The new website launch is just a few weeks away! To prepare for the launch, we will institute a web content freeze on the website for two-and-a-half weeks.
Web freeze begins on July 17 (this means no updates to web pages, including ODE profiles)
As of July 17, 2023, we ask that all users of our association website refrain from making updates to their web pages until the national office announces the freeze has been lifted. Users include all webmasters and any member who has a profile in the Online Directory of Editors. We expect the freeze to last for two-and-a-half weeks.
Our website task force and website developer are taking a snapshot of our current website and migrating all the content to our new website. You can still visit all web pages as usual, but any website revisions that you make during the freeze will not be carried over to our new website.
The Editors’ Weekly blog and the webinars page will not be affected
As mentioned in the April e-news update, the new website is being done in stages. The Editors’ Weekly blog and Editors Canada webinars subsite are currently distinct from the main website, so they will not be affected by the freeze.
In the next stage of the new website project, we will focus on these subsites, as well as introduce more cohesion to the branch and twig sites.
The new website launches on August 4
The web freeze will end with the launch of our new association website on August 4, 2023. You will receive an announcement from the national office when the site is live and you can log in and update web pages and profiles again.
What to expect with the new website
While the site will largely look the same as it does now, some usability and accessibility issues will be addressed.
Single login
You asked and we listened! You will no longer need to remember one set of login credentials for the association website and another for Editors Canada’s Findjoo membership portal. When the website launches, you will use your Findjoo login credentials for both the membership portal and the new website.
Your single login will also give you member access to all of the Editors Canada subsites once they launch.
Need help with your Findjoo login? Visit our Findjoo membership portal and click the “Click here if you forgot your password” link.
Online Directory of Editors streamlining
Members will also be able to better manage their Online Directory of Editors (ODE) listings with the integration of the Findjoo membership portal into the website. More categories and options will be available for ODE listings and the search function will be improved. Stay tuned for a full list of changes!
IMPORTANT: ODE updates you’ll need to make once the new website launches
The website task force will manually transfer ODE profile statements from our current website to the new one; however, current selections for the Editorial Skills, Media/Genres, Subjects and Working Languages sections will not be transferred because the options in these menus are being revised. If you have an ODE profile, you’ll need to update these sections once the new website launches.
A more accessible experience
The website task force has prioritized the website user experience based on your feedback. The new website will feature reorganized content, improved site menu functionality, and dark and high-contrast modes.
We appreciate your cooperation!
Thank you for your patience as we enter the next phase of work on our new website.
Website Task Force
Editors Canada