EAC: National e-news update, June 30, 2015

News, events, tips and updates for members of the Editors’ Association of Canada

In this issue:

1. CONFERENCE: Wrapping the first international conference of editors
2. AGM: Members vote to ratify governance changes
3. ELECTIONS: New national executive council and national committee chairs
5. MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!
6. CERTIFICATION: Members support proficiency testing
7. PARL: French editing proficiency information sessions
8. PUBLICATIONS: ECE3, Editorial Niches and Active Voice
9. EXTERNAL LIAISON: Discounts for members and affiliates
10. REBRANDING: Say hello to Editors Canada starting July 1

1. CONFERENCE: Wrapping the first international conference of editors

The story is in the numbers: 12 countries, 24 associations, 76 sessions and more than 500 participants. The first international editing conference brought all of that together into three days of networking, learning and laughing.

It was a joy to meet people we’ve been talking with online for so long. Everyone looks the same as their profile photo but meeting people in 3D (as some participants were calling it) was an amazing experience.

Participants enjoyed the professional development sessions, but networking was definitely the highlight of the conference. So many excellent discussions happened, on so many topics, including finding work, running associations and sharing resources. All of these discussions are helpful for the participants, but we know they will also be good for editors more broadly. Because sharing how we work as organizations will benefit the members of every editing association.

And we’ve already got plans to do this again. The American Copy Editors Society (ACES) enthusiastically grabbed the baton from the 2015 conference team. They will host the next international conference in Chicago in 2019. (We’ll consult with members soon to make sure people are comfortable with the idea of holding the 2019 EAC conference in another country.)

Editing Goes Global in pictures

Keynote speaker Carol Fisher Saller, Gael Spivak, Moira White and Greg Ioannou
Keynote speaker Carol Fisher Saller, Gael Spivak, Moira White and Greg Ioannou
A full house for the opening keynote address
A full house for the opening keynote address
Sandra Gravel and James Harbeck present the Oops Awards
Sandra Gravel and James Harbeck present the Oops Awards
Frances Peck, Yvonne van Ruskenveld, Ruth Wilson and Claudette Upton Scholarship recipient Andrea Hatley
Frances Peck, Yvonne van Ruskenveld, Ruth Wilson and Claudette Upton Scholarship recipient Andrea Hatley
Jessica Shulman, Suzanne Purkis, Arlene Prunkl and Jacqueline Doucette
Jessica Shulman, Suzanne Purkis, Arlene Prunkl and Jacqueline Doucette

Photos 1–4: Paul Cipywynk
Photo 5: Sophie Pallotta

To see more pics from Editing Goes Global, visit EAC’s Flickr page.

Conference 2016: Vancouver

Join us in western Canada next year! Conference 2016 will take place in Vancouver under the direction of incoming conference committee co-chairs Amy Haagsma and Lynn Slobogian. Specific dates and location to be determined.

2. AGM: Members vote to ratify governance changes

At last year’s annual general meeting (AGM), members voted on a number of motions to continue the association under the new Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (the Act). Federally incorporated not-for-profit organizations such as ours were required to transition to the new rules or face dissolution. This year, members voted to ratify the 2014 bylaw changes connected with continuance under the Act. This ratification vote was the final task our lawyer instructed us to complete in our governance process to comply with the new Act.

Weren’t able to make it to the AGM? You can find the agenda and supporting documentation on the AGM 2015 page. The motions to approve the 2014 AGM minutes, the auditor’s report, as well as the motion to appoint an auditor for 2015–16 carried. Members can expect to see draft minutes of the meeting on the website in the coming weeks.

Annual report update

As you may be aware, we were unable to get the 2014–15 annual report ready in time for the AGM. Our annual report team is hard at work completing this enormous project and anticipates having it ready, in English and French, in about a month’s time. The national office will send an e-blast to all members and affiliates when the report is ready. We apologize for the delay and are creating a streamlined process to avoid this issue in future years.

3. ELECTIONS: New national executive council and national committee chairs

The new national executive council will take office on September 8. The following people were acclaimed at the 2015 AGM.

Elizabeth d’Anjou (Toronto), two years
Stacey Atkinson (National Capital Region), one year
Greg Ioannou (Toronto), two years
David Johansen (Quebec/Atlantic Canada), two years
Breanne MacDonald (Hamilton-Halton), two years
Patricia MacDonald (Nova Scotia), one year
Anne Louise Mahoney (National Capital Region), two years
donalee Moulton (Nova Scotia), one year
Marie-Christine Payette (Quebec/Atlantic Canada), one year
Margaret Shaw (British Columbia), one year
Gael Spivak (National Capital Region), two years
Emily Staniland (Prairie Provinces), one year
Michelle van der Merwe (British Columbia), two years

The new national executive council members will be appointed to their roles at their September meeting.

