News, events, tips and updates for members of the Editors’ Association of Canada
With December just around the corner, you may feel as though the season of spending is upon us. How can your association help you save money this holiday season? In this edition of the e-news update, we’ll take a look at how it pays (sometimes literally!) to be a member of EAC.
In this issue:
1. REMINDER: Receive $25 for each new member you recruit by November 30
2. PUBLICATIONS: Meeting Professional Editorial Standards adopted as course texts by Ryerson University
3. TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT: Expanding EAC’s academic network
4. STAPLES DISCOUNTS: EAC introduces a brand new member benefit
5. AFFORDABLE INSURANCE: Protect yourself and your ability to earn an income
6. CONFERENCE 2012: Author Charlotte Gray opening keynote speaker
7. BRANCHES & TWIGS: Member activity picking up in Hamilton/Halton and Kingston
1. REMINDER: Receive $25 for each new member you recruit by November 30
Do you know an editor who doesn’t belong to EAC—yet? There’s still time to take part in EAC’s membership drive and earn a cash recruitment incentive.
Refer a new EAC member by November 30, 2011, and you’ll earn a recruiting reward of up to $25.
Aren’t sure where to start?
- Share EAC’s new membership brochure, 15 reasons toq join the Editors’ Association of Canada.
- Tell your colleagues about EAC’s valuable benefits of membership.
- Download and distribute EAC’s popular
I’m not obsessed. I’m an editor! (208.75 KB)and
Message Therapist (322.22 KB)postcards.
- Share free career resources like the revised edition of So You Want to Be an Editor (EAC’s information booklet on a career in editing), Professional Editorial Standards, the Standard Freelance Editorial Agreement and Guidelines for Editing Theses.
For more information about the membership drive, visit the Members’ Area or contact
Happy recruiting!
2. PUBLICATIONS: Meeting Professional Editorial Standards adopted as course texts by Ryerson University
By now you’ve probably heard the wonderful news that Ryerson University’s Publishing Program has adopted the Stylistic Editing and Structural Editing volumes of EAC’s own Meeting Professional Editorial Standards as course textbooks.
Having EAC’s publications adopted as textbooks by schools has always been a goal for the association and this could not have been achieved without the tremendous work of our publications committee. The Stylistic Editing team was run by Prairies Provinces branch members Karen Virag and Theresa Agnew, and the Structural Editing team was managed by BC’s Peter Moskos and Margaret Shaw. Thanks to them and to the entire publications committee for a job well done!
Are you looking for a way to stand out from the crowd? These pivotal publications about the business of editing were written entirely by EAC members. How’s that for a career accomplishment? Consider volunteering for the association to enhance your own resumé. From getting your own byline in Active Voice to authoring publications, career-boosting opportunities abound at EAC. Contact a national committee chair today to get involved.
3. TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT: Expanding EAC’s academic network
Are you an instructor, a student, or an affiliated staff member of an educational institution in Canada?
Do you know of an academic course, program or institution that could be beneficial to editors across Canada?
EAC wants to hear from you!
The Editors’ Association of Canada wants to expand its academic network so that we can help editors locate resources to further their knowledge of the field, as well as reach out to students and instructors who could benefit from the services EAC has to offer.
By letting us know your involvement with a particular class, program or institution, you can help us to spread the word about editing and the EAC.
Contact Dr. Peter J. Roccia, chair of the training and development committee, at, to become part of this growing educational network.
Your knowledge and know-how could help inspire the next generation of editors!
4. STAPLES DISCOUNTS: EAC introduces a brand new member benefit
Earlier this month we introduced the Staples Preferred Customer Program. Thanks to this partnership with STAPLES, Canada’s largest supplier of office products, business machines, office furniture and business services, EAC members can now sign up to take advantage of discounts on thousands of the most commonly used office products and enjoy fast free delivery.
For more information and to sign up for this terrific new benefit of membership, visit the Members’ Area.
5. AFFORDABLE INSURANCE: Protect yourself and your ability to earn an income
EAC is proud to offer several affordable insurance options for EAC members across the country.
Errors and omissions insurance (through Affinity Insurance)
Professional risks go hand-in-hand with the editing industry. E&O insurance protects you against lawsuits arising from allegations of negligence or wrongdoing, thereby protecting your assets. For a client who has suffered damages, E&O insurance ensures there are adequate funds for compensation.
Health and dental insurance (through Investors Group)
These enhanced health-care plans can supplement your provincial government’s coverage and help protect you against unexpected health and dental expenses.
