National e-news update, May 26, 2021

News, events, tips and updates from Editors Canada

In this issue:

1. EDITORS 21: There’s still time to register for our 2021 virtual conference
2. WEBINARS: Train online with Editors Canada
3. GET INVOLVED: National secretary
4. CONNECT: Facebook group for francophone members
5. MEMBER SERVICES: Exploring Canadian Press resources
7. BRANCH NEWS: Upcoming Editors Ottawa–Gatineau spring seminar
8. MEMBER NEWS: Tell the world about your accomplishment
9. NEC: Notes from your national executive council

1. EDITORS 21: There’s still time to register for our 2021 virtual conference

Editors 21: Editors Transform, Editors Canada’s first virtual conference, is fast approaching! The conference is on June 12 and 13, and there’s still time to register. Attendees will have access to session recordings until September 30, 2021, so there’s no need to worry about missing anything.

The conference committee has included features to make the conference more engaging and accessible to more people. Most of the sessions will have captioning available in both English and French. There will also be themed breakout rooms on topics such as academic editing and in-house editing to allow attendees to network with each other.

And be sure to check out our online store to get your conference- and Editors Canada-themed swag!

2. WEBINARS: Train online with Editors Canada

A grey laptop with the Editors Canada on the screen alongside an open book with a red ribbon bookmark.

Are you looking for training opportunities online? Check out our upcoming webinars.

Don’t forget: Editors Canada members and student affiliates register at discounted rates.

Upcoming webinars

Catch up on demand: Webinar recordings are available

Did you miss an Editors Canada webinar? Many of our webinars have been recorded and are now available for purchase (and some are even free).

Recently added

When you buy a webinar recording, you’ll receive a video file to watch at your leisure on your computer or mobile device. The file is yours to keep, so you can watch it again and again.

Visit our webinar recordings page to see what’s available now. We’re adding new recordings regularly, so be sure to check often.

The word "Canada" with the Canadian flag over the last "a."

This project has been made possible in part by the Government of Canada.

3. GET INVOLVED: National secretary

The national executive council (NEC) is looking for a member to fill the role of secretary, beginning in July. In addition to participating in NEC meetings and discussions, the secretary

  • works with the president and executive director to run meetings;
  • supervises and manages certain records of the association, including minutes of the executive council and annual general meeting (this work is done with the recording secretary);
  • maintains NEC files online for directors to access;
  • organizes votes via the NEC email list; and
  • supports the conference committee.

If you are interested in this position or would like more information, see the nominations email that went out to members in April. People can also self-nominate at the annual general meeting.

4. CONNECT: Facebook group for francophone members

Editors Canada has launched a private Facebook group for French-speaking members and student affiliates! The group administrators will be posting about topics of interest that francophone members and affiliates may not be aware of, such as activities, resources and services offered by Editors Canada, online events organized by Editors Québec, and the like. Stay tuned!

If you would like to practise French or be better informed about what is happening on the francophone side of the association, join us on the Facebook page Réviseurs Canada : groupe privé pour membres seulement.

5. MEMBER SERVICES: Exploring Canadian Press resources

The member services committee is investigating adding a new member benefit, a discount on Canadian Press resources. Please help us by completing this quick poll.

Complete the poll now.

Visit the members’ area for our current member services.


A yellow ribbon with the Editors Canada logo in the centre.

Are you considering registering for one of the Editors Canada certification exams this fall? The certification steering committee wants to help you prepare! Check out our certification preparation session at the Editors Canada conference this June. You’ll learn about the upcoming exams, gain valuable study tips, and have the opportunity to discuss sample questions with other editors. See the Editors 21: Editors Transform site for dates and times.

In the meantime, why not try your hand at a little structural editing? Below you’ll find a sample of the kinds of questions included in the Structural Editing professional certification exam.

You’ve been assigned to perform a structural edit of an article that contains the following passage:

Children who are hungry cannot concentrate, commit information to memory, or develop cognitive skills. More than 110,000 Vancouver School Board students rely on breakfast, snack, and lunch programs just to make it through the day. Statistics show that one in four children goes to school hungry in Vancouver and one child in three lives in poverty. Some 46% of elementary students and 63% of secondary school students arrive at school without breakfast. In total, 74% of teachers reported buying food for their students.

As the structural editor for this piece, what is the main problem you would point out?

a. Inadequate documentation
b. Inconsistent information
c. Passive voice
d. Redundancy


7. BRANCH NEWS: Upcoming Editors Ottawa–Gatineau spring seminar

Editors Ottawa-Gatineau has moved its professional development seminars online, using Zoom. These are six-hour, real-time, instructor-led workshops, with hands-on exercises, discussions and personal attention. Although our seminars are completely virtual, they are not webinars and they will not be recorded or resold.

We are pleased to offer a brand new seminar in June from Carolyn Brown, Managing Editorial Teams. This seminar spans two mornings.

Managing Editorial Teams with Carolyn Brown

Thursday, June 17, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., EDT &
Friday, June 18, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., EDT

If you are an editor thinking of moving up into supervision or management of other editors, or if you’re not an editor but you supervise editors, this seminar is for you. Through sharing experiences, you will learn from the leader (an experienced editorial manager) and each other. You will learn how to keep your team productive and happy, what they need for motivation and professional development, how to sell your organization on the value of editing and professional communication, how to ensure your team serves the goals of the organization, what editorial issues are important (if you are not an editor), and how to move from editing to letting others do it (if you are an editor).

Click here for complete details.

Online Seminar Pricing

Members: $225
Non-members: $350
Student affiliates: $150

We are planning more online seminars for the fall and we will announce them here as soon as the schedule is confirmed. We plan to resume in-person seminars again once COVID-19 restrictions permit.

What is your local group up to? Check with your branch or twig to find out about virtual professional development opportunities and social events.

8. MEMBER NEWS: Tell the world about your accomplishment

Editors Canada Member News is where we share information about members and affiliates who win awards, publish books and make their mark in other important ways.

Do you have an achievement you’d like to share? Are you excited about a new project or opportunity that has come your way? Let us tell the world all about it! Please send your stories to the member news coordinator.

9. NEC: Notes from your national executive council

The national executive council met on Sunday, April 25, to discuss a variety of topics, including the following:

  • Sylvie Collin, the national francophone adviser, presented the NEC with a list of ways to improve benefits for francophone members. This includes short-term and long-term actions. For example, in the short term, we will be making The Editors’ Weekly blog more accessible to francophone members by adding more French search terms, including tags that allow members to find blog posts in French. In the long term, we will be working to make the Online Directory of Editors better for francophone members; this will be in conjunction with our website redevelopment project.
  • We have hired Karel Malkoun to work on the development of our French webinar program. Karel, who is bilingual, has experience working with volunteers and hosting webinars. She will be working closely with Caitlin Stewart, the training and development manager, and the director of training and development to implement the webinar program.
  • We discussed updates to various ongoing projects and committees, including the website task force, the marketing and communications committee, and the publishing committee.

The NEC met again on Tuesday, May 25. A report on that meeting will be in next month’s e-news.

Heather Buzila


b. Inconsistent information

The national e-news update is produced on behalf of the national executive council by the national office.

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