News, events, tips and updates for members of the Editors’ Association of Canada
In this issue:
1. YOUR ASSOCIATION: Presenting the 2010–11 media kit
2. BRANCHES & TWIGS: Bonfire night!
3. EMAIL FORUM: How to tune out the CHAT
4. INDUSTRY NEWS: Pronk&Associates closes its editorial division
5. PROMOTE YOURSELF: Online Directory of Editors
6. WEBSITE: Status page now online
1. YOUR ASSOCIATION: Presenting the 2010–11 media kit
The Marketing and Public Relations Committee is proud to introduce EAC’s 2010–11 media kit. The media kit is a great introduction to EAC, its members and the rewards of editing.
Volunteers from the Marketing and Public Relations Committee have been working steadily on developing the kit since 2009. Sincere appreciation to:
Denise Barnard (coordination)
Ramona Brown
Tammy Burns
Amanda Grondahl (layout)
Anita Jenkins
Lynne Melcombe
Thanks also to the many members who contributed content and proofreading expertise!
Visit EAC’s media page to download the media kit today.
Join the Marketing and Public Relations Committee
Do you wish more people knew about EAC and the great things we do? Would you like editors in Canada to have a higher profile in the communications and business sectors?
Yes? We’d love to have you on board! The Marketing and Public Relations Committee is looking for volunteers to contribute to a number of projects, from developing a membership brochure to writing copy for ads, media releases, posters, brochures and newsletters.
If you have a background in marketing, design or PR—or just wish you had—and are interested in joining the committee, contact committee chair Anita Jenkins for more details.
2. BRANCHES & TWIGS: Bonfire night!
On Saturday, September 11, editors gathered in Ontario’s Simcoe region to join the national executive council for a barbecue and bonfire social in scenic Horseshoe Valley. Editing, EAC and branch and twig formation were on the agenda as 30 editors gathered at the Carriage Hills Resort for an evening of business, pleasure and roasted marshmallows.
In pictures
Photos courtesy of Carolyn L Burke.
3. EMAIL FORUM: How to tune out the CHAT
Although the EAC email forum—the “list”—is primarily a resource that allows subscribers to tap into the shared professional expertise of all members, members also engage in all manner of spirited discussions on topics not always related to editing. This community can be quite chatty, and few topics are off limits. Some people like the “gathering around the water-cooler” aspect; others don’t.
If you’re one of the latter, and feel that the volume of non-editing posts is excessive, you have always had the option of creating an email filter rule on your email program or web-based email site to send posts labelled CHAT, HUMOUR, MEMNEWS, and so on to your trash (or another folder for leisurely reading).
Now you have another option: Topic filtering on the email forum server.
Currently, unless you receive the digest version, the email forum server will send you every message posted. Do you want to tune out the CHAT? You can change the server’s default behaviour by following these steps:
Setting up topic filtering in your email forum subscription settings
1. Browse to the email forum member options login page.
2. After logging in (normally, you get a password reminder email on the first of each month), scroll down and make selections for “Which topic categories would you like to subscribe to?” and “Do you want to receive messages that do not match any topic filter?”
3. Then click Submit My Changes.
After you make this change, only the messages you want will make it to your Inbox. You can adjust these settings as often as you wish. Please note that topic filtering will only work for those who do not subscribe to the email forum in digest mode.
If you ever want to see every message, visit the email forum archive.
If you have any questions about using topic filtering, please contact the national office for assistance.
4. INDUSTRY NEWS: Pronk&Associates closes its editorial division
Due to financial problems, Pronk&Associates has closed its editorial division and will restructure the rest of its operations. At least 16 freelance editors have not been paid for work they did for Pronk&Associates; some of the unpaid invoices date back to March, 2010.
EAC’s mediator, Michael Benedict, has been trying to assist three EAC members with long overdue invoices with their claims against Pronk. As yet, there is no firm indication from Pronk&Associates of when, or even if, the freelance editors will be paid.
EAC members who have outstanding invoices to Pronk&Associates are invited to contact the EAC mediator. Although the mediator cannot act for non-members directly, non-members are also welcome to contact EAC. EAC would like to pool information, and may be able to offer other assistance later on. For more information, please contact EAC vice-president Greg Ioannou.
5. PROMOTE YOURSELF: Online Directory of Editors
Looking for work? Look no further than the Online Directory of Editors (ODE), the official advertising directory of association members for use by clients, employers and colleagues. The search-engine-friendly ODE generates about 8,000 hits a month.
In this age of e-everything, it’s vital for successful businesses to have an online presence. With a listing in the ODE, you can give potential clients the link to your personal directory web page to promote your skills.
Five hundred EAC members have already listed in the ODE. A listing costs just $75* per year. Don’t pass up this opportunity to promote yourself. For payment instructions and more information about the ODE, visit the Your online directory listing page in the Members’ Area of the association website today.
*HST extra.
Try before buying
Remember, any member can create a profile in the ODE—even before paying for it. It won’t be published until you pay for it, but you can still create and preview your profile to see how your entry would look in the ODE. To create your profile, visit your Online Profile in the Members’ Area.
6. WEBSITE: Status page now online
EAC website? Check.
Online Directory of Editors? Check.
Interactive Voice? Check. email? Check.
Webmail? Check.
Email forum? Check.
Experiencing a hiccup with EAC’s web-based services? The national office announces planned service disruptions in advance, but from time to time unscheduled server downtime may occur. eSubnet Enterprises, EAC’s server technicians, have designed a server status web page to keep association members informed about our web-based services.
If you’re having trouble accessing EAC’s web-based services, check for the latest information about server uptime and downtime. If the status page indicates that the server is up and running, but you’re still experiencing problems, please contact the national office at
The EAC national e-news update is produced on behalf of the national executive council by the national office.