With a complete product package that spans term life insurance, permanent participating life, universal life, disability, critical illness and long-term care, these plans can offer you personal peace of mind, regardless of what the future might bring.
Automobile and property insurance (through Waterloo Insurance)
This program offers you competitive group rates and quality insurance coverage for your car, home, home-based business, condominium, apartment, cottage, seasonal home, jewellery, fine art and other valuables. Don’t forget! If you call Waterloo Insurance (1-866-247-7700) for a quote before December 31, 2011, you will be entered into a draw to win a free registration to EAC’s 2012 conference in Ottawa ($350 value).
For more information visit EAC’s Member Services page.
6. CONFERENCE 2012: Author Charlotte Gray opening keynote speaker
We are pleased to announce that award-winning author Charlotte Gray will kick off Conference 2012 in Ottawa, June 1 to 3. Gray has authored eight acclaimed books of literary non-fiction, including Sisters in the Wilderness, The Lives of Susanna Moodie and Catharine Parr Traill and her latest tome, Gold Diggers, Striking It Rich in the Klondike. Gray’s vast knowledge of Canada and its storied trailblazers make her perfect for launching Conference 2012, whose theme is The Landscape of Canadian Language: Word Nerds Gone Wild (Le paysage langagier du Canada : les mordus des mots se défoulent).
Born in Sheffield, England, and educated at Oxford University and the London School of Economics, Gray began her career in England as a magazine editor and newspaper columnist. After coming to Canada in 1979, she worked as a political commentator, book reviewer and magazine columnist before turning to biography and popular history.
Conference registration opens in February 2012 and, as always, EAC members will enjoy generous discounts on the registration fee. Watch for more news on the EAC list, Twitter (@eac_acr), LinkedIn, Facebook, (, newsletters and these e-news updates. On Twitter, remember to use the hashtag #eac2012 in tweets.
Christine LeBlanc and Gael Spivak, Conference Co-Chairs
7. BRANCHES & TWIGS: Member activity picking up in Hamilton/Halton and Kingston
Networking is one of the greatest benefits of membership in EAC and the association’s new twig structure makes it easier for members who live outside of major branch cities to connect with one another.
In October we launched our first official twig in Kitchener-Waterloo-Guelph (KWG). Now, we’re happy to announce two new official EAC twigs: Hamilton/Halton and Kingston!
One of the newest twigs to receive official status, Hamilton/Halton is completing a full slate of activities. It just hosted its second membership meeting, which saw better-than-expected attendance.
So far, the twig has been able to pay for its costs with revenue generated from a fundraiser held in September—the wine tasting event was as fun as it was financially successful! With the funds provided by becoming an official twig, the twig plans to purchase a sign and stand.
The twig is looking forward to a holiday dinner in December, two more membership meetings, a joint event with the KWG twig and a speech at McMaster University, during which the Hamilton/Halton twig will enlighten students about careers in editing and the benefits of EAC membership.
For more information about Hamilton/Halton twig events, contact Nathan Medcalf at or Cat Haggert at
Editors in Kingston, Ontario, began meeting in 2010 and quickly established a core group that attends monthly meetings. About 25 people representing a wide range of experience—from relative newcomers to the field to those with many years of experience—take part in twig activities, with regular meeting attendance numbering 12 to 15. Attendees come from as far away as Prince Edward County and Brockville, travelling over an hour to attend meetings.
The format and focus of Kingston’s meetings are guided by the interests of the group. The twig has hosted tutorials on topics such as plagiarism and small business taxes, and invited guest speakers to talk about the work they do. For example, Arlene Prunkl, finalist for the 2010 Tom Fairly Award for Editorial Excellence, gave an engaging talk about establishing her own editorial business and her expertise in fiction editing. The twig has also shared knowledge and experiences in group-led discussions, which allow participants to get to know each other and share information in an informal atmosphere.
In addition to monthly meetings, a dedicated study group met weekly to prepare for EAC’s 2010 certification tests. Occasionally, editors in Kingston also meet for a tea break to talk shop and network.
For more information about Kingston twig events, contact Carla Douglas at or Rita Vanden Heuvel at
For more information about creating an official EAC twig, contact a director of branches and twigs:
- From Manitoba to British Columbia, Arden Ogg
- From Ontario to Newfoundland, Rachel Stuckey
The EAC national e-news update is produced on behalf of the national executive council by the national office.