Policy purpose
The purpose of this policy is to meet the principles described in federal privacy legislation (the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act).
Not-for-profit corporations are not bound by this act. However, the Editors’ Association of Canada/Association canadienne des réviseurs wants to follow federal privacy principles.
Policy statement
The Editors’ Association of Canada (Editors Canada) respects the privacy of its members. It is committed to applying privacy principles to allow members to participate fully in association activities without compromising personal information.
Definitions used within this policy
Personal information, as defined by the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, means “information about an identifiable individual, but does not include the name, title or business address or telephone number of an employee of an organization.”
- Editors Canada members and affiliates who use their personal name, address, phone number or email address as their business name and contact information, and publish this information online (in the Online Directory of Editors or otherwise) have, in effect, decided to waive those aspects of privacy protection.
- Editors Canada members and affiliates who use their personal name, address, phone number or email address in the members-only directory have also waived those aspects of privacy protection.
A record includes “any correspondence, memorandum, book, plan, map, drawing, diagram, pictorial or graphic work, photograph, film, microform, sound recording, videotape, machine-readable record and any other documentary material, regardless of physical form or characteristics, and any copy of any of those things.”
Details of what this means for Editors Canada business is in the association’s Privacy Guidelines.
This policy applies to personal information collected by the association as it conducts business, including providing member services. The association in this case includes staff, branch and twig leaders, directors, committee chairs and all other association volunteers.
Editors Canada will follow the principles described in the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act with respect to collecting, sharing, using, storing and disposing of personal information.
Staff and volunteers who keep and maintain records with personal information will make reasonable security arrangements against unauthorized access, use, modification, disclosure or disposal of such records.
The executive director is the association’s privacy officer.
Contact information
Enquiries about this policy should be directed to the national office of the Editors’ Association of Canada.
www.editors.ca / www.reviseurs.ca
1-866-226-3348 (toll-free)
This policy is issued under the authority of the members of the Editors’ Association of Canada.
Substantive revisions to this policy must be ratified by a vote of the association’s national executive council.
This policy will be reviewed every five years.
The guidelines for implementing this policy appear in the document Privacy Guidelines.
Related documents are the Confidentiality Policy and the Confidentiality Procedures.
Privacy officer
Natasha Bood
Executive Director
Editors’ Association of Canada
Effective date: June 2021