Most of the association’s project and development work is done by national committees of members. The following members were appointed at the meeting of the national executive council on June 15.

Awards: Tamra Ross (Prairie Provinces)
Agrément/Principes: Sandra Gravel (Quebec/Atlantic Canada)
Francophone Affairs: Sandra Gravel (Quebec/Atlantic Canada)
Marketing and Public Relations: No candidate
Member Services: No candidate
Volunteer Management: No candidate
Newsletter (editor-in-chief): Brooke Smith (Toronto)
Publications: No candidate
Training and Development: Sue Easun (Toronto)
Certification Steering: Anne Brennan (British Columbia) and Jeanne McKane (Toronto)
Conference: Amy Haagsma (British Columbia) and Lynn Slobogian (British Columbia)
Professional Standards: Michelle Boulton (Saskatchewan) and Moira White (National Capital Region)
Member Communication: No candidate
External Liaison: Patrick Banville (executive director)
Human Resources: President
Nominating: Past president

The national executive council also appointed the following national volunteer positions.

Mediator: Michael Benedict (Toronto)
Forum (Interactive Voice) Monitor: Joanne Haskins (Toronto)
List Monitor: Nancy Wills (Kingston)


Headshot of Amy Haagsma

Amy Haagsma has been a member of the British Columbia branch for two years. Her editing career evolved out of a 10-year career in marketing, with an increasing focus on communications. Amy was a writer at the time, but found that her work primarily involved editing. “I was thrilled to have found a word to define what I did so I took an introductory editing course at Simon Fraser University,” she recalls. “I decided to register for the Editing Certificate program, which I completed in October 2014.” Later that fall, Amy started working for Talk Science to Me, a science communications company based in Vancouver. The position involves mostly copy editing and proofreading, in addition to marketing and graphic design. Amy says the variety makes for interesting work and the fact that it’s part-time leaves more hours in the week for additional freelance work. To the benefit of the BC branch, Amy also has hours to spare as a member of the communications and social media committee, as well as editor of the branch’s blog, West Coast Editor. She describes the work as rewarding and a uniquely good fit. “The roles I’ve taken on have been a great fit with my marketing background, and I’ve gained so much from my involvement with EAC, both personally and professionally.”

The Volunteer of the Month highlights the dedicated people who keep EAC going. Volunteers are the backbone of EAC. We are grateful for the many members and affiliates who answer the call when help is needed. Visit the Members’ Area for more information about actively participating in EAC.

5. MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!

BC branch member Cheryl Cohen has released her bluesy multi-genre debut CD, Love & Exile. Cheryl is a former career newspaper journalist (The Globe and MailEdmonton JournalCalgary Herald) who has been freelancing, mainly as a book editor, since 1997. She started writing songs on her guitar in 2004, after moving to Salt Spring Island, BC. Her singer-songwriter website has more details, with links to her songs and dates of upcoming shows.

Do you have a recent achievement? Let EAC tell the world about it on the member news page. If you have member news to share, drop our member news coordinator a line.

6. CERTIFICATION: Members support proficiency testing

Earlier this year, the certification steering committee (CSC) surveyed members to gauge interest in a proficiency test. The results are in!

Sixty per cent of total respondents agreed that EAC should offer a basic proficiency test in addition to the certification exams. A similar percentage of these members have 10 years of experience or less in the editing field. Notably, most respondents who said that EAC should not offer proficiency testing had over 10 years’ experience.

Members who support the addition of proficiency testing commented that it would

  • establish an objective entry-level test of editing skill;
  • provide a set of minimum standards and expectations that entry-level editors should be able to meet in the job market;
  • attract new (and younger) members, needed for EAC’s future; and
  • enhance EAC’s reputation and influence as an association of editing professionals.

detailed report of the survey results is available online. The CSC has formed a task force to study the feasibility of proficiency testing and develop a blueprint. Watch this space for further updates.

Save the date

Registration for this year’s copy editing and stylistic editing certification exams opens in July, with the tests being held in November across Canada (proofreading and structural editing will be offered again in 2016).

Now is the ideal time to purchase your Certification Study Guides, start preparing and connect with fellow editors to form a study group. You can buy the study guides online.

7. PARL: French editing proficiency information sessions

Want to know more about Programme d’agrément en révision linguistique – Réviseurs Canada (PARL), but weren’t able to attend one of the information sessions the Comité Agrément/Principes offered in Quebec last month? The committee is considering holding an online information session. If you’re interested in taking part, email Sandra Gravel.

