National e-news update, November 20, 2017

News, events, tips and updates from Editors Canada

In this issue:

1. TOM FAIRLEY AWARD: Submit your nomination
2. VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH: Marie-Christine Payette
3. GET INVOLVED: A new direction for Active Voice
4. WEBINARS: Train online with Editors Canada
5. NATIONAL JOB BOARD: Posting job ads is free
6. NATIONAL OFFICE: New membership software is on the way
7. MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!
8. NEC: Notes from your national executive council

1. TOM FAIRLEY AWARD: Submit your nomination

It’s our time to shine!

A grey stage light.

Editing might be an invisible art, but that doesn’t mean great editors should hide in the shadows. Help us shine a spotlight on editing excellence by submitting a nomination for the 2018 Tom Fairley Award.

The $2,000 cash award will be presented to the winner at the Editors Canada conference in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, in May 2018. In recognition of their outstanding editorial performance, finalists will receive cash awards of $500 each.

The deadline for your letter of nomination is January 31, 2018.

Please spread this message far and wide. Nominees don’t have to be members of Editors Canada and self-nominations are encouraged.

For complete nomination instructions and other information about the award, visit the Tom Fairley Award page.

More than books!

Editors know that the fine art of editing extends beyond books and print media. While the Tom Fairley Award has been awarded to many outstanding book editors since it was created in 1983, we encourage nominations for a variety of written projects. Whether it’s a magazine, a corporate or government report, software documentation or a book, we want to hear about it. When it comes to editing, the variety of material is limitless!

2. VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH: Marie-Christine Payette

Headshot of Marie-Christine Payette

Marie-Christine Payette has been a member of Editors Quebec/Atlantic Canada since 2012. Living in a remote area of Quebec, she was looking for opportunities to network, promote her services and business, and acquire new skills.

She was the director of francophone affairs on the national executive council for four years, as well as providing translation, editing and writing for the association to offer content and services for our francophone members.

Marie-Christine is a firm believer in volunteering. “Volunteering for the association—especially as the director of francophone affairs—provided me with a lot of exposure,” she says. “I received lots of referrals from colleagues, and I am very thankful for that. Volunteering is definitely a great marketing strategy!”

She established Les traductions de Marie in 2011. She offers translation from English to French, French-language editing, comparative editing and proofreading. She also taught English as a second language for four years (secondary school level) and French as a second language for two years (elementary and secondary school levels), and regularly translates and edits teachers’ guides and student manuals.

She also has an artistic side. She sings, has been writing poetry since the age of 15 and scrapbooks. Her favourite song to sing at karaoke is “Love Is a Battlefield” by Pat Benatar.

The volunteer of the month highlights the dedicated people who keep Editors Canada going. Volunteers are the backbone of the association. We are grateful for the many members and affiliates who answer the call when help is needed.

3. GET INVOLVED: A new direction for Active Voice

Based on the results of our recent member survey on Active Voice, we’re making some exciting changes to the magazine.

We’re planning to publish three themed issues (all related to editing) in 2018:

  • Winter edition: theme – travel (digital issue)
  • Spring edition: theme – Indigenous matters (digital issue)
  • Fall edition: theme – Editors Canada’s 40th anniversary: looking back and looking forward (print issue)

We’re looking for members to fill the following volunteer roles. Getting involved is a great way to build skills and enhance your CV, and you’ll have something to show clients and employers:

  • managing editor / production editor to oversee the editorial / production process
  • guest editor for each issue who has some expertise in the theme
  • writers
  • copy editors
  • designers (web and print)
  • proofreaders

Each issue will feature a range of content, such as

  • regional voices
  • an in-depth feature article on language
  • content for writers
  • a look at Canadian schools that offer editing or publishing programs
  • articles on the theme from across the country

We will sell ads (for goods and services related to editing and publishing) to offset production costs.

To be part of one or more issues of AV in 2018, contact Anne Louise Mahoney.

4. WEBINARS: Train online with Editors Canada

A grey laptop with the Editors Canada on the screen alongside an open book with a red ribbon bookmark.

For more than 35 years we’ve delivered high-quality, local training for editors at every stage of their careers. Are you looking for training opportunities online? Check out our 2017–18 webinar season.

Choose from sessions on topics as varied as STEM editing, estimating, digital photography and self-publishing. Each session is presented by a top-notch instructor. Visit our webinars page to learn more about each session and to meet the instructors. Don’t forget: Editors Canada members and student affiliates save 30% on the registration fee.

