Editors Canada will freeze membership fees in 2025

Dear members and student affiliates,

First and foremost, I want to thank you for joining Editors Canada. Since 1979, the association has been supporting editors at every stage of their careers. Your loyalty and support are what allow us to continue offering training and networking opportunities, publishing books and free resources, and providing exclusive benefits and services.

Editors Canada’s national executive council (NEC) understands that many people in Canada are still struggling with the rapid increase in cost of living that we’ve seen country-wide in the past couple of years and are looking for financial relief. To make things a little easier, I’m pleased to announce the NEC has voted to freeze membership and student affiliate fees.

The following fees will remain unchanged in 2025:

  • Membership
  • Emeritus membership
  • Two-year membership
  • Student affiliates
  • Transitional fees for recent student affiliates upgrading to Editors Canada membership
  • Online Directory of Editors listing

Ongoing benefits editors love

Did you know that belonging to Editors Canada means you can attend any branch or twig meeting around the country? Check out the national events calendar to find out what’s happening.

You also get the following valuable benefits at no additional charge:

And you’ll continue to receive the following valuable benefits:

To learn about these and other benefits, visit the member resources and member services sections of our website.

Reminder: No conference in 2025

As we announced earlier this fall, the NEC made the difficult decision to not offer an in-person conference in 2025. Editors Canada’s national conference will return in 2026. Postponing the conference will give us the much-needed time to allow for planning between conferences, to explore how to make conferences financially viable for both organizers and attendees in the face of soaring costs, and to recruit the volunteer team we need to create the kind of quality event we’re all used to.

See our announcement to learn more and to get involved in planning the 2026 conference.

If you have any questions about how your Editors Canada membership fees are used, please email treasurer@editors.ca.


Tara Avery

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