Toronto, July 15, 2014—The Editors’ Association of Canada (EAC) has announced that Saskatoon-based editor Michelle Boulton is the recipient of the 2014 Lee d’Anjou Volunteer of the Year Award.
Boulton, a founding member of the Saskatoon (now Saskatchewan) branch of EAC, began volunteering shortly after joining the association in 2001. She held many branch executive positions from 2001 to 2008, and served several terms on the national executive council as well, including as EAC president from 2009 to 2011. Boulton also participated in drafting the 2009 edition of EAC’s cornerstone publication, Professional Editorial Standards, and served as editor-in-chief of the association’s national magazine, Active Voice/Voix active.
“I have always believed that you only get out of an organization what you are willing to give,” says Boulton. “I volunteer for EAC because I feel some obligation to contribute to my professional organization, but also because of the tremendous rewards I get from it.”
“It has been a great professional development opportunity—as a freelancer, I have learned a lot from colleagues who have more—or different—experience than I do, and from (EAC’s) national office staff, who have a whole other set of skills and experience. I have made important professional connections, but, more importantly, I have made some amazing friends.”
Boulton has brought an imaginative vision to all her roles within EAC and has worked tirelessly to bring the association to higher and more professional levels. She is also committed to her freelance business, where she leads a team of experienced professionals to offer services from editing to design and layout.
Established in 2010, EAC’s President’s Award for Volunteer Service recognizes outstanding service to the organization by member volunteers. From among the nominations received for the President’s Award, one nominee is selected to receive the Lee d’Anjou Volunteer of the Year Award. Recipients of the 2014 President’s Award for Volunteer Service are as follows.
Anne Brennan (Richmond, BC)
Janice Dyer (Mississauga, ON)
Alison Kooistra (Toronto, ON)
Anne Louise Mahoney (Ottawa, ON)
Naomi Pauls (Vancouver, BC)
Karen Virag (Edmonton, AB)
Stephanie Watt (Montreal, QC)
Claire Wilkshire (St. John’s, NL)

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About the Editors’ Association of Canada
Lee d’Anjou is a founding member of the Editors’ Association of Canada and remains a guiding force in the association. She is a champion of professional standards of editing, a pioneer of EAC’s certification program and one of the association’s most recognized and outstanding volunteers.
Additional information about EAC’s President’s Award for Volunteer Service and the Lee d’Anjou Volunteer of the Year Award can be found on the EAC website.
The Editors’ Association of Canada/Association canadienne des réviseurs began in 1979 as the Freelance Editors’ Association of Canada to promote and maintain high standards of editing. EAC is the voice of editors in Canada, with more than 1,500 members, both salaried and freelance, who work in the corporate, technical, government, not-for-profit and publishing sectors. EAC’s professional development programs and services include professional certification, an annual conference, seminars, guidelines for fair pay and working conditions, and networking with other associations. EAC has six regional branches: British Columbia; Prairie Provinces; Saskatchewan; Toronto; National Capital Region; and Quebec/Atlantic Canada, as well as smaller branches (called twigs) in Kitchener-Waterloo-Guelph, Ontario; Hamilton/Halton, Ontario; Kingston, Ontario; Nova Scotia; and Newfoundland and Labrador.
Media Contact
Michelle Ou
Communications Manager
Editors’ Association of Canada
Association canadienne des réviseurs
416 975-1379 / 1 866 226-3348