Our first online meeting of members (on October 1) went as smoothly as we could have hoped. Thanks to all who participated!
Here are the results from the meeting:
- Motion #1 approving Professional Editorial Standards was carried, with 114 in favour and 0 opposed. Congratulations to the standards taskforce (chaired by Michelle Boulton and Moira White) for their excellent work. The revised standards take effect on January 1, 2017.
- Motion #2 (limiting terms on the national executive council) was defeated, with 35 in favour and 94 opposed.
- And the winner of the inaugural Karen Virag Award is…Nancy Flight! Congratulations, Nancy!
Thank you to the national office staff (Michelle Ou, Sébastien Koch and Caitlin Stewart) for all their help preparing for the meeting and for providing technical support during the meeting (Michelle and Sébastien).
Also, thanks to all members who took part in the time leading up to the meeting by reviewing and commenting on the revised standards and discussing the issue of NEC term limits.