News, events, tips and updates for members of the Editors’ Association of Canada
In this issue:
1. CERTIFICATION: Last chance until 2016 to take the proofreading and structural editing tests
2. AGRÉMENT: Update on French certification
4. ACTIVE VOICE: EAC’s national magazine goes annual
5. PUBLICATIONS: Committee and Editing Canadian English update
6. MARKETING: Acquisitions and writing opportunities
7. CONFERENCE: Speakers from the US, the UK, Ireland and New Zealand confirmed
8. TWIGS: Nova Scotia update
9. MEMBERSHIP CHANGES: Update your online profiles
10. MEMBER SERVICES: Protect yourself and your ability to earn an income
1. CERTIFICATION: Last chance until 2016 to take the proofreading and structural editing tests
Want to get noticed? Tell employers they’re hiring the best of the best. Make this the year you join the ranks of editors certified by EAC’s landmark certification program.
Registration is still open, but only until Friday, October 24. These tests won’t be offered again until 2016 (the copy editing and stylistic editing tests will be offered again in 2015).
The proofreading and structural editing tests will be written on November 15 in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Halifax.
See how certification can help your career and register today.
2. AGRÉMENT: Update on French certification
Think the Comité Agrément/Principes (CAP) took it easy this summer? Think again! Buoyed by the support from members who approved the revised edition of the association’s French-language editing standards, Principes directeurs en révision professionnelle, at the association’s 2014 annual general meeting in June, members of the CAP have begun the second phase of their work plan: creating the first agrément exam. This big job has been made much easier thanks to the collaboration of a trio of experienced editors. The candidate guide and accompanying preparatory material are also in full production.
It was an educational, productive and invigorating summer for the CAP. Several EAC members and non-members have expressed interest in taking the exam when it’s offered next fall. Will you be participating?
For questions or comments, or to offer your help with agrément, contact CAP chair Sandra Gravel.

Sandy Newton was one of the driving forces behind the creation of the Newfoundland and Labrador Editors twig, which received official EAC recognition in 2013.
The twig started as an informal group that had begun meeting in St. John’s approximately a year earlier, in what they called “Editors Talk Shop” sessions. The sessions were a way for other editors in the area to share stories, knowledge and camaraderie. “We wanted a way to meet kindred spirits and talk about all the details and decisions we bump into in our work,” Sandy explains.
As the co-coordinator of a small twig, Sandy has a varied and important role. She is actively engaged in planning, brainstorming, issuing reminders and managing the listserv. She also drives in from out of town to attend twig meetings in St. John’s—”all with a smile,” adds her nominator and twig co-coordinator, Claire Wilkshire.
In 2012, Sandy received EAC’s Tom Fairley Award for Here’s the Catch, a book published by Boulder Publications. Professionally, Sandy has mainly worked as a freelancer in a variety of communications roles. She has an impressive list of writing and photography achievements in addition to her accomplishments as an editor.
The Volunteer of the Month highlights the dedicated people who keep EAC going. Volunteers are the backbone of EAC, a member-run organization. We are grateful for the many volunteers who answer the call when help is needed. Visit the Members’ Area for more information about volunteering for EAC.
4. ACTIVE VOICE: EAC’s national magazine goes annual
Changes are in store for Active Voice/Voix active, EAC’s national magazine. The magazine will be published once a year and mailed to EAC members and affiliates (you can opt out of the print version by contacting the national office); it will also be used to promote EAC and the editing profession to other associations.
The team, led by Toronto branch member Brooke Smith, is busy working on the next issue, which will be published in spring 2015. This edition will feature highlights from the Editors’ Weekly blog, information about speakers and sessions at Editing Goes Global (EAC’s 2015 conference, June 12–14 in Toronto), articles on editing and more.
5. PUBLICATIONS: Committee and Editing Canadian English update
Welcome to QAC’s Claudine Laforce, the new chair of the publications committee. Claudine and her team—Lenore Hietkamp (BC), Tilman Lewis (Toronto), Lynn Wilson (NCR) and Leanne Ridgeway (NST)—are looking forward to working with members across the country in the coming year.
The committee’s major project continues to be the revised edition of Editing Canadian English. A group of enthusiastic members will soon be uploading the text into the content management system, and then the web developer will put everything together. Stay tuned for information about how to subscribe to this updated and expanded all-Canadian resource for editors and writers.
6. MARKETING: Acquisitions and writing opportunities
Are you looking for some great project management, networking and creative opportunities? Want to lead a team of writers or get your own byline? The marketing and public relations committee has several positions available for members who are eager to enhance their skills and resumés.
