Meet an Editor

Suzanne Purkis
Headshot of Suzanne Purkis
Suzanne Purkis has been a member of Editors Canada and the National Capital Region branch for three years. Her first volunteer role with Editors Canada was as program coordinator for the 2013 national conference in Halifax. When asked if she wanted to be involved in the member services committee, Suzanne jumped in with both feet, taking over as chair.

From The Blog


Are you seeing AI everywhere now, but still feeling uncertain about exactly how and when to address it as an editor? Join Perrin Lindelauf on Nov. 19 for a webinar about ethical considerations, privacy issues and copyright jurisprudence to keep in mind when you encounter AI in your work. Sign up now: (link in bio) 

Member price: $60 / Non-member price: $100 

[Alt: Megaphone, notebook and laptop with Editors Canada logo on its screen, below text "Editors Canada webinar, Tuesday, November 19, 1 pm ET. AI Editing Uncertainty: Navigating Ethics, Copyright and Privacy. Ethical and legal aspects of AI to consider while editing"] 
(Image copyright: megaphone by liravega258 ©, laptop/notebook by yupiramos © 

#AI #Editing #EditingAdvice #EditingTips #ProfessionalDevelopment #EditorsCanada


Editors/Réviseurs Canada️ 2024-11-08T21:29:03+0000

Il est actuellement impossible pour les membres de Réviseurs Canada d’avoir accès gratuitement aux ressources de La Presse canadienne et d’Oxford ainsi qu’au Chicago Manual of Style. Cette situation est attribuable à la connexion EZProxy de notre site Web à ces ressources. La Permanence nationale vous avisera dès que nous en saurons plus. Nous vous prions de nous excuser pour les inconvénients et nous vous remercions de votre patience.

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