Upcoming webinars

  • December 6–12: “The WordPress A to Z Webinar Series” with Bud Kraus
  • January 15–29: “Copy Editing Live!” with Elizabeth d’Anjou
  • January 17: “Better Time Management for Successful Editors” with Daphne Gray-Grant
  • January 24: “Estimating Editorial Costs” with Greg Ioannou

Catch up on demand: Webinar recordings are available

Did you miss an Editors Canada webinar? Several of our webinars have been recorded and are now available for purchase (and some are even free). When you buy a webinar recording, you’ll receive a video file to watch at your leisure on your computer or mobile device. The file is yours to keep, so you can watch it again and again.

Visit our webinar recordings page to see what’s available now. We’re adding new recordings regularly and some are available for a limited time only, so be sure to check often.

5. NATIONAL JOB BOARD: Posting job ads is free

Help us spread the word by telling your clients, employer and networks that they can post job ads for editors, writers, translators and more on our national job board at no cost! They’ll reach over 1,300 professionals to help them find the right person for the job. Here’s how employers can post their job ad on our National Job Board.

Have you checked the job board lately? A number of members have found full-time or freelance jobs there recently. Check it out!

6. NATIONAL OFFICE: New membership software is on the way

The national office is working on implementing Member365, a new management software and online payment system for memberships and renewals.

With Member365, the office will be able to streamline many of its day-to-day membership processing tasks. Members will enjoy a more efficient user experience when joining or renewing. Because Member365 is a Canadian company, we also look forward to a platform that meets the needs of English- and French-speaking members. Once we’ve finished moving our membership payment and processing to Member365, we plan to move online payment for other Editors Canada products and services, such as webinars, as well.

As the office completes the final rounds of Member365 testing they’ll develop a rollout plan and share that with the membership. Stay tuned!

7. MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!

Editors Quebec/Atlantic Canada member Virginia (Ginny) McGowan, PhD, is the lead co-author of “Helping women get on TRACK: Building resilience through a business mentoring program for women entrepreneurs in Prince Edward Island.” The article, which she co-authored with Hannah Bell, appears in the scholarly publication From black horses to white steeds: Building community resilience. This edited collection was recently published by Island Studies Press at the University of Prince Edward Island. It celebrates and critiques dynamics of innovation, governance, and culture with case studies from both sides of the North Atlantic.

Long-time Editors British Columbia member Barbara Johnston has recently joined West Coast Editorial Associates LLC. Barbara is based in Vancouver and has worked for educational, healthcare, Indigenous and legal organizations and publishers for over 20 years. She has also taught courses in Simon Fraser University’s Editing Certificate program. Today she focuses on providing writing, editing and production management services to a wide variety of clients.

Editors Ottawa-Gatineau member Suzanne Nussey has just had her poem “The Black Fan” published in The New Quarterly, issue 144. Read “The Black Fan” here.

Editors Canada Member News is where we share information about members and affiliates who win awards, publish books and make their mark in other important ways.

Do you have an achievement you’d like to share? Are you excited about a new project or opportunity that has come your way? Let us tell the world all about it! Please send your stories to the member news coordinator.

8. NEC: Notes from your national executive council


I actually really dislike numbers. They don’t make much sense to me. But that’s one reason it’s good to have a variety of people on the national executive council (NEC). People with different skillsets will complement each other.

Carolyn Brown, the Editors Canada treasurer, is great with numbers. Here are some that she recently shared with the NEC.

The good news is that total membership and affiliate numbers continue to trend upward. In January we had 1,290 total members and affiliates and for September this number is 1,318. Last September 2016, we were at 1,303, so this is a good news story, but we need to ensure the trend continues.

In January we had 201 student affiliates and in September this number has climbed to 245. So that bodes well for the future if we can continue to grow this membership sector and increase the conversion rate to full membership.

Here’s hoping the student relations committee outreach program this fall continues to grow student affiliate numbers, and I know we have some great promotions coming up to support member retention and growth.

By the time you read this, the NEC will have had its fourth quarter budget meeting. We’ll be looking at ways to maximize the association’s money to increase and retain members (for the long-term stability of the association), and to deliver innovative benefits and services to our members.

Gael Spivak, president

Welcome to Editors Canada!

British Columbia

Hannah Carpendale, Steffany Chwedoruk, Shara Cooper, Holly Edmonds, Mark Grill, Letitia Henville, Erica Johnston, Rachel Peterson, Heather Silberberg, Patricia Wilkinson


Elizabeth Tichelaar


Kelly Parkatti Eccles


Janna Willard


Marcia Stewart


Aliza Amlani, Laura Coburn, Chris Hoskins, Philip Kaye, Nicole Liscio, Susan Shiller, Kimberly Wright


Mickeelie Webb


Coral Fidler, Nancy Verrall Warren

Quebec/Atlantic Canada

Geneviève Bourgeois, Stéphanie Côté, Line Gosselin, Anie Gratton, Josiane Morinville, Valerie Rusnak, Nancy Semegen, Leigha Smith

Nova Scotia

Margo Grant

The national e-news update is produced on behalf of the national executive council by the national office.

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