News, events, tips and updates from Editors Canada
In this issue:
1. TOM FAIRLEY AWARD: Submit your nomination
2. KAREN VIRAG AWARD: Tell us about the editing hero in your community
3. WEBINARS: Give the gift of learning this holiday season!
4. MEMBER SERVICES: Free access to resources from the Canadian Press
5. STUDENT RELATIONS: January social
6. SHOWCASE YOURSELF: You can be our next volunteer host on Editors Canada’s LinkedIn page
8. MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!
9. NATIONAL OFFICE: Holiday closure
10. NEC: Notes from your national executive council
1. TOM FAIRLEY AWARD: Submit your nomination

It’s our time to shine!
Editing might be an invisible art, but that doesn’t mean great editors should hide in the shadows. Help us shine a spotlight on editing excellence by submitting a nomination for the 2024 Tom Fairley Award.
The $2,000 cash award will be presented to the winner at Editors Canada’s national conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, on Saturday, June 22, 2024. We’re pleased to announce that in recognition of their outstanding editorial performance, the finalists will also receive cash awards of $500 each. These cash awards are made possible by Editors Canada and its generous donors.
The deadline to submit your completed nomination form is Friday, February 9, 2024.
Please spread this message far and wide. Nominees don’t have to be members of Editors Canada and self-nominations are encouraged.
For complete nomination instructions and other information about the award, visit the Tom Fairley Award page.
More than books!
Editors know that the fine art of editing extends beyond books and print media. While the Tom Fairley Award has been awarded to many outstanding book editors since it was created in 1983, we encourage nominations for a variety of written projects. Whether it’s a magazine, a corporate or government report, software documentation or a book, we want to hear about it. When it comes to editing, the variety of material is limitless!
2. KAREN VIRAG AWARD: Tell us about the editing hero in your community

Who are the heroes of editing? They’re the individuals or organizations that go out of their way to raise the profile of our profession in their communities. Editing heroes are the ones who champion what editors do and how valuable we are.
This award was created in memory of long-time association member Karen Virag, and in recognition of Karen’s many contributions to the profession. The Karen Virag Award recognizes the efforts of an editor or an organization to raise the profile of editing in their community.
The recipient will be recognized on Saturday, June 22, 2024, at the banquet of Editors Canada’s national conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, and will receive a cash award of $400.
Tell us about one of your editing heroes by submitting a nomination for the Karen Virag Award.
Submit your nomination
Nominees may be individuals or organizations, members or non-members. Nominations from members and non-members are welcome! Please help us spread the word about this award.
A nominee’s contribution may take a variety of forms, including one or more of the following:
- writing,
- public speaking,
- teaching,
- participating in broadcast or new media, and
- sponsoring editing-related activities and community building in Canada and abroad.
The deadline for nominations is Thursday, February 29, 2024.
For complete nomination instructions and other information about the award, visit the Karen Virag Award page.
3. WEBINARS: Give the gift of learning this holiday season!

Looking for a holiday gift that will make a lasting impact? Our webinar recordings make great gifts for editors or writers who are interested in growing their business/career or simply discovering an exciting new skill.
Find the perfect gift on our webinars page, which features sessions on:
- Accessibility for editors
- Editing specializations like STEM, law, cookbooks and poetry
- Freelance business tips
- Ergonomics for editors
…and much more!
And don’t forget that members and student affiliates get 40% off all webinars!
4. MEMBER SERVICES: Free access to resources from the Canadian Press

Did you know that The Canadian Press Stylebook, Caps and Spelling and the Guide de rédaction en ligne are free for Editors Canada members and student affiliates?
Individual subscriptions to the Guide de rédaction en ligne and the Online Stylebook & Caps and Spelling Bundle cost more than $125/year, but these terrific Canadian Press resources are available to you at no additional charge through the Editors Canada website! All you need is your member login.
Visit the members’ area of our website to start using these Canadian Press resources for free now.
Want to find out more about Editors Canada services, including partner discounts? Visit the member resources section for exclusive benefits.
5. STUDENT RELATIONS: January social
On Sunday, January 14, 2024, the student relations committee will be hosting a virtual student social featuring editor Robyn Laider. Robyn will be discussing her experiences developing and managing a freelance editorial business, as well as answering your questions about freelancing.
Please visit the Editors Canada Student Affiliates Facebook group or email the student relations committee for event details and to submit questions for Robyn. We hope to see you there!
6. SHOWCASE YOURSELF: You can be our next volunteer host on Editors Canada’s LinkedIn page
Since September 2023, the Editors Canada LinkedIn page is hosted by a member volunteer every month.
What is the hosting initiative?
The host creates engaging posts about language, editing, freelancing and anything else that can be related to Editors Canada. Alex Benarzi is hosting Editors Canada’s LinkedIn page this month.
What’s in it for the volunteer hosts?
Volunteer hosts will be able to feature themselves on Editor Canada’s LinkedIn page. This is a great opportunity to showcase your skills, promote yourself, and increase your visibility as an editor and a member of Editors Canada.
How long does hosting last?
The volunteer host creates content and posts on the Editors Canada LinkedIn page for a period of one month.
Are there guidelines for the initiative?
Volunteer hosts receive a Host Guide with basic rules and tips for on-brand, professional content posting, and access to a branded image library.
How do I sign up?
Email Pamela Cisneros to express your interest in becoming a host. Please include the month that you’d like to host the Editors Canada LinkedIn page.
A new membership survey is coming soon! This is an opportunity to provide feedback about your Editors Canada membership. Look for an email invitation to take part in the survey in January 2024.
We encourage all members to take a few minutes to answer the 18-question survey and provide feedback on what’s working for you. If you want to participate, please make sure your communications options are set to allow bulk emails from Editors Canada.
Marketing and communications committee
Editors Canada
8. MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!
On Thursday, November 9, 2023, Editors Québec member Adebe DeRango-Adem’s poem Aria Apocalypta made the shortlist for the 2023 CBC Poetry Prize.
Editors British Columbia member Susan Mayse published Shadow Matter, a future recasting of the Orpheus and Eurydice myth that weaves together love, loyalty and the restorative power of art. Shadow Matter was published by Tyche Books and can be purchased as an ebook.
Editors Canada Member News is where we share information about members and affiliates who win awards, publish books and make their mark in other important ways.
Do you have an achievement you’d like to share? Are you excited about a new project or opportunity that has come your way? Let us tell the world all about it! Please send your stories to the member news coordinator.
9. NATIONAL OFFICE: Holiday closure

The national office will be closed for the holidays as of Saturday, December 23, 2023, and will reopen on Wednesday, January 3, 2024.
Best wishes for a happy holiday season. See you in 2024!
10. NEC: Notes from your national executive council
The national executive council (NEC) met on Sunday, November 5, 2023. Because the NEC does not meet in December, this was the last meeting of 2023.
Among other topics, the NEC discussed this year’s professional certification exams, upcoming updates to the standards and the new Edit Like a Pro publications currently in progress. The ongoing work on the new Editors Canada website was also discussed, and final details continue to be worked on. Work on the 2024 conference is also already underway, and we are all looking forward to a fantastic conference next June.
The NEC was joined by Sara Caverly and Sara Fowler from Editors Ottawa–Gatineau. We had a great conversation that included ideas about how branches and twigs could work together to encourage and teach members to share their knowledge and expertise. We also discussed some approaches for national and the branches and twigs regarding membership retention.
The next NEC meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 21, 2024.
On behalf of the NEC, I wish everyone a lovely holiday season and a fantastic start to the new year!
Maria Frank
The national e-news update is produced on behalf of the national executive council by the national office.