Editors Canada is dedicated to helping editors realize their full potential at every stage of their career. One of the ways we’re supporting the students who are just entering our field is with the Claudette Upton Scholarship.

The scholarship
This is a $1,000 scholarship to help support continuing professional development in editing. The cash award is made possible by Editors Canada and its generous donors.
The recipient is encouraged to use the prize to attend Editors Canada conferences, purchase our publications, or attend association seminars and webinars.
The scholarship will be presented during Editors Canada’s online awards ceremony in spring 2025.
How to apply
Applicants must be current student affiliates of Editors Canada. The application package is to be submitted in digital format and must include:
- a reference letter from an instructor in the applicant’s course or program, or from a professional mentor;
- a resumé (two pages maximum) describing the applicant’s education and work history; and
- a 300-word statement that answers the following question:
Editing is a journey of life-long education and could include areas such as accessibility, the proliferation of misinformation, collaboration and more. How do you envision this statement applying to the unfolding of your career as an editor?
Submit your application by email to claudetteuptonscholarship@editors.ca.
The application package must reach the national office by Friday, April 4, 2025.
Evaluation process
The applications will be evaluated by the scholarship selection committee. The recipient will be the applicant who best demonstrates the following qualities:
- aptitude for editing;
- commitment to pursuing a career as an editor; and
- qualities reminiscent of honorary life member Claudette Upton as described below.
Visit the Claudette Upton Scholarship page for more information.
Remembering Claudette Upton
Established in 2009, the award is named after Editors Canada honorary life member Claudette Reed Upton-Keeley, a gifted editor who loved the English language and was actively involved in social justice and environmental causes throughout her life.
Claudette was born in North Carolina in 1948 and lived in Alaska, Washington, Alberta, British Columbia and the Caribbean before her death in 2008. She worked freelance and in-house, specializing in scientific, medical and historical materials. Claudette also taught editing courses and was a much-loved mentor to many. She is remembered for both her wonderful sense of humour and her sharp mind.
Spreading the word
If you know a student who is not an affiliate of Editors Canada and who would be interested in this opportunity, please pass along this message and encourage them to join us. For a fraction of the cost of Editors Canada membership, students can network with and learn from practising professionals through webinars, conferences and volunteer opportunities.