Call for pitches for the Language Portal of Canada
Since 2011, EAC has contributed four articles a year to the Language Portal of Canada, a federal government website that showcases Canadian expertise in the area of language. Articles submitted by EAC have included the role of the editor; editing, translating, and bilingualism; Cree language facts for editors of English and French; and editing measurements. Visit the Language Portal to see EAC’s submissions to date.
We’re looking for your pitches for articles of 500 words on the theme of editing. Here are some ideas: editing US (or international) versus Canadian English; editing France (or international) versus Quebec French; how diagramming sentences can help you be a good editor; what is a serial comma, when it absolutely should and should not be used, and why the fuss. Interested? Have another idea for a Language Portal article? Please contact Sarah Hipworth.
Acquisitions editor, Language Portal
We’re looking for a member to take over coordinating EAC’s quarterly Language Portal submissions. The acquisitions editor will recruit writers, review pitches and assign stories to ensure EAC continues to provide quality content for the Language Portal. This is a terrific leadership and project management opportunity. If you’re interested, contact Andrew Wright, chair of the marketing and public relations committee.
Member news coordinator
Want to help us shine a light on the great work EACers do? Our Member news page is a regular website feature designed to tell the world about our members’ outstanding and wide-ranging skills and talents. We’re looking for a member news coordinator to monitor, follow up on member news submissions, and write monthly summaries about EACers who win awards, publish books and make their mark on the communications world in other important ways. Interested? Contact Andrew Wright.
7. CONFERENCE: Speakers from the US, the UK, Ireland and New Zealand confirmed
EAC Conference 2015: Editing Goes Global
June 12–14
Metro Toronto Convention Centre
The conference team is hard at work planning the first global conference of editors. We’re pleased to announce confirmed speakers from the US, the UK, Ireland and New Zealand. Head to the Editing Goes Global speaker page to learn more. (And visit often because we’re adding new speakers all the time!)
Editing Goes Global is your opportunity to connect with editors from around the world and to take part in professional development sessions with international communication professionals. Mix and mingle with the global editing community during this unparalleled weekend of learning, networking and fun.
This is one EAC conference you won’t want to miss. Visit the Editing Goes Global website for details, travel discounts and more. Registration opens in November 2014.
8. TWIGS: Nova Scotia update
The Nova Scotia twig hosted a booth in the marketplace of Halifax’s Word on the Street (WOTS), which was held on Sunday, September 21. WOTS is an all-day literary festival that celebrates authors, booksellers, literacy advocates and publishers. It takes place in major cities across Canada. Hundreds of enthusiasts of the written and spoken word attended this year’s Halifax event. Twig members fielded questions on editing, writing and membership in EAC. Those attending and/or helping out included Julie Cochrane, Anne Curry, Nancy Holland, Glenna Jenkins, Doug Linzey, Elizabeth MacDonald, Alexandra Peace and Marianne Ward.
Wondering what’s happening in your neck of the woods? Visit your branch or twig page to find out about events in your area.
9. MEMBERSHIP CHANGES: Update your online profiles
Last month we announced the continuance of EAC under the new Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act. EAC made several governance and membership changes, including giving all members voting privileges and replacing student memberships with student affiliates.
Now would be a good time to update your email signatures, websites and social media profiles. If you’ve identified yourself as a “voting member” of EAC, please remove the “voting” qualifier because the “voting member” and “qualifying member” statuses no longer exist. And, if you’ve identified yourself as a “student member,” please replace that with “student affiliate.”
2014–15 member website logo now available
Members of EAC are invited to promote their professional affiliation with EAC on their business or personal websites with this specially designed logo. Please refer to the EAC website for information on appropriate use and to download the logo files.
10. MEMBER SERVICES: Protect yourself and your ability to earn an income
EAC is proud to offer several affordable insurance options for EAC members across the country.
Errors and omissions insurance (through Affinity Insurance)
Professional risks go hand-in-hand with the editing industry. E&O insurance protects you against lawsuits arising from allegations of negligence or wrongdoing, thereby protecting your assets. For a client who has suffered damages, E&O insurance ensures there are adequate funds for compensation.
Health and dental insurance (through Investors Group)
These enhanced health-care plans can supplement your provincial government’s coverage and help protect you against unexpected health and dental expenses.
With a complete product package that spans term life insurance, permanent participating life, universal life, disability, critical illness and long-term care, these plans can offer you personal peace of mind, regardless of what the future might bring.
For more information about insurance options and other EAC benefits, visit EAC’s Member services page.
The EAC national e-news update is produced on behalf of the national executive council by the national office.