Roster of certified editors

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(© Editors’ Association of Canada; Yulia Kireeva ©

Editors Canada Professional Certification recognizes excellent editing knowledge, skill, judgment and experience. Five different certification designations are available: Certified Structural Editor, Certified Stylistic Editor, Certified Copy Editor, Certified Proofreader and—for those who achieve all four of these designations—Certified Professional Editor (CPE).

This roster is updated annually, after certification candidates have been notified of their exam results.

The following editors have been certified by the Editors’ Association of Canada.

Look for them in the Online Directory of Editors.

 Certified Professional Editor (CPE)Certified ProofreaderCertified Copy EditorCertified Stylistic Editor (offered as of 2011)Certified Structural Editor (offered as of 2011)Certified Structural and Stylistic Editor (offered pre-2010)
Adamski, Barbara K.     
Allen, Amy     
Ayim, Martha  
Backs, Stan 
Bailey, Rhonda     
Bauer, Jean     
Beanlands, Holly    
Bell, Victoria 
Bennett, Dina     
Brennan, Anne  
Brock, Beau    
Brown, Carolyn 
Buchholtz, Kristine 
Buzila, Heather    
Cappello Bromling, Laura    
Carroll, Wendy  
Carter, Franklin     
Cheffins, Tania 
Cheung, Iva  
Cleugh, Janis     
Clunas, Christopher    
Currie, Lynne     
Dawson, Donna  
Delisle, Raina     
Di Menna, Jodi    
Di Stefano, Andrea     
Dinsmore, Jennifer     
Doyle, Monique     
Draper, Jay     
Duncan-Taylor, Julie     
Dyer, Janice  
Ealey, David     
Edlund, Laura     
Elphick, Cindy    
Ensom, Beverly     
Firth, Ann    
Fossey, Claire     
Furdek, Patricia     
Ghinea, Eliza     
Gluppe, Sonia  
Godard, Freya  
Godden, Matthew    
Godin, Evelyn   
Goodchild, Sara     
Govier, Jennifer    
Greer, David    
Griffiths, Sharon     
Haagsma, Amy    
Haggert, Cat    
Hanson, AJ
Hare, Cory
Hemming, Judy     
Hepburn, Jennifer     
Hibbert, Lois    
Hinman, Sherry  
Hritzuk, Lindsey 
Ilnyckyj, Roma 
Jenkins, Linda     
Johnstone, Shana    
Keeble, Ellen     
Kennedy, Robert     
Ki, Cecilia
King, Joanne     
Laird, Amy     
Lawlor, Michelle     
Lear, Krysia     
Legros, Nathalie     
Lesoway, Marie    
Lewis, Tilman  
Lim, Kathy     
Loewen, Dawn     
Lomberg, Michelle     
London, Catherine     
Lundberg, Kristina  
Lupu, Ellen     
MacDonald, Kim     
Macfie, Elizabeth   
MacLean, Michael     
MacLeod, Sue 
Mahoney, Anne Louise  
Mahoney, Sheila     
Marchand, Jesse     
Marwick, Robin ✔✔  
Mascarenhas, Cheryl    
McKane, Jeanne  
McNally, Shauna
Metten, Ann-Marie  
Montgomerie, Adrienne     
Moreau, Elizabeth  
Morton, Katherine     
Munn, Holly    
Nicholson, Maureen   
O’Brien, Amanda    
Okerlund, Lana 
Ozunal, Berna 
Peters, Brock ✔  ✔  
Plear, Catherine     
Prouty, Liz      
Rae-Brown, Jennifer     
Rains, Ashley 
Rancourt, Leanne 
Rawdah, Solena     
Rickert, Eve 
Robins, Sarah 
Rowlands, Christine    
Rummens, Helena     
Saffrey, Leslie 
Schellenberg, Lynn  
Schneider, Andrea    
Scobie, Gillian     
Secord, Erin   
Shaw, Margaret    
Shulman, Jessica 
Siu, Carmen    
Sloan, Tiffany 
Smith, Arlene     
Smith, Brooke    
So, Robyn    
Soublière, Marion    
Stevenson, Shelly   
Svidal, Shelley     
Theleritis, Dina     
Theodore, Wendy     
Urquhart, Kristina     
Van Emden, Eva    
Vandewater, Sarah     
Vasilevski, Christina     
Vogan, Stephen    
White, Michelle
Wight, Sarah  
Wilcox, Merrie-Ellen  
Withers, Scott     
Yaginuma, Grace    
Yoshioka, Alan    
Youers, Emily  
Ypma, Florene   

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