer recognizes the contributions of our dedicated people who keep Editors Canada going. Volunteers are the backbone of the association, and we are grateful for the many members and affiliates who answer the call when help is needed.

Want to make a difference in your association? Find out more about volunteering for Editors Canada.

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