As with the in situ sessions, this online information session would focus on the program, this year’s exam (examen d’agrément en révision linguistique générale) and the study guide.

Registration for this year’s examen d’agrément en révision linguistique générale exam is open until mid-September. To register now, purchase a study guide, or for more information, visit the PARL website.

8. PUBLICATIONS: ECE3, Editorial Niches and Active Voice

Editing Canadian English 3 and Editorial Niches

The print editions of Editing Canadian English 3 and Editorial Niches made a big splash at Editing Goes Global, where enthusiastic conference goers snapped up around 100 copies of each volume.

Missed your chance to buy a print copy of ECE3? You can order it from your favourite bookseller or purchase it from UBC PressChapters Indigo or Amazon. If you make your purchase from UBC Press, make sure you use the discount code ECE3 for 10% off (code valid until July 31). UBC Press also offers free shipping for orders over $39.95.

We’re currently looking for a distribution solution for Editorial Niches. Stay tuned for more information.

ECE3 Online

Don’t forget: For just $25/year for EAC members and affiliates, you’ll have the go-to guide for Canadian English usage at your fingertips. To get the EAC discount, visit EditingCanadianEnglish.ca and use the membership code MoreThanMeetsTheEh.

Active Voice/Voix active

The print edition of our national magazine, Active Voice/Voix active, shipped in late May/early June. If you want to download an electronic version to read on the go, visit the EAC website.

9. EXTERNAL LIAISON: Discounts for members and affiliates

Become an affiliate member of CRHC

EAC has recently renewed its membership with the Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC).

Members and student affiliates of EAC now have the opportunity to become a CHRC member for free (as an affiliate member) and to get the following benefits:

  • a 25% discount on their products, new releases and job postings on Cultureworks.ca, and
  • a subscription to their e-newsletter.

To join CHRC as an affiliate member you can register directly online. Click on “Membership Form” (left-hand navigation). Under “Organisation Plus,” select “Affiliate” and fill in the Contact Information, Cultural Sub-sector and Preferred Language of Correspondence.

Members and affiliates invited to register for DesignThinkers Conference at discounted rate

With over 2,000 attendees and 25+ speakers, DesignThinkers is Canada’s largest conference for visual communicators. It is a must-attend for any informed, forward-thinking creative, communications or marketing professional or team.

The inspiring event, now in its 16th year, breeds change agents who become drivers of innovation. DesignThinkers 2015, taking place November 12 and 13 at The Sony Centre in Toronto, will delve into industry trends with visionaries from a range of communications-related disciplines including design, user experience, advertising, branding, consumer engagement, film, social media and entrepreneurship.

Sessions teach delegates how to create effective communications by exploring cutting-edge innovation, the latest technology, demographic and ethnographic trends, strategic management techniques, cognitive theory and much more.

Speakers include:

  • Coralie Bickford-Smith, book jacket designer for The Odyssey, Little Women, Moby-Dick & more
  • Cap Watkins, BuzzFeed’s first-ever VP of Design
  • Annie Atkins, lead graphic designer for Oscar-winning ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’
  • Sree Sreenivasan, Chief Digital Officer at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Todd Simmons, VP of Brand Experience & Design at IBM

EAC members and student affiliates are invited to register at the discounted “Group/Org Member” rate to attend by selecting “EAC” from the drop-down menu on the registration form. See pricing details here.

PLAIN’s 2015 conference

Register now for PLAIN 2015 – Clearer language, greater efficiency and effectiveness
Dublin, Ireland, September 17-20, 2015

The Plain Language Association InterNational (PLAIN) and the National Adult Literacy Agency in Ireland (NALA) invite EAC members to take part in PLAIN’s 10th international conference.

With keynote speakers from a variety of backgrounds and workshops highlighting international experience, PLAIN 2015 will be an exciting professional development opportunity for anyone who wants to communicate clearly.

Register now! Take advantage of the member rate offered by PLAIN to EAC members.

Looking for more discounts and benefits of belonging to EAC? Visit the member services page.

10. REBRANDING: Say hello to Editors Canada starting July 1

The association is transitioning to the Editors Canada brand this year. Earlier this month, we notified members and affiliates that we will begin using the Editors Canada style name in all new national communications starting on July 1, 2015. Read all about it.

Promote yourself

Want to promote yourself as a member or affiliate of the association? The 2015–16 Editors Canada member logo and student affiliate logo are now available for download. We invite you to promote your affiliation with the association using these specially designed logos.

The EAC national e-news update is produced on behalf of the national executive council by the national office.

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