National e-news update, October 27, 2022

News, events, tips and updates from Editors Canada

In this issue:

1. TRAIN WITH US: Legal editing, productivity techniques and more
2. PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION: Study tips for the Stylistic Editing exam
3. MEMBER DISCOUNT: Save 20% on University of Chicago Press titles
5. PARTNERSHIPS: Summary of the Academic Editing special interest group launch event
6. MEMBER NEWS: Tell the world about your accomplishment
7. NEC: Notes from your national executive council

1. TRAIN WITH US: Legal editing, productivity techniques and more

A grey laptop with the Editors Canada on the screen alongside an open book with a red ribbon bookmark.

As always, Editors Canada is here to supply you with a varied selection of webinars that allow you to develop your skills at your preferred pace, in the areas that interest you most. Our upcoming lineup features introductions to legal editing offered in both English and French by Marie-Hélène Girard: Law For All? on Thursday, November 10, and Droit 101 on Thursday, November 24. With your member discount, you can save 40% on these webinars as well as on the many others you’ll find on our webinars page.

FREE productivity training

Productivity strategist and success coach Sagan Morrow is offering The Anti-Hustle Method, her private podcast for solopreneurs, business owners and multi-passionate creatives, free of charge to Editors Canada members! Get it now using the coupon code EDITORSCANADA.

Looking for more online training from Sagan? Check out her Personality-based Productivity webinar, which is available for purchase on our webinar recordings page.

2. PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION: Study tips for the Stylistic Editing exam

A yellow ribbon with the Editors Canada logo in the centre.

Registered for the Stylistic Editing certification exam on Saturday, November 19?

Take advantage of Editors Canada expertise and resources as crunch time approaches. Watch our interactive video to learn everything you ever wanted to know about the certification exams, including valuable study tips.

Visit Preparing for Certification for additional resources to enhance your studying, including links to study guides, suggested reference publications and study strategies.

What do certified editors recommend? Study early and often, and practise, practise, practise!

Why not practise now by trying a sample stylistic editing question?

The focus of the meeting was confined space entry safety protection procedures development.

Which problem does this sentence contain?

a. Noun string
b. Non-parallel construction
c. Unnecessary modifiers
d. Redundancy


3. MEMBER DISCOUNT: Save 20% on University of Chicago Press titles

Editors Canada members and student affiliates receive a 20% discount on all University of Chicago Press (UCP) imprint books purchased from the Chicago Manual of Style Bookstore (where you’ll find titles on writing, editing and publishing) or the UCP home page. Use promo code EDCANADA20 for the discount.

Please note the discount does not apply to books distributed for other publishers. To identify UCP titles, check for ISBNs that begin with 9780226.

Don’t forget: we’re proud to offer The Chicago Manual of Style Online as a free benefit of membership! Visit the members’ area to start using CMOS Online now.

Looking for more Editors Canada partner discounts? Visit the members’ area.


Meet an Editor: Video series released on YouTube

Editors Canada has released 10 short videos in English. Each video in the “Meet an Editor” series features a member who shares their tips and experiences. The videos are aimed at people who might need an editor as well as at people who want to be an editor. There is also a slightly longer video that features all 10 editors. Visit our YouTube channel to check out what your fellow editors have to say. And be sure to share the videos with your network!

The marketing and communications committee (Marcom) would like to create a similar series for our French-speaking audience. Do you speak French and would you like to help with this project? Contact Marcom’s committee chair, Merel Elsinga.

Ambassador program launched

This month, Marcom launched its ambassador program. Editors Canada’s ambassadors visit schools, writers’ circles and libraries all over Canada to create awareness for the editing profession. They give presentations to people who might need an editor or to people who want to be an editor. If you would like to be part of our ambassador team or for more info about the program, please contact committee chair Merel Elsinga.

5. PARTNERSHIPS: Summary of the Academic Editing special interest group launch event

On Friday, September 23, the Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA) and Editors Canada hosted a launch event for an academic editing chapter (within EFA) and special interest group (within Editors Canada). Together, these initiatives aim to bring together editing-related professionals who work with academic-oriented writers, regardless of location for editor or writer. Almost 350 people from around the world attended this event!

Event panellists were Karen Crosby (, Letitia Henville ( and, Antonn Park (, Amanda Pearson (International Security journal) and Akiko Yamagata ( Cara Jordan ( moderated the panel.

The panellists discussed five topics:

  1. typical clients and client interactions, such as polling new clients about their comfort with editing or doing sample edits
  2. professional development in academic editing, such as formal editing training, book clubs, mentoring and mastermind groups
  3. supporting clients and editors from equity-seeking groups, such as by charging lower rates or creating resources for effective self-editing, encouraging or hiring new editors from equity-seeking groups, being visible in the community as a member of an equity-seeking group, publicizing groups who work with editors or writers
  4. engaging with clients to serve them better, such as connecting via social media or content marketing, remembering their humanity and interacting with them as individuals, advocating for them and championing them during editing, being transparent about the academic editing process and offering guidance on ethical boundaries
  5. finding work in academic editing, such as identifying clients who need your specific subject expertise, cold emailing, warm emailing (introductions to potential clients via previous clients), referrals by fellow editors, sharing opportunities with fellow editors, or being present online and at events that your clients attend

The Q&A that wrapped up the event covered numerous topics that can trouble academic editors, such as acknowledgements, moving from academia to editing, and whether there’s a difference between academic editing and scholarly editing.

The full event report will be posted by the end of October on the EFA’s Academic Editing Chapter website. It will include a list of resources mentioned by panelists and participants during the event.

Ideas? Suggestions? Want to volunteer?

6. MEMBER NEWS: Tell the world about your accomplishment

Editors Canada Member News is where we share information about members and affiliates who win awards, publish books and make their mark in other important ways.

Do you have an achievement you’d like to share? Are you excited about a new project or opportunity that has come your way? Let us tell the world all about it! Please send your stories to the member news coordinator.

7. NEC: Notes from your national executive council

One of the main things that drew me to the profession of editing is a deep love for language. I believe in the power of the written word to not only reflect but also influence culture. Language is human. Language evolves. Language adapts. Language communicates more than words.

I am proud to be part of an organization of editors who are not only extremely skilled but forward thinking, optimistic, and responsible with the impact they have on how language is used.

After a summer break, it was lovely to see our NEC directors (new and returning) at our September NEC meeting. It was my first opportunity to chair an NEC meeting, and I left the meeting feeling so grateful to be in the company of such inspiring people. We have a really dynamic, engaged group of directors representing the association, and I look forward to the great work that will be done this year.

The NEC will meet again on Saturday, November 19.

Maria Frank


a. Noun string

The national e-news update is produced on behalf of the national executive council by the national office.

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