Our governance structure
The Editors’ Association of Canada is governed at the national level by an executive council and complies with the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (the Act).
To comply with the Act, in 2014 Editors Canada updated its Bylaw No. 1, membership structure, and corresponding policies, procedures, rules and regulations. These updates are explained in the documents below.
For information about the Act, please visit the Government of Canada’s website.
Editors Canada 2014 Governance Changes: Draft Articles of Continuance & Bylaw
Editors Canada 2014 Governance Changes: Revisions to Draft Bylaw
Editors Canada 2014 Governance Changes: Backgrounder
Editors Canada 2014 Governance Changes: FAQs
Organizational structure

Editors Canada organizational chart, updated August 2022
Editing Editors’ Association of Canada: The Next Chapter
The national executive council is pleased to announce that Editors’ Association of Canada members have voted overwhelmingly in favour of adopting the revised structure of the association detailed in Editing EAC: The Next Chapter.
The results of the February 2011 Editing EAC referendum are as follows.
The following changes are proposed for implementation following the 2011 AGM. These changes require majority support (more than 50%) of the legal votes cast.
Do you support
1) the proposed structural changes to the national executive council (NEC) as outlined in Editing EAC: The Next Chapter?
- Replacing the two MALs with six Directors
- Replacing six Branch Representatives with two Regional Directors of Branches and Twigs
Yes: 122 (87.14%)
No: 12 (8.57%)
Abstain: 7 (5.00%)
Ballots cast: 141
Skipped question: 0
2) the proposal to appoint all national committee chairs through the elected NEC?
Yes: 125 (89.29%)
No: 10 (7.14%)
Abstain: 6 (4.29%)
Ballots cast: 141
Skipped question: 0
3) the plan to shift the date NEC members elected at the AGM take office from the May/June (following the AGM) to September?
Yes: 136 (97.14%)
No: 2 (1.43%)
Abstain: 3 (2.14%)
Ballots cast: 141
Skipped question: 0
4) the creation of a new, smaller category of branches, called twigs, as outlined in Editing EAC: The Next Chapter?
Yes: 132 (94.29%)
No: 5 (3.57%)
Abstain: 4 (2.86%)
Ballots cast: 141
Skipped question: 0
We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this process, by offering advice and feedback, by coming out to local meetings to discuss the issues, and finally by casting your votes in the referendum. You have played an important role in helping us shape the future of EAC!
National Executive Council
Editors’ Association of Canada
The history of Editing EAC
In the months leading up to the national AGM in 2010, the national executive council (NEC) rolled out plans to review and revise the association structure. Our concerns and preliminary plans were distributed to all members in a discussion paper called Editing EAC. The structural review was discussed at the AGM and was the focus of the 2010 national conference.
In the months following the AGM, a thread was started on Interactive Voice to give all members a chance to voice their concerns or perspectives regarding the NEC’s plans. A new version of our discussion paper, called Editing EAC: A Closer Look, was drafted and distributed to members. In the fall, the association president, Michelle Boulton, or the vice-president, Greg Ioannou, visited each of the association’s six branches to talk to branch members face-to-face about the changes being proposed. In e-News Updates over the summer and into the fall, members were kept informed about the Editing EAC discussion and reminded to add their voices to the Interactive Voice discussion or to contact the president or vice-president directly by email. The idea was to talk to as many people as possible and to get as much feedback as we could.
As a result, we received a tremendous amount of feedback and lots of good ideas from members. Voting members were given the chance to vote on Editing EAC: The Next Chapter in a referendum from February 1–15, 2011.