Member news: July 2015

NCR branch member Gael Spivak was recently profiled by her employer, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, in its annual Day in the Life employee profiles. Each year, a few employees (out of 7,000) are selected as examples of model public servants and their profiles are published during National Public Service Week.

From the communications about the profiles: “Every day, from coast to coast, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s employees contribute to the quality of life enjoyed by all Canadians. The employees profiled each represent spirit, dedication and professionalism, key values that the Agency prides itself on as it safeguards Canada’s food, animals and plants.”

Gael was profiled as a plain language advocate (on behalf of Canadians), as well as her work for and with editors, including her volunteer work with Editors Canada and her work on the Editing Goes Global conference.

Editors Canada Member News is where we share information about members and affiliates who win awards, publish books and make their mark in other important ways.

Do you have an achievement you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you! Send your news to the member news coordinator. Each news item will be posted once on the website and once in Editors Canada’s e-